
  • 网络current meter
  1. 数字滤波技术在电磁海流计中的应用

    The Application of Digital Signal Processing in the Electromagnetic Current Meter

  2. S4球形固态传感器海流计

    Spherical Solid State Sensor Current Meter

  3. SLY(1-1)型声学多普勒海流计

    Model sly_ ( 1-1 ) acoustic Doppler current meter

  4. 系统采用ADCP剖面海流计、S4浪流潮仪等先进传感器。

    The system use ADCP , S4 , and other advanced instruments .

  5. CI-30型多普勒声纳海流计及其在黑潮调查中的应用

    CI-30 Doppler Current Meter and Its Application in The Kuroshio Survey

  6. UCM-60海流计在海洋观测中的应用

    Application of UCM-60 Ultrasonic Current Meter in Oceanographic Survey

  7. AWAC应用及其与海流计的比较分析

    Application of AWAC in Hydrographic in Huanghua Port and the Comparative Analysis for AWAC and Ocean Current Instrument

  8. 结合UCM-60声学海流计相关实测数据,发现以上分析结果可以得到局部的初步验证。

    Combine with the data of UCM ( Ultrasonic Current Meter ), the original verification can be got for the theoretical analytic result .

  9. 通过分析并结合UCM-60超声海流计和ADCP走航式测流仪相关实测数据,初步验证了这种研究南海上层季节环流所用的数值计算方法。

    Combining with the data of UCM and ADCP , the original verification can be get for the way of numerical calculation , which is used to research upper layer seasonal circulation in South China Sea .

  10. 本文以实例说明了声学多普勒海流计在同一站位,多台仪器进行同步观测的可行性,并且对TP801单板机把该系统数据采集方面所做的软、硬件设计给予具体的阐述。

    The feasibility of synchronous observation using several acoustic Doppler current meters at one station is outlined in this paper with some experimental results . A description of the hardware and software design for the data acquisition system , on TP 801 microprocessor is also presented .

  11. 声学海流计多普勒信号的采集与处理

    The Doppler singnal acquisition and processing of an acoustic current meter

  12. 地磁电流量计地磁海流计电地磁流量计四电极电磁流量计磁场分布特性数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Field Distribution Characteristics of the Four-electrode Electromagnetic Flowmeter

  13. 旋桨式海流计流速检定及其动态特性的探讨

    Discussion on the Identification for the Propeller Current Meter and its Dynamic Characteristics

  14. 多普勒剖面海流计及其海上试验

    Doppler Current profiler and Its Sea - test

  15. 电磁海流计传感器性能的比较

    Comparison of Electromagnetic Current Meter Sensor

  16. 自由降落式电磁海流计

    A Free-Fall Electromagnetic Current Meter

  17. 轻便海流计

    A portable current meter

  18. 多普勒海流计

    A Doppler Current Meter

  19. 此种罗盘可用于各种海流计上作为测向传感器,也可用于其他需测方位角的仪器上。

    Being used as a current direction sensor , this compass is suitable for all kinds of current meters required by measuring direction .

  20. 本文简要介绍了超浅海水域中直接测流的实际问题,讨论了海流计的动态方程及其特性。

    Practical problems concerning direct current measurement in very shallow water including the dynamic equation and performance of a rotor type current meter are discussed in this paper .

  21. 测量完毕,取回海流计,用水上机即可将所测数据打印出来,或输入计算机内进行处理。

    Upon the retrieval of the current meter , the data can be printed out or dumped to the computer for fur - ther processing on the deck unit .

  22. 本文分析了科研人员利用海流计长期探测某一海域海流数据的实际困难,并结合海流计的基本原理及大型海洋浮标的结构特点,研制出了一种大型海洋浮标上海流计固定装置。

    According to the radical principle of ADCP and the structure characteristics of the big sea buoy , we developed a type of setting-equipment for ADCP setting on the big sea buoy .

  23. 一种海流计保护帽,其特征是一圆桶形的帽,帽壁上开有两个槽,帽底有两根锥形的柱。

    A sea current meter protective cap is characterized by being a drum-shaped cap , a cap wall is provided with two grooves , and the cap bottom is provided with two cone-shaped posts .

  24. 声学多普勒海流剖面仪(ADCP)是最近十几年来迅速发展起来的一种新型海流计。

    Acoustic doppler current profiler ( ADCP ) is a current measurement device of new generation rapidly developed in the past decade .