
  • 网络Marine protected areas;MPA;MPAs;marine reserve
  1. 这个新建的海洋保护区现在是太平洋上最大的这里将不允许捕鱼和采矿。

    The new marine reserve , now the largest in the Pacific , will permit no fishing or mining .

  2. 在太平洋沿岸一侧,热点旅游地是islacoiba,这块与世隔绝的海洋保护区过去是臭名昭著的监狱群,最后一名囚犯直到2005年才获释。

    On the Pacific side , the hot destination is Isla coiba , an isolated marine reserve that was a notorious prison colony until the last inmate was released in 2005 .

  3. 参议员霍肯斯·鲍勒斯是帕劳《国家海洋保护区法案》的主要发起人,他说保护区将“通过守信我们过去的保护传统,给帕劳人民建立一个安全的未来”。

    Senator Hokkons Baules , lead sponsor of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary Act , said the sanctuary will " help build a allocate future for the Palauan people by honoring the conservation traditions of our past " .

  4. 运行着这里最先进的基地的韩国正加大其对南冰洋磷虾捕获量。而最近,俄罗斯倾尽全力阻止在这创建世界最大海洋保护区之一的各种努力。

    South Korea , which operates state-of – the-art bases here , is increasing its fishing of krill , found in abundance in the Southern Ocean , while Russia recently frustrated efforts to create one of the world 's largest ocean sanctuaries here .

  5. 为了避免这种情况,Stevens建议在海湾建立海洋保护区。

    To avoid that , Stevens has proposed turning the bay into a marine sanctuary .

  6. 来自南极和南大洋联盟(AntarcticandSouthernOceanCoalition)的代表马克·爱泼斯坦(MarkEpstein)表示,从会议的情况来看,很明显,绝大多数代表支持设立海洋保护区。

    Mark Epstein , a delegate from the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition , said it was clear from the meetings that the vast majority of delegates supported marine reserves .

  7. 我们就海洋保护区如何发挥功能进行了实质性的交流。

    There have been substantive conversations around how marine protected areas should function .

  8. 加勒比海海洋保护区的娱乐性水下呼吸器潜水活动:使用者支付费用吗?

    Recreational scuba diving in Caribbean marine protected areas : do the users pay ?

  9. 第二部分主要介绍海洋保护区的分类,国内外发展情况及特点。

    The second major part is about marine reserves classification and domestic and international developments and features .

  10. 颜色鲜艳的圣达哥濑鱼吸引世界各地的潜水爱好者来到普奈茨海洋保护区。

    Undisturbed species like Sandager 's wrasse attract sport divers from around the globe to Poor Knights reserve .

  11. 它上月正式对外开放,拥有9座别墅,建在一座面积86英亩、人迹罕至的岛上,四周就是海洋保护区。

    It opened last month and offers nine villas , set on an otherwise uninhabited 86-acre Island , surrounded by a marine sanctuary .

  12. 潜水队发现的垃圾最多的地方在科奇诺斯群岛海洋保护区方向,距离罗阿坦岛海滩15英里处。

    The worst of the rubbish the dive team found was about 15 miles off the coast of Roatan heading towards the Cayos Cochinos Marine Reserve .

  13. 他只观察皮尤慈善受托基金的专家们精确定位的区域,诸如新的或是被推荐的海洋保护区,以及被海盗捕鱼船频繁光顾的区域。

    Instead , he 's been watching areas pinpointed by experts at Pew , such as new or proposed marine reserves , and places frequented by pirate fishing vessels .

  14. 研究中他使用了来自鱼类禁捕区的数据,这些区域要么资源濒临枯竭,要么已划归为海洋保护区。

    In it , he pooled data from areas where fishing had been banned , either becausestocks had collapsed or because the space had been designated as aMarine reserve .

  15. 日前,来自24个国家和地区以及欧盟的代表一致同意在南极罗斯海划设全球最大的海洋保护区。

    Delegates from 24 countries and regions and the European Union have agreed that the Ross Sea in Antarctica will become the world 's largest marine protected area ( MPA ) .

  16. 这三个新的海洋保护区的总面积大致相当于西班牙。这3个地区有岛屿、暗礁、珊瑚礁和海底山脉。在那里生活着无数的物种。

    The three new marine monuments together equal an area roughly the size of Spain and are made up islands , reefs , atolls and underwater mountain ranges that are home to countless species .

  17. 70年代,建立海洋保护区还是鲜为人知的事儿。当时,人口数量也比现在少得多,对自然资源的需求比现在或者将来要小得多。

    In the1970 's , when few protected area existed in any ocean , human population was significantly smaller and the demands on natural resources far less than at present & or in the future .

  18. 在罗斯海设立新海洋保护区的决定由监管南极附近海域的国际组织“南极海洋生物资源养护委员会”一致通过,并于上周五在该机构在塔斯马尼亚的年会上宣布。

    The new marine protected area in the Ross Sea was created by a unanimous decision of the international body that oversees the waters around Antarctica - the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources - and was announced at the commission 's annual meeting in Tasmania last Friday .

  19. 太平洋上的岛国帕劳己经成为世界上第六大海洋自然保护区。

    The Pacific island nation of Palau has become home to the sixth largest marine world .

  20. 岛礁型海洋生物保护区(IMPA)的设计和管理:理论和实例研究

    Design and management of island marine protected areas ( impa ): a theoretical and case study

  21. 45岁的Pugh希望他的行为能劝说CCAMLR委员会能在罗斯海围绕英国、德国和法国设立海洋生物保护区。

    The 45-year-old hopes that his swims will persuade the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources ( CCAMLR ) to set aside a marine protection area the size of UK , Germany and France in the Ross Sea .

  22. 基于环境风险分析的海洋自然保护区生态补偿研究

    The Research on Ecological Compensation for Marine Reserves Based on Environmental Risk Analysis

  23. 可持续发展观与海洋特别保护区法律制度研究

    Sustainable Development and Study on Legal System of Special Protection Area of Ocean

  24. 我国海洋自然保护区制度探析

    Study on China s Oceanic Natural Reserve System

  25. 本文认为,海洋自然保护区可持续发展应协调好生态、经济和社会三大效益。

    The sustainable development of marine reserves should harmonize ecology , society and economy benefit .

  26. 美国国家海洋自然保护区监测及其对我国的启示

    U.S.National Marine Sanctuaries monitoring and enlightenment

  27. 模糊数学在辽宁省海洋自然保护区资源现状综合评价中的应用

    Application of the fuzzy set on the present comprehensive assessment of marine conservation places in Liaoning

  28. 英国政府在查戈斯群岛附近建立起世界上最大的海洋生物保护区。

    The UK government has created the world 's largest marine reserve around the Chagos Islands .

  29. 生态旅游作为可持续旅游的最佳形式,是海洋特别保护区可持续发展的有效途径。

    As the best way of sustainable tourism , eco-tourism is an effective approach to sustainable development .

  30. 海洋特别保护区、海上自然保护区的确定,须经国务院批准。

    The designation of special marine reserves and marine sanctuaries shall be subject to the State Council for approval .