
  1. CEC网络&实现海上战斗兵力群战术协同作战的关键

    CEC Network : The Key to Achieve Tactical Co operation Engagement of Sea Battle-group

  2. 在夺取制海权的作战中,海上战斗兵力群是最重要的。

    The battle group is the most important in the operation of capturing naval power .

  3. 由于军事技术的日益综合和交叉,这种海洋环境因素已经成为提高海上战斗力,并使武器装备保持优势的关键所在。

    Since the increasing synthesis and cross of the military tech , these sea surrounding factors have be the key to improve the sea battle ability and keep the advantages of the army equipments .

  4. 亚哈绝不是凡夫俗子,他上过大学,也到过吃人生番聚居的蛮荒之地,他在海上战斗,用鱼枪对付过比大鲸鱼更可怕的家伙!

    Ahab 's above the common ; Ahab 's been in colleges , as well as ' mong the cannibals ; been used to deeper wonders than the waves ; fixed his fiery lance in mightier , stranger foes than whales .

  5. 他的首要任务是使海上的敌人失去战斗力。

    His first task was to cripple the enemy at sea .

  6. 海上补给作为海军战斗力和生存力的保障,各国海军对其极为重视,纷纷把海上补给放到建设强大海军的重要地位。

    Replenishment is the protection of combat effectiveness and viability of the fetus at sea , and many countries attached very great importance to it . It makes a important position in building a powerful navy .