
hǎi dài
  • kelp;Laminaria japonica;sea-tangle;sea-tent
海带 [hǎi dài]
  • [kelp] 长于海底石头上的一种带状含碘褐藻,有食用、制碘和药用价值。中医称昆布

海带[hǎi dài]
  1. 海带~(14)C代谢的初级产物研究

    Studies on the initial products of ~ ( 14 ) C metabolism in Laminaria japonica

  2. 海带孢子体DNA随机扩增反应条件优化

    Optimization of random amplified reaction conditions for Laminaria japonica ( Phaeophyta ) sporophyte DNA

  3. 海带喜荤。

    Seaweed tastes best with meat .

  4. 海带雌配子体对维生素C的反应

    Responses to vitamin C of the female gametophytes of Laminaria japonica

  5. 海带多糖对应激小鼠脑组织SOD、MDA的影响

    The effect of laminarin on SOD and MDA in irritated mice brain tissues

  6. 本文报道了植物生长素Q,C.对海带苗的影响试验。

    This article describes the effect of plant auxin Q. C. on Laminaria seedling .

  7. ICP-AES法检测Sr、Ca、Mg在海带亚细胞组分中的分布

    Study on Distribution of Sr , Ca , Mg in Subcellular Component from Laminaria by ICP-AES

  8. 海带细胞壁及细胞壁多糖中Sr、Ca、Mg、P分布

    Study on Distribution of Sr , Ca , Mg , P in Cell Wall and Its Fucoidin from Laminaria

  9. 海带(LaminariaJaponica)幼孢子体生长和光合作用的N需求

    Nitrogen Requirement of Growth and Photosynthesis in the Juvenile Sporophyte of Laminaria japonica

  10. 以海带为原料,采用超临界CO2萃取法进行海藻多不饱和脂肪酸提取的研究。

    Researched on extracting PUFAs from Laminaria japonica which used as the material by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction .

  11. TA乳粉对海带生长产量及品质的影响

    The Effect of Triacontanol on the Growth , Output and Quality in Laminaria japonica

  12. 海带(LaminariaJaponica)绿烂病的细胞学和生理学研究

    Cytological and Physiological Studies on Laminaria Japonica during Green Rot Disease

  13. 褐藻酸降解菌在海带(LaminariaJaponica)幼苗藻体表面数量分布特点及其对海带回染的初步研究

    Distribution and reinfection of alginic acid decomposing bacteria on juvenile Laminaria japonica

  14. 同时用鲜海带(LaminariaJaponica)作为对照组饲料。

    The kelp , Laminaria japonica was used as a control diet .

  15. 本研究利用AFLP分子标记技术揭示的海带材料多态性较高。

    In this study , AFLP revealed high polymorphism of Laminaria material .

  16. 植物生长调节剂TA乳粉对海带产量和品质的影响

    The Effect of Plant Growth Regulator TA Emulsive Powder on the Yield and Quality of Kelp

  17. 海带生长素IAA分离纯化及高效液相色谱分析

    Isolation and purification of auxin IAA from kelp and analysis by high performance liquid chromatography

  18. RAPD和ISSR标记在海带种质及其遗传多样性研究中的应用

    Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Selected Laminaria ( Phaeophyceae ) Cultivars with RAPD and ISSR Marker

  19. 海带多糖对CKD淋巴细胞Hpa表达具有抑制作用。

    Laminaran can inhibit the expression of Hpa in CKD Lymphocytes . 3 .

  20. 结果表明,海带中可溶组分S1可以提高芝麻油的早期抗氧化效果;

    The results show that S1 can increase the early antioxidant effect for sesame oil ;

  21. 以IAA标准品为对照,来检测海带生长素对微藻生长过程的影响。

    In comparison with standard IAA , we detect the influence of extracts from kelp on marine micro-algaes ' growth .

  22. 海带素(FGS)对高胆固醇血症小鼠血清胆固醇的调节作用

    Study on the serum cholesterol regulation of FGS from Lamina - ria japonica Aresch

  23. 目的探讨海带提取物褐藻糖胶对体外培养的人髓系白血病细胞株K562生长的影响,从细胞凋亡角度研究其抗肿瘤机制。

    Objective To study anti-tumor mechanism of fucoidan on human leukaemia tumor line K562.Methods The human leukaemia tumor cell lines were cultured in vitro .

  24. 使用PrimerPremier5.0软件对微卫星序列进行引物设计,最后设计得到266对微卫星引物可用于海带分子遗传学研究。

    Using Primer Premier 5.0 software to design the microsatellite primers and finally obtained 266 microsatellite primer-pairs for the molecular genetics study of Laminaria .

  25. 培养CKD患者外周血淋巴细胞中HpamRNA表达仍高于正常对照,海带多糖可减弱Hpa表达。

    Hpa mRNA expression is still higher in cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes than normal control group . Laminaran can decrease Hpa expression . 3 .

  26. 目的研究海带多糖(LaminariaJaponicaPolysaccharides,LJP)的耐缺氧作用及其抗疲劳作用。

    Objective To study the effect of laminaria japonica polysaccharides ( LJP ) on the hypoxia tolerance and fatigue resistance .

  27. PEG/(NH4)2SO4两水相萃取海带多糖的研究

    Extracting Laminaran Polysaccharides by PEG / ( NH_4 ) _2SO_4 Aqueous two-phase system

  28. 海带配子体srp基因的克隆及在大肠杆菌中的表达

    Cloning of srp gene from the gametophytes of Laminaria japonica and its expression in Escherichia coli

  29. [目的]探讨汞(Hg)、镉(Cd)和铅(Pb)离子在海带颗粒上的静态吸附平衡和填充柱动态吸附特性。

    Objective The static adsorption equilibria of mercury ( Hg ), cadmium ( Cd ) and lead ( Pb ) on kelp and adsorption dynamic characteristics of packed column were studied .

  30. 海带多糖治疗组大鼠外周血淋巴细胞HpamRNA及肾组织Hpa表达均低于肾病对照组。

    Both Hpa mRNA expression in peripheral blood lymphocytes and nephridial tissue of laminaran treated group rats are lower than these of control group with renal disease . 6 .