
  • 网络Ocean Centre;Ocean Center;Nausicaa
  1. 基于PLC和组态软件的海洋中心平台注水及原油集输监控系统

    Supervisory System of Water Injection and Oil Convergence and Transportation on Sea Central Platform Based on PLC and Configuration Software

  2. 我有个朋友在那里的海洋中心工作

    I have a friend who works up there at a marine center .

  3. 该岛地处海洋中心,因而常受飓风的袭击。

    The location of the island in the middle of the ocean subjects it to frequent hurricanes .

  4. 保罗已经2岁半了,是2008年在英格兰苇茅斯一家海洋中心孵化的。

    Paul was two-and-a-half years old and had been hatched at another centre at Weymouth in England in 2008 . Uncanny knack

  5. 奥博豪森海洋中心,在周一(10月25日)晚上的最后一次检查中,还发现保罗好好的。可是,在周二(10月26日)早上就发现它死去了。

    The Oberhausen centre said he had seemed fine when last checked on Monday night but was found dead on Tuesday morning .

  6. 奥博豪森海洋中心的工作人员说,当他们得知保罗在夜里离开的时候,都承受不了这个打击。

    Staff at the Sea Life centre in Oberhausen said they were " devastated " to learn that he had passed away during the night .

  7. 科学家通过研究海洋中心,解读自冰河时代结束以来近1万年的气候变化模式。

    The scientists studied ocean cores to " read " a pattern of climate change over the last 10,000 years , since the end of the ice age .

  8. 海洋中心经理斯蒂芬·鲍威尔说,保罗猜对了所有德国队参加的比赛结果,点燃了包括战败方在内的每一块土地上人们的热情。

    The centre 's manager , Stefan Porwoll , said that Paul had correctly guessed the winner of all Germany 's World Cup matches , including their defeat , and had " enthused people across every continent . "

  9. 上周,亚特兰蒂斯资源有限公司成功地将世界上最大的潮汐涡轮机AK1000部署在位于苏格兰奥克尼的欧洲海洋能源中心的35米深的水中。

    Last week , the Atlantis Resources Corporation successfully deployed the world 's largest tidal turbine , the AK1000 , in35 meters of water at the European Marine Energy Centre in Orkney , Scotland .

  10. 该公园中有一个保护海洋的中心

    The park has a conservation centre that helps protect marine animals

  11. 联合各方力量建设区域海洋科学中心

    Unite All Forces to Establish the Regional Ocean Research Center

  12. 嵊泗海洋文化中心剧场看台结构设计

    Structural design of theater platform in Shengsi Ocean Cultural Center

  13. 因为其他在海洋研究中心的学生只拿到三个学分。

    Because the other students at the center for marine research are only getting three .

  14. 大西洋海洋科学中心

    Ocean Science Center of the Atlantic

  15. 本文讨论了成立国家海洋技术中心对我国海洋技术发展的影响。

    The advancement of establishing National Ocean Technology Center on ocean technological development in China is discussed in this paper .

  16. 海洋哺乳动物中心人员只好再把他救起,载到距旧金山27英里的法拉隆岛上放生。

    The Marine Mammal Center again picked him up and released him in the Farallons , 27 miles from San Francisco .

  17. 这是这头1岁大的海狮最近一次与人类接触,海洋哺乳动物中心的工作中员替他取名为「亚斯卓」。

    It was the latest brush with humans for the 1-year-old sea lion , called Astro by staffers at the Marine Mammal Center .

  18. 北约克郡的斯卡博勒海洋生物中心的海洋专家对其进行分析,他们称,出现双色龙虾的概率仅为五千万分之一。(环球时报网)

    Ocean experts in Sikabole Marine Life Center , North Yokshire , analysed the lobster and said it appears with a probability of one-in-billion .

  19. 国家海洋信息中心产品研发部主任刘克修表示,全球气候变暖是造成中国海平面上升的主要原因。

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said in its last assessment report that China could be one of the biggest casualties of global warming in coming decades .

  20. 国家海洋信息中心承担着《海洋通报》、《海洋信息》、《海洋通报》(英文版)等三种海洋科技期刊的编辑出版工作。

    Three marine academic journals , Marine Science Bulletin , Marine Information , Marine Science Bulletin ( English Edition ), are currently edited by the National Marine Data and Information Service .

  21. 但是他们理想的发电系统,利用海不安的愤怒-这就是为什么欧洲海洋能源中心已设立在奥克尼群岛店。

    But they 're ideal for power-generation systems that harness the restless fury of the sea & which is why the European Marine Energy Centre has set up shop in the Orkney Islands .

  22. 佛罗里达州莫特海洋实验中心的罗伯特·胡特尔博士呼吁研究人员和媒体停止使用“鲨鱼攻击”这个词组,他表示这个词组错误地设定了鲨鱼的动机和意图。

    Dr. Robert Hueter of Mote Marine Laboratory Center in Florida is calling for researchers and the media to stop using the phrase shark-attack which he says wrongly speculated on sharks ' motives and intentions .

  23. 通过对胜利油田海洋应急中心在溢油应急守护、溢油回收及海上环保巡逻检查等方面的描述,找出与国外发达国家的差距,并提出响应的改进措施。

    Through description on emergency handling and guard , and recovery of spilled oil , and patrol inspection in environmental protection by marine emergency handling center , the gap between home and abroad is found , appropriate upgrading measure is recommended .

  24. 伊恩·蒂贝茨是昆士兰大学海洋科学中心的一位海洋生物学家。他表示,这是一条年幼的鲹鱼,藏在水母的触手中是为了防御天敌。

    Ian Tibbetts , a marine biologist at the Centre for Marine Science at the University of Queensland , said the fish is thought to be a juvenile trevally , which are known to hide among the stingers of certain jellyfish to protect themselves from predators .

  25. Box说此处正是海洋航路的中心,是连接波斯湾与世界各地的纽带。

    Box said this area is right in the middle of the main shipping lanes that connect the Persian Gulf and the rest of the world .

  26. 中国记者XueJingmeng跟国家海洋环境预报中心的一名研究人员交谈,该人员解释了对中国沿岸的威胁。

    Our reporter Xue Jingmeng spoke to a researcher at the national marine environmental forecasting center , who explained the threat to the Chinese coast .

  27. 目前,这一系统正在国家海洋监测预报中心(青岛)进行试运行。(2)研究和实现了MODIS数据图像溢油区域的分类。

    Now , this system is operated by National ocean monitoring forecasting center ( Qingdao ) at trial . ( 2 ) Carrying out and finishing the classification of oil spill area on MODIS data image .

  28. 日本海洋科学技术中心技术发展现状

    The technique development actuality of Japan Marine Science and Technology Center

  29. 中国海洋石油研究中心渤海研究院;

    Bohai Research Institute of China Offshore Oil Research Center ; 2 .

  30. 准确掌握渔场、渔期是海洋捕捞的中心

    To Precisely Control Fishing Ground and Fishing Season is the Heart of Marine Fishing