
hǎi ɡuān jiǎn yì
  • customs quarantine control
  1. 请您在到达上海之前填写好这些表格,并放在护照里。当您办理移民海关和检疫等手续时需要它们。

    Would you please fill out these forms and place it inside your passport before you get to shanghai ? You 'll need them when you go through immigration , and customs quarantine .

  2. 与海关和检验检疫局保持良好的工作关系。

    Maintain well relationship with customs and CIQ authorities .

  3. 海关凭卫生检疫机关签发的特殊物品审批单放行。

    The Customs office shall let them pass after checking the Certificate of Approval for Special Articles issued by the health and quarantine organ .

  4. 实施稳定外贸增长的政策,改善海关、检验检疫等监管服务。

    We implemented the policy to keep increases in foreign trade stable and improved customs , inspection , quarantine and other supervision and control services .

  5. 自2006年4月1日起,旧版进口废物批准证书一律作废,海关及检验检疫部门不再接受报关和报检。

    As from Apr1,2006 , all old version approval documents will go invalidity , Customs and departments of inspection and quarantine will no longer accept declaration and inspection report .

  6. 内陆无水港又称集装箱内陆港,是指沿海港口在内陆地区辟建的拥有海关和检验检疫等口岸功能的集装箱场站。

    Another name of inland dry port is container inland port , means the container depot set up by the coastal port in inland area which has the port function of customs and inspection and quarantine .

  7. 本系统对从事畜禽疫病防治、公共卫生检疫、食品卫生检验,海关进出口检疫以及市场检验等项工作具有实用价值。

    The system has very practical values in the works of epidemic disease preventing and curing on livestock and poultry , health and quarantine of public , health and quarantine of food , custom quarantine of imports and exports , the market testing .

  8. 省级、国家级旅游部门可以保留记录,并向公众、旅行社、行业组织,以及公安、海关、检验检疫、边防、交通、金融等政府部门进行通报。

    Provincial and national tourism authorities can maintain records and share them with the public , travel agencies , industry organizations , as well as government agencies responsible for public security , customs , inspection and quarantine , border protection , transportation and finance .

  9. 然而,在我国及其他国家,海关、检验检疫、边防等口岸执法部门均要求对进出口货物、人员进行检查并要求贸易商提供单证和数据。

    However , in China and other countries , import and export cargoes and incoming and outgoing people are subject to examinations of port enforcement authorities , including Customs , Inspection and Quarantine and Immigration , and traders are required to provide documents and data to the authorities .

  10. 改革市场准入、海关监管、检验检疫等管理体制。

    Reforms will be carried out in market access , customs supervision and inspection and quarantine management .

  11. 而且凭借以往的工作交往与海关、商品检验检疫局等执法部门建立了良好的合作关系。

    We have built up a good cooperative relation with government such customs and quarantine inspection bureau etc in the past years .

  12. 为了尽快办好到达目的地机场的手续,需要您在着陆之前填写好有关海关、移民、检疫的表格。

    In order to speed up the arrival formalities in the destination airport , you 're requested to fill in the forms for the customs , immigration and quarantine before landing .