
  • 网络Seagull Island;Koh Nanyuan;Seagull lsland;Koh Nangyuan
  1. 结合广东省虎门二桥项目海鸥岛互通立交的初步设计,具体分析了新型螺旋式喇叭形互通立交设计的一些方法和技术要求。

    Taking the primary design of Haioudao interchange in Guangdong province Humen2ed Bridge project for example , this paper introduces several design techniques about this new spiral trumpet interchange .

  2. 透过孤寂的塔上的那扇小窗户,他们能够看到蔚蓝的大海,凝望海鸥和海鹰在岛的上空来回掠过。

    From the little window of their lonely tower they could see the blue ocean and watch the gulls and eagles sweep back and froth over the island .