
  • 网络marine toxin
  1. 一起职工食堂海洋毒素食物中毒报告

    Report on a food poisoning accident in canteen due to marine toxin

  2. 海洋毒素大田软海绵酸完全抗原的制备与分析

    Preparation and analysis of complete antigen for okadaic acid

  3. 海洋毒素柳珊瑚酸的羧基改造及其毒理研究

    Carboxylic derivatives of Subergorgic acid and their toxicology

  4. 麻痹性贝类毒素(ParalyticShellfishPoisoning,PSP)是一类阻断神经细胞钠离子通道,对人体神经系统产生麻痹作用的海洋生物毒素。

    PSP ( Paralytic shellfish poisoning ) toxins , distributing widely in marine environment , are potent neurotoxins which can block voltage-gated sodium channels on excitable cells and finally result in signs of paralysis .

  5. 海洋生物毒素&一类重要的新药研究先导化合物

    Marine biological toxins & A kind of important lead compounds for new drug research

  6. 海洋微生物毒素研究进展

    Advance in research of marine microbial toxins

  7. 海洋藻类毒素的生态毒理学研究

    Ecotoxicological research on the marine algae toxin

  8. 因此,检测海洋水产品贝类毒素是迫在眉睫的任务。

    So shellfish toxin detection is an urgent task .

  9. 实验结果表明,光学图像分析系统能对海洋水产品贝类毒素进行快速和自动化检测。

    The results indicated that optic image analysis system was able to detect shellfish toxins fast and automatically .

  10. 海洋活性物质主要包括生物信息物质,生理活性物质,海洋生物毒素及生物功能材料等。

    Bioinformational substances , physiological active substances , marine biotoxin and biofunctional materials were included in the marine active substances .