
hǎi yánɡ xué yuàn
  • oceanography institute
  1. 普通高校公共体育教学创新与实践&以浙江海洋学院为例

    The Teaching Innovation and Practice of Public Physical Education in Universities

  2. 建立海洋学院第一阶段的筹备性援助。

    Preparatory Assistance for the Establishment of an Oceangraphic Instate Phase I.

  3. 浙江海洋学院学生网络生活调查研究

    Investigation and Analysis on Network Life of Students in Zhejiang Ocean University

  4. 曾就读于浙江海洋学院生物学系,热爱生物实验和人体解剖实验。

    Have been studied at the Department of Biology , Zhejiang Ocean University .

  5. 标本保存在青岛山东海洋学院生物系。

    The specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology , Shandong College of Oceanology , Qingdao .

  6. 地方高校教师国际交流的现状及应对措施&以浙江海洋学院为例

    Status and solution to teachers ' international exchange in local colleges & A case study of Zhejiang Ocean University

  7. 媒体多元化背景下高校学生记者队伍建设初探&以浙江海洋学院鸥讯社为例

    Preliminary Studies on the Construction of University Student Reporters under the Multi-media Background & A Case Study of Zhejiang Ocean University

  8. 1987年首次在中国北京举办了国际海洋学院海洋管理培训班。

    In 1987 , the training course on ocean management of the International Ocean Institute was offered for the first time in Beijing .

  9. 发挥高校优势全面对接区域社会经济&以浙江海洋学院服务区域社会经济为例

    Bringing University 's Advantage into Full Play and Rendering an Overall Service to the Regional Socio-economic Development & A Case Study of Zhejiang Ocean University

  10. 高校贫困生膳食营养与体质健康状况的调查研究&以浙江海洋学院为例

    An analysis on the meal nutrition and physique health of the impoverished undergraduates in colleges and universities & to take Zhejiang Ocean University as an example

  11. 例如,浙江海洋学院英语专业大一新生、19岁的单海萍(音译)就坚信雷锋精神就是坚守自己的行事原则。

    For instance , Shan Haiping , 19 , a freshman English major from Zhejiang Ocean University , believes the spirit means guarding one 's principles .

  12. 问卷首先分发给河北农业大学中兽医学院和海洋学院的英语专业的137名学生。

    The designed questionnaire was administered to 137 first grade students from the English majors in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine College , and Ocean College of Hebei Agriculture University .

  13. 高校图书馆数字信息资源配置策略&以浙江海洋学院图书馆为例普通工科院校海洋技术专业《遗传学》教学实践与思考

    The Strategies for the Digital Information Resource Allocation in University Libraries & A Case Study of the Library of Zhejiang Ocean University Teaching Practice and Thinking of Genetics in General Engineering College

  14. 方法将浙江海洋学院医学院护理专业2003级147名护生为教改组,2002级141名护生为对照组。

    Methods One hundred and forty-seven nurse students of grade 2003 in Zhejiang Ocean College Medical School were selected as teaching reform group , while 141 of grade 2002 were selected as control group .

  15. “这次的事件不能以‘这不是问题’而结束,”南佛罗里达州海洋科学学院院长WilliamHogarth说。

    " This can 't be passed off as'it 's not going to be a problem , ' " said William Hogarth , dean of the University of South Florida 's College of Marine Science .

  16. 班戈大学海洋科学学院的劳尔·巴特勒教授说:“我们一开始就估计错误,也许我们当时发表自己的研究成果过于仓促了。但是现在我们能完全确定、我们估算出了它的准确年龄。”

    Dr Paul Butler , from the University 's School of Ocean Sciences , said : " We got it wrong the first time and maybe we were a bit hasty publishing our findings back then . But we are absolutely certain that we 've got the right age now . "

  17. 我是上海海洋大学爱恩学院即将毕业的大四学生,对于我的BFA141成绩有一些疑问,期望在您这里能够等到一些帮助。

    I am the senior of the Aien College of the Shanghai Ocean University . I have some questions about my marks of the BFA141 , and if you can give me some explanations , I will be appreciated .

  18. 附新种与近似种的形态图20幅。模式标本保存在青岛海洋大学水产学院水产动物标本室。

    Sited in the Fisheries College , Ocean University of Qingdao .

  19. 厦门海洋与环境学院海洋科学和技术研究院

    Academy of the Sciences and Technology of the Sea

  20. 研究标本保存于广东海洋大学水产学院。

    Specimens are deposited in the College of Fisheries , Guangdong Ocean University .

  21. 研究对象为来自中国海洋大学外国语学院英语专业的35名本科生和35名研究生,以及来自伦敦的15名英语本族语者。

    The subjects are 35 undergraduate English majors and 35 postgraduate English majors from Foreign Language Department of OUC , and 15 English native speakers from Britain .