
  1. 安盛投资管理公司(axainvestmentmanagers)的经历可能更加典型,该公司与浦发银行(spdb)合建有一家合资基金公司。

    The experience of AXA Investment Managers , which has a joint venture with Shanghai Bank , is perhaps more typical .

  2. 中国银行和上海浦发银行三年的绩效水平全部DEA有效,反映了其优良经营业绩的稳定性相对较高。

    Bank of China and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank have had the DEA effective performance for three consecutive years , reflecting the stability and efficiency of their operating performance .

  3. 与此同时,银监会银行监管三部主任徐风已被任命为上海浦东发展银行行长。花旗集团(Citigroup)在上海浦发银行持有3.8%的股份。

    Meanwhile Xu Feng , a director at the CBRC , has been named president of the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank , which is 3.8 per cent owned by Citigroup .

  4. 通过对轻松理财卡的宏观环境、行业环境、内部环境以及SWOT分析,深入地剖析南京浦发银行的市场环境和自身情况。

    According to the analysis for leisure banking card by macro environment , industry environment , internal environment , and SWOT , in-depth analyses the market environment and their own situation of Nanjing Pudong Development Bank .

  5. 浦发银行只有提高其ROIC并努力降低WACC才能不断提升公司的价值。

    In order to grow its company value , the rational strategy for Shanghai Pudong Development Bank should be increasing its ROIC and reducing its WACC .

  6. 花旗集团(Citigroup)持股3.8%的浦发银行拒绝就其融资计划置评,但银行人士和交易员表示,预计该行将在下月公布其2007年业绩报告前宣布其大规模增发计划。

    The bank , which is 3.8 per cent owned by Citigroup , declined to comment on its plan but bankers and traders said it was expected to announce the massive sale before its 2007 earnings report next month .

  7. 浦发银行沈阳分行运营操作风险管理研究

    Research on Operational Risk Management of Pudong Development Bank Shenyang Branch

  8. 浦发银行哈尔滨分行零售银行业务发展战略

    The Development Strategy of Retail Banking Business in PuDong Development Bank HarBin Branch

  9. 以上海浦发银行的交易为例。

    Take the Pudong Bank deal .

  10. 大力发展小企业信贷业务是浦发银行可持续发展的保证。

    The development of micro-loan business is the guarantee of sustainable development of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank .

  11. 两个大型公司:中国平安和浦发银行最近宣布将进行大规模增发。

    Two big companies recently announced large secondary offerings : Ping An Insurance and Pudong Development Bank .

  12. 反应了浦发银行在利率风险控制方面政策比较平稳。

    Reaction of the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank in the interest rate risk control policy is relatively stable .

  13. 我国上市银行流动性风险信息披露研究&基于浦发银行年报的分析

    Research on the Liquidity Risk Disclosure of China Listed Banks & A Case Study Based on China Pufa Bank

  14. 浦发银行表示:本次增发募集资金将全部用于补充核心资本。

    All proceeds raised through this additional share offer will be used to supplement core capital , the bank said .

  15. 我们很高兴相聚在此共同庆祝浦发银行总部迁居新址

    We are very pleased to gather together here to celebrate the relocation of the head office of the Pudong Development Bank

  16. 实证结果表明:浦发银行的资产流动性水平控制策略效果基本上与随机存货理论相符。

    The empirical results showed that the level of liquidity controlling was almost relative to the model of stochastic inventory theory .

  17. 中小企业已成为浦发银行的重要客户来源,因此,中小企业客户关系营销是浦发银行关系营销的重要组成部分。

    SMEs already became the most important clients and they became a part of relationship marketing of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank .

  18. 在此基础上,在第四部分,本文对我国商业银行进行制度创新的收益和风险进行了定性和定量分析,定量分析中以浦发银行作为分析对象;

    In the 4th part , the article turns to the benefits and risk of commercial bank in China , both in qualitative and quantitative analysis .

  19. 吴永刚表示,这笔交易将帮助浦发银行将资本充足率提高4个百分点,至接近14%。

    Mr Wu said the deal would allow Pudong Development to boost its capital adequacy ratio by four percentage points to close to 14 per cent .

  20. 随着企业内部信息化建设的不断深入,浦发银行已经建立了和正在建设数目庞大的信息系统和业务系统。

    With the development of enterprise informationization , Shanghai Pudong Development Bank has been built and is building a large number of information system and business system .

  21. 此前,浦发银行上周五表示,正筹划向战略投资者出售股份,并宣布股票停牌。

    The confirmation of talks comes after Pudong Development 's shares were suspended last Friday as the lender said it was preparing to sell stakes to strategic investors .

  22. 本文以南京浦发银行为例,在对相关营销理论进行阐述的基础上,为南京浦发银行选择适合自身发展的轻松理财卡组合营销策略。

    In the basic of relevant marketing theory elaborating , suitable development of marketing strategy of leisure banking card combination for Nanjing Pudong Development Bank has been chosen .

  23. 本文的创新在于:一是运用理论分析和实例论证相结合的方式,通过对浦发银行年报分析以及与其他优秀银行的比较分析,系统地论证了浦发银行流动性风险管理中存在的主要问题。

    Demonstrates the major problems in liquidity risk management of SPD bank systematically through analyzing the annual report of SPD bank , and comparing it with other excellent banks .

  24. 中国工商银行、中国银行、浦发银行、中国建设银行等上市银行近期都公布了再融资方案,本文以此为背景分析了我国上市银行的再融资行为。

    Industrial and Commercial Bank , Bank of China , Shanghai Pudong Development Bank , Construction Bank , Bank of Nanjing and other listed banks have recently announced refinancing programs .

  25. 其研究成果为以浦发银行为代表的商业银行进一步提高管理水平和经营绩效提供了一定的理论依据,最后阐述了本文的结论与不足。

    The result is provide a theoretical basis for further improve management and business effectiveness of represented SPD Bank of commercial bank , finally pointed out the conclusion and scarcity .

  26. 据中国媒体报告,上海浦发银行现任行长傅建华要么将被降为副行长,要么将离开该行。

    Fu Jianhua , the current president of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank , will either be demoted to deputy president or leave the bank , according to Chinese press reports .

  27. 最后根据实证分析与战略转型的评价,总结浦发银行在战略转型中存在的不足之处,有针对性的提出提高其经营绩效的对策与建议。

    Finally , based on the empirical analysis and evaluation of strategic transformation , summarize the deficiencies in the strategy transformation of SPD Bank , proposed to the measures and suggestions to improve the business effectiveness .

  28. 通过分析浦发银行总行现行信贷政策和审贷制度等信贷风险管理内容,指出浦发银行中小企业信贷风险管理中在流程、制度方面存在的一些弊端。

    Combined with the actual of SPD Bank , we analyzed the current credit policies and pointed out the existing problems on procedure and system of medium-sized and small enterprises credit risk management in SPD Bank .

  29. 招商银行、浦发银行、兴业银行等在8月份前后公布了融资计划之后,股票跌幅都超过20%,其表现已经将股市上涨受制于商业银行的信贷增长昭示给投资者。

    China Merchants Bank , Shanghai Pudong Development Bank , Industrial Bank , after they announced the financing plan in August , the stock fell more than 20 % , whose performance is made clear to investors .

  30. 2010年央行突然宣布加息后,包括浦发银行在内的中小型商业银行流动性风险随即出现结构性上升的趋势。

    In 2010 , when the central bank suddenly announced the increasing of lending rate , the liquidity risk of small and medium sized commercial banks appeared a structural upward trend , including Shanghai Pudong Development Bank ( SPDB ) .