
hǎi bīng
  • sea ice;rubble
海冰[hǎi bīng]
  1. 像北极熊和海象这样依靠海冰生存的野生动物也处于危险之中。

    Wildlife like polar bears and walruses that depend on sea ice to live is also in danger .

  2. 对于那些对巨浪毫无准备或依赖海冰保护的航海者和当地社区来说很危险。

    That could be dangerous for navigators and local communities who are unprepared for huge waves or depend on sea ice to protect them .

  3. 这是一次非比寻常的冒险。欧内斯特·沙克尔顿(ErnestShackleton)和他手下的船员们被困在海冰里数月,最终放弃了被撞毁的船只,徒步逃生。

    It was an extraordinary adventure ­ - Ernest Shackleton and his men trapped in sea ice for months on end before eventually abandoning their crashed ship and making an escape on foot .

  4. 报告还显示,海冰仍持续缩小,而且这些变化正在加剧更南边地区的极端天气模式。

    The same report revealed that sea ice continues to shrink , and that changes are fuelling extreme weather patterns further south .

  5. 气候模型预测海冰会大量减少,帝企鹅的数量可能会在2100年前随之减少一半。

    Climate models project large sea ice losses , and with them , perhaps , a 50 % reduction in the Emperor population by 2100 .

  6. 但他们从中得到的教训是,至少需要两艘破冰船来凿出通往搜索地点的道路,保持水域开阔,没有海冰的阻挡,以派出更多机器人。

    But the lesson learned is the need to take at least two icebreakers to smash a path to the search site and maintain open water to launch more robots .

  7. 它们在南极地区凶险的严冬时节繁殖,但它们需要九个月稳固的海冰来养育幼鸟,这意味着帝企鹅的前途未卜。

    They breed right in the middle of the ferocious2 Antarctic winter , but their need for nine months of stable sea-ice on which to bring up their young means they face an uncertain future .

  8. 应用chirp声呐探测海冰的试验研究

    Application of chirp sonar technique for sea ice monitoring

  9. 海冰动力学数值模拟中改进的PIC方法

    Modified PIC method for numerical simulation of sea ice dynamics

  10. 采用弹塑性理论研究了具有柱状结晶构造的海冰的SD效应。

    The SD effect of the sea ice with cylindrical crystal construction has been study with the elastic-plastic theory .

  11. ENSO循环过程与南极海冰变化

    ENSO events associated with the variation of the antarctic sea ice extent

  12. 北极海冰与ENSO事件在准四年时间尺度上的可能联系

    Potential Relationship between Arctic Sea-Ice and ENSO Events on Timescales of Quasi-Quadrennial-Year

  13. 因此海冰水作为农业灌溉水源时,棉花可以作为该区域内首选的经济耐盐作物予以广泛种植,但应适当考虑加大播种量,同时严格控制海冰灌溉水的w(盐)。

    However , the salinity of sea - ice water must be strictly controlled and the seeding amount should be properly increased .

  14. 南极海冰的变动与赤道SST的关系

    Relationship between the variation of the Antarctic sea ice extent and equatorial sea surface temperature

  15. 基于MODIS的海冰面积遥感监测及其与气温的相关分析

    Based on MODIS Sea Ice Area Remote Sensing Monitor and Correlation Analysis with Temperature

  16. 上周发表在《地球物理学研究通讯》(geophysicalresearchletters)上的这份研究表明,太阳热度将对北极海冰的减少产生越来越严重的影响。

    The research , published this week in Geophysical Research Letters , indicates that warmth from the sun will have an increasing impact on Arctic sea ice loss .

  17. GMS实时资料遥感海冰的研究

    Study on sea ice with GMS real time data

  18. 根据这一原理,合成孔径雷达(syntheticApertureRadar,SAR)图像被广泛地应用于监测海冰分布、海面浮冰流动方向等领域。

    According to this principle , Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) images are extensively used for the determination of distribution and floating direction of brash ice .

  19. 在这一频带上,海冰面积变化的热力强迫作用可分别激发出EU和EA大气遥相关型。

    At this frequency band EU and EA teleconnection patterns can be excited by the thermal forcing of the variation of the sea ice cover .

  20. 卫星遥感技术有着大范围获得数据资料、获取速度快、获得信息周期短等优点,可以满足我们的上述要求,所以本研究便采用了对极化SAR图像进行分析的方法来对海冰进行分类。

    Satellite remote sensing technology has the advantages , like getting data in a short cycle , getting data from a wide boundary and so on . So it can meet our above requirement .

  21. 这一结果验证了Silvia的海冰漂移理论。

    The observed results validate the Silvia model of sea ice drifting .

  22. 南极Bransfield海峡海冰沉积物中的自生石膏

    Autogenetic Gypsum in Marine Glacial Sediments in Bransfield Strait Antarctica

  23. 本文将南极海冰分为4个区:SPI1(0°-120°E),东南极海冰;

    In this paper , the Antarctic sea ice is divided into four regions : SPI1 , the eastern Antarctic region ;

  24. 多极化SAR不仅具有全天候全天时工作的能力,而且能提供非常丰富的海冰类型信息,是海冰监测业务化应用的理想数据源。

    Multi-polarization SAR has the ability of working at all-weather situation and all-day , it also can provide rich information about the type of sea ice . It is an ideal data source for sea ice business monitoring system .

  25. 使用南极半岛Orcadas等台站的气温多年观测资料,分析了南极半岛气温和周围海冰以及ENSO的初步联系。

    The Relationship between air temperature at Antarctic Peninsular , Antarctic sea ice oscillation and ENSO is analysed by using the 6 weather stations observation data on Antarctic Peninsular .

  26. 本文利用1973&1982年卫星观测的南极海冰资料,借助于谐波分析和谱分析计算方法,探讨了南极海冰与东、西太平洋赤道海温(SST)的关系。

    In this paper , the relationship between the antarctic sea ice extent and the equatorial seasurface temperture ( SST ) has been examined by means of the harmonic and cross spectralanalyses .

  27. 支持向量机方法能有效的区分SAR海冰图像上的海水和海冰区域,并相比同类训练机有着更好的数据和理论支持,发展前景巨大。

    The results show that support vector machine method can effectively distinguish sea ice and sea of SAR sea ice image . And compared to similar training machine , it has better data and theoretical support , and the development prospect is huge .

  28. A区的9月海冰面积指数和SST的时滞相关系数分布表明,次年4月开始在赤道东太平洋区域出现一显著负相关区,次两年的2月负相关达到最大,之后减弱消失。

    Distribution of correlation coefficient shows that a negative region appears over the eastern equatorial Pacific in the next April , and negative value reaches maximum in the next to next February , and weakens following .

  29. 中小尺度海冰动力学的粘弹&塑性本构模型及SPH数值模拟冰、风激励下海洋平台结构的非线性动力学和弛振分析

    Viscoelastic-Plastic Constitutive Model for Sea Ice Dynamics under Meso-Small Scale and Numerical Simulation with SPH Method ; The Nonlinear Dynamics and Galloping Analysis of the Offshore Platform Structures Subjected to Ice and Wind Excitation

  30. 夏季北极海冰激发的500hPa遥相关型

    Teleconnection pattern between the Arctic ice area and the 500 hPa geopotential height field during the northern hemispheric summer