
  • 网络overseas compatriot;Hearts for the Motherland;A Loyal Overseas Chinese Family
  1. 在异国他乡的土地上,我真切地体会到海外赤子的命运与祖国的富强是休戚相关的。

    When I am abroad , I deeply feel that the good or bad fate of oversea Chinese greatly depends on the strong or week motherland .

  2. 本文以此为论述对象,探讨作者通过其笔下的海外赤子、浪子和游子等人物形象所体现的民族想像以及其中的忧患意识。

    I discuss the imaginary of the nation as embodied in the images of the overseas compatriots , loafers , and wanderers , and sense of anxiety .