
  1. 如果能让人类意识到现在对海洋生态保护严重缺乏的话,本刊的这个专栏作家会很乐意去吃上几块油炸大熊猫。

    This columnist would happily eat deep-fried panda nuggets if it would help draw attention to the absurd lack of focus on ocean conservation .

  2. 必须尽快编制生态保护规划以强化水资源管理,积极推行生态农业,加强海洋生态保护力度。

    It requires : making up ecology protection plan to strengthen water resource management ; carrying out ecological agriculture , protecting ocean ecological environment .

  3. 蓝色主义者越来越依循绿色主义者的做法,并开始到处游说人们进行自然保护,以提高鱼类的储存量并援助海洋生态保护。

    Increasingly , the blues are taking a leaf out of the green book , and campaigning for nature reserves to improve fish stocks and aid marine conservation .

  4. 同时进一步探讨了近岸海域的开发对浮游动物的生态影响,为海洋生态保护提供科学依据。

    Further more , the effect of coastal development to the living environment of zooplanktons is discussed , so as to provide the scientific basis for oceanic ecology protection .

  5. 中国海警局4月20日与生态环境部、交通运输部、国家林业和草原局联合启动为期7个月的“碧海2021”海洋生态环境保护专项执法行动。

    The China Coast Guard on April 20 launched a special law enforcement campaign coded " Blue Sea 2021 to enhance marine Administration . It will run for seven months .

  6. 加强海洋生态环境保护,实现海洋产业可持续发展;

    Reinforce the protection of the ecological environment and achieve sustainable development of marine industries ;

  7. 同时,要树立海洋生态环境保护意识,加强渔业立法,促进海洋渔业可持续发展。

    At the same time , it must set up environment protection consciousness of the ocean and promote sustainable development of the ocean fishery .

  8. 根据2002和2003年年水质监测数据和历史资料,着重分析和评价了上海市金山三岛海洋生态自然保护区海域营养盐含量水平及其变化趋势。

    Based on the monitoring datum of sea water quality in the Jinshan Three-Islands Marine Ecological and Natural Conservation Area in 2002 and 2003 , the emphasis on analyzing and assessing in the present condition and change tendency of the environmental quality was done .

  9. 海洋生态系统法律保护研究

    Study on the Legal Protection of Marine Ecological System

  10. 运行实践表明,该工程的实施,改善了海口湾地区的海洋生态环境,保护了海口湾的旅游资源。

    The running practice shows that the implement of this engineering improved the oceanic eco-environment of Haikou gulf estate , protected the resort resources .

  11. 国家海洋公园是生态保护、游憩活动与科学研究的完美结合,业已成为可持续发展的经典之作。

    National Marine Park is a perfect fit of ecology protection , recreational activities and scientific research , and it already becomes a classic work of sustainable development .

  12. 海洋资源与海洋生态保护

    Resources of Sea and Oceans and Marine Ecology Protection

  13. 海洋学数字数据系统黄海大海洋生态系监测和保护数据资料库

    Oceanographic digital data system The Database of the Monitoring and Protection of the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem

  14. 强化南海北部海洋经济区的生态保护措施,促进海洋资源可持续利用;

    Strengthen the ecological protection measure of the north marine economic district of the Nanhai , promote the sustained marine resource ;

  15. 该湾是广东沿海重要的海洋生物自然生态栖息保护区之一,礁滩增殖具有广阔的前景。

    The Bay is the one of important nature reserve of marine organisms in Guangdong coastal , developing of proliferation in rocky zone possess broad prospects .

  16. 辽宁海洋经济持续发展与海洋生态环境保护

    Sustainable Development of Oceanic Economy and Oceanic Environmental Protection of Liaoning Province

  17. 同时,海洋渔业资源的衰退及海洋生态保护意识的增强,拖网捕捞效率及生态影响问题逐渐成为关注的热点话题。

    With the recession of fisheries resources and the improvement of environment protection consciousness of the ocean , the catching efficiency and environmental influences of trawling has become a hot topic .

  18. 可将富含营养盐底层水带到表层,改进了海洋生态环境,因而对于海洋生态环境的保护、渔业捕捞及海洋养殖业的发展等具有指导意义;

    They bring the bottom water rich in nourishment to the surface , and then improve the growing conditions of ocean organisms and these have great impact on the ocean ecology environment , fish industry and breeding .

  19. 实施海洋牧场建设能修复近海受损海洋生态系统、保护海洋环境、提高渔业资源。

    Marine ranching is a good method to restore offshore damaged marine ecosystem , protect marine environment and foster the marine fishery resources .

  20. 海洋是大连的最大优势,大连的建置和发展得益于海,海洋生态环境保护是大连城市经济与社会可持续发展的前提。

    Major advantage of Dalian is sea , Progression and organization system of Dalian benfits from sea . It is the precondition of sustainable development of economic and social development for protecting marine ecology environment .

  21. 目前我国的海洋特别保护区建设尚处于不完善阶段,通过建设特别保护区实现海洋经济发展和海洋生态资源保护双赢的效果还没有充分显现。

    Currently , the development of special marine protected areas in our country is still incomplete . A win-win situation between the economic development and protection of the marine ecological resources has not fully revealed .

  22. 国家海洋局一位官员表示,于2011年首次推出的中国国家级海洋公园,为滨海休闲提供了公共空间,加强了海洋生态系统的保护,并促进了滨海旅游业的可持续发展。

    China 's state-level marine parks , first introduced in 2011 , offer public space for coastal recreation , enhance protection of marine ecosystems and boost sustainable development of coastal tourism , an SOA official said .

  23. 对海洋表层水温的研究,尤其是对包括所有中国海的西北太平洋SST的研究,将为发展我国海洋渔业生产和开发海洋生物资源以及海洋生态保护及其动态监测提供极为重要的辅助作用。

    Researching SST , especially that of north-west Pacific which includes all of sea of china , will provide help in fish culture of ocean , exploitation of resource of life-form in ocean , protecting entironment of ocean and dynamic monitoring and surveying .