
  • 网络floating seal
  1. 浮动密封加工和装配方法的探讨

    Approaching the method of machining and assembly for floating seal

  2. 液体火箭发动机超高转速泵浮动密封环研究

    Study on Floating Seal Ring of Hyper-rotate-speed Pump in Liquid Rocket Engine

  3. 牙轮钻头用新型单金属浮动密封研究

    The new-type mono-metal floating seal for roller bit

  4. 牙轮钻头金属浮动密封研究及设计

    Research on Metal Floating Seal for Roller Bits

  5. 采用3级(导套、浮动密封环组、盘根)组合密封结构设计方法,实现石油热采密封系统的密封要求。

    Seal assembly of three stages ( guide sleeve , shiftable seal ring unit and disc-seal ) is adopted to accomplish the sealing of oil heat extraction equipment .

  6. 对于水平中开式多级输油泵,由于中间级叶轮与最后级叶轮之间的间隙较大,压差也最大,泄漏非常严重,采用带直角迷宫密封槽的简易浮动密封,可有效减小内部级间泄漏。

    As for a horizontal longitudinally split multistage oil transmission pump , by using a simple floating sealing with rectangular labyrinth groove , leakage between stages can be reduced effectively .

  7. 浮动密封环作为非接触式液体间隙密封,具有密封压差大、泄漏量较小、能自动调心和对中、理论上无磨损、对转子有辅助支撑作用等优点。

    The floating seal ring is a non-touch liquid clearance seal with lots of advantages : large differential pressure , small through-flow , automatically center adjusting and centering , non-friction in theory , providing auxiliary support for the rotor .

  8. 应用当今最先进的非线性有限元分析软件MSCMarc,结合单金属浮动金属密封结构的装配过程对其密封机理进行了有限元分析。

    This article makes an investigation in the sealing mechanism of metal face seals for rock bits in process of assembly by Msc . Marc , an advanced nonlinear FEM software .

  9. 浮动油封密封环热喷涂工艺的应用研究

    Research on Thermal Spraying for Flow Oil-seal Ring and Its Application

  10. 浮动端面密封环压射套的应用

    Application of Injection Sleeve for Floating End Face Seal Ring

  11. 浅槽环瓣型浮动环密封的性能分析

    Performance Analysis of the Shallow Slot Split Floating Ring Seal

  12. 浮动端面密封环材料及其热处理的研究

    A Study of the Materials and Its Heat-treatment for Floating End-face Seal Rings

  13. 浮动端面密封在钻机中使用

    Applications of Floating Mechanical Seals in Drilling Rig

  14. 浮动端面密封结构的性能分析

    Analysis of floating end face seal with FEM

  15. 浮动端面密封环光干涉检测的理论和应用

    Theory and Application on the Inspection of Floating End-face Seal Rings by Optical Interference

  16. 研究了粉末热锻浮动油封密封环的材质、表面处理、显微组织对其耐磨性的影响。

    The effects of material composition , working surface treatment and microstructure on wear resistance of powder hot-forging flow oil-seal ring were studied .

  17. 在牙轮钻头中成功应用单金属浮动金属密封结构的关键在于控制密封端面之间的接触压力。

    How to control the normal stress between sealing faces is a critical factor while using metal face seals for rolling cutter rock bits .

  18. 在浅槽环瓣型浮动环密封静态性能分析的基础上,对其动态特性进行了研究分析。

    In order to study the performance and feature of the shallow-slot split floating ring seal , the dynamic characteristic was discussed based on static analysis .

  19. 本文介绍光干涉条纹及其检测高精度浮动端面密封环密封面的理论与应用。

    This paper introduces the optical interference and its theory and application on the inspection of high precision flatness of the seal-face of floating end-face seal rings .

  20. 本文对两种合金及其热处理进行了研究,并且找到了浮动端面密封环最佳的热处理工艺。

    In this paper , two kinds of alloys and its heat-treatment are studied , and the best heat-treatment technology for floating end-face seal rings is developed .

  21. 结果表明:浅槽环瓣型浮动环密封具有相当优越的稳定性,具有相当大的刚度和非常迅速的反应速度;

    The results indicate that the shallow-slot split floating ring seal has plenty of advantages , such as ascendant stability , high stiffness and rapid reaction speed ;

  22. 运用有限元法对高速牙轮钻头浮动端面密封的性能进行分析,计算模拟了浮动端面密封在装配过程和不同工作条件下结构的变形和接触表面应力变化。

    In this paper , the performance of floating end face seal in high speed rock bit is investigated with FEM . The assembly process , structure displacement and stress variation of contact area under different working condition are calculated and simulated .

  23. 试验结果表明粉末热锻FeCuMoC材质浮动油封密封环的表面硬度大于HRC63,工作表面存在弥散微孔,具有贮油作用,有利于油膜形成,从而提高其耐磨性。

    The result of test indicates the surface hardness of powder hot-forging Fe-Cu-Mo-C flow oil-seal ring is more than HRC 63 and there are dispersion tiny holes on working surface , which can store lubrication oil to form oil film and increase wear resistance .

  24. 浮动球阀的密封比压分析

    Sealing Pressure Analysis of Float Ball - Valve Based on FEA

  25. 钛制浮动式球阀密封结构设计

    Sealing Construction Design for Float Ball-Valve Made of Titanium

  26. 浮动和接触密封对轴系振动影响的测试及分析

    Testing and analysis of impacts of floating and contact sealings on shaft system vibration

  27. 浮动式双向金属密封蝶阀的设计

    The design principle of floating bi-directional metal sealing butterfly valve

  28. 浮动球阀采用弹性密封圈结构设计。

    The structure design of elastic sealing ring has been adopted for Floating ball valves .

  29. 原泵轴封采用浮动环形式的密封结构,密封稳定性较差。

    Original shaft with floating ring seal forms a sealed structure , sealed and is less stable .

  30. 分析了三偏心蝶阀在反向受压时存在的问题,论述了一种新型浮动式双向硬密封蝶阀的设计原理及阀座加工的工艺要求。

    Through analyzing the potential problems for tri-eccentric butterfly valve when received pressure from reverse direction , this article discusses the design principle for a new type of floating bi-lateral metal sealing butterfly valve and the technical requirements on seat-machining .