
hǎi ɡuān cānɡ kù
  • customs warehouse
  1. 买主未按期限提取的货物可以在海关仓库中保留21天。

    The buyer fails to extract the period the goods may be retained in the customs warehouse for21 days .

  2. 海关仓库货物出仓单发货单上列出了样品费。

    The invoice charges us for the sample .

  3. 货物已入海关仓库,完税后你即可将货物提出来。

    The goods are in bond ; on paying duty you can get the goods out of bond .

  4. 货物已入海关仓库,完税后你即可将货物提出来。他指出,出口货物的完税价格为货物的离岸价。

    The goods are in bond ; on paying duty you can get the goods out of bond . He noted that the customs value of exported goods was the F.O.B. price of the goods .

  5. 空港区域海关监管仓库的增值服务研究

    The Research on the Value-added Service for the Customs Supervised Warehouses in Air-port Region

  6. 毫无疑问没有经过四个方面即:发货人,海关,仓库员和理货员的检查货物是不允许被上。

    Undoubtedly , the cargo is not allowed to ship on board without passing four parties , namely , the shipper , the customs officer , the warehouse keeper and tallyman .

  7. 相较之下,在上海的文化走廊,西岸有自己的海关保税仓库,可以提供艺术品进口、运输和保险一站式服务。

    By contrast , along the Museum Mile , the West Bund has its own bonded customs warehouse , which has one-stop service for importing artworks and taking care of shipping and insurance .

  8. 《中华人民共和国海关出口监管仓库注册登记证书》有效期为3年。

    The period of valid of the Certificate shall be3 years .

  9. 济南高新技术产业开发区海关综合保税仓库

    Jinan high & New Technical Industry Development Zone Customs multiple bonded storage

  10. 存放海关监管货物的仓库、场所的经理人应当按照海关规定,办理收存、交付手续。

    The managers of warehouses and places where goods under Customs control are kept shall complete procedures for the receipt and delivery of goods in accordance with Customs regulations .

  11. 这种变化意味着,购买商品的公司通常需要借助有海关监管的保税仓库的专业物流公司,处理商品从出厂到出口之间的所有分拣工作。

    The change has meant companies buying the goods often need to use specialist logistics companies with bonded , customs-supervised warehouses for any sorting between the factory and export .

  12. 旅客携运属下列情形的物品,海关不予放行,予以退运或存入海关指定的仓库。

    Articles belonging to the following categories cannot be allowed for clearance and shall be returned to the place of consignment or kept in the appointed warehouse by the Customs .