
  • 网络removal of harmfulness
  1. 排除危害类公益诉讼理论、制度和实践

    Theory , System and Practice of Public Interest Litigation in Removal of Harmfulness

  2. 我国环境法学界大多从环境民事责任形式角度论述排除危害。

    Most scholars in China discuss the removal of harmfulness in the view of civil liability of environment .

  3. 环境侵权救济中的排除危害责任研究

    On the Exclusion of Infringement in Environmental Civil Proceedings

  4. 排除危害环境污染民事责任构成要件研究

    Study on Constituent Elements of Civil Responsibility of Eliminating Danger in Environment Pollution

  5. 公路经营企业的责任形式主要包括排除危害和赔偿损失。

    The forms of liability mainly include removing harmfulness and compensation for the losses .

  6. 排除危害环境责任探析

    Research On Exclusion Of Endangering Environmental Liability

  7. 排除危害是环境侵权中一种积极预防性的救济措施。

    As an actively precautionary liability manner , the removal of harmfulness is one of civil liability of environmental invasion .

  8. 排除危害是一种积极性的预防环境危害的责任形式,它能够起到防患于未然的作用。

    Rule out the possibility of harm is a positive prevention of environmental damage liability , which can play a proactive role .

  9. 传统侵权法注重赔偿损失,在环境侵权领域应倡导排除危害之广泛适用。

    Although traditional law of torts attaches importance to the indemnity for damages , removing endangerment should be widely applied in this field .

  10. 环境侵权民事责任若干法律问题探析环境侵权救济中的排除危害责任研究

    An Analysis of Some of the Problems of Civil Liabilities in Environmental Injury ; On the Exclusion of Infringement in Environmental Civil Proceedings

  11. 第五部分责任形式部分,笔者提出了排除危害的责任形式,对既有的其他责任形式做了简要阐述;

    In Part Five , Responsibility Form , the author gives the responsibility forms to eliminate the nuisance , and discusses the other existing responsibility forms .

  12. 第六十一条受到环境噪声污染危害的单位和个人,有权要求加害人排除危害;

    Article 61 Any unit or individual suffering from the hazards of environmental noise pollution shall have the right to demand the polluter to eliminate the hazards ;

  13. 然而,由于环境危害有公益危害和私益危害之区别,制度上理应有排除危害类公益诉讼与排除侵害类私益诉讼之划分。

    However , since the harmfulness to environment differs into public interest and private interest , it is reasonable to divide it into public interest litigation and private interest litigation .

  14. 第四十一条造成环境污染危害的,有责任排除危害,并对直接受到损害的单位或者个人赔偿损失。

    Article 41 . A unit that has caused an environmental pollution hazard shall have the obligation to eliminate it and make compensation to the unit or individual that suffered direct losses .

  15. 因水污染危害直接受到损失的单位和个人,有权要求致害者排除危害和赔偿损失。

    Any unit or individual that has suffered damage directly from a water pollution hazard shall have the right to demand elimination of the hazard and compensation for the damage by the polluter .

  16. 主要有:增加赔礼道歉责任方式;扩大损害赔偿范围;进一步完善精神损害赔偿的规定及明确排除危害的适用前提。

    Including : ways to increase the responsibility apology ; expand the scope of compensating for the losses ; further improve the compensating for mental damage and definite the premise of eliminating danger .

  17. 同时,对排除危害各具体责任的适用,应运用利益衡量原则,以取得保护环境和促进经济发展双赢之效果。

    At the same time , in order to reach a double-winning effect in protecting environment and promoting economic development , the principle of benefit measure should be applied to the specific responsibilities in eliminating danger .

  18. 决策者应以上述理论为基础,综合考量我国现实状况,将排除危害类公益诉讼制度适用范围从环境污染类危害扩展到生态破坏类危害领域,并设计正当的诉讼程序和合理的裁判方法。

    Decision makers should consider the status quo of China based on those theories , and extend the public interest litigation in removal of harmfulness from environmental pollution to ecological destroy , and design reasonable litigation procedure and judging method .

  19. 摘要“排除危害”环境污染民事责任在构成要件上应与环境行政责任一致,即具备行为的违法性、主观方面有过错的要件,且要求行为与危害后果之间存在必然的因果关系。

    The component elements of civil responsibility of eliminating danger in environment pollution should be consistent with that of environmental administrative liabilities . i.e , the illegality of the behavior , the element of faults in subjective aspects and the inevitable cause-and-effect relationship between behavior and harmful outcome are required .

  20. 自救行为是一种私力救济,与正当防卫同属排除社会危害性的一种正当化行为。

    The self-defense is a kind of the private relief , and it is same as the justifiable defense , that are the justification to exclude social harmful .

  21. 刑法的违法阻却事由、合法抗辩事由以及排除社会危害性行为说是安乐死合法化的刑法理论基础。

    The criminal law theory concerning the legitimization of euthanasia has the basis of exemption from punishment , ground of legal pleading and theory of exclusion from endangering society .

  22. 执行上级命令在各国国内刑法中的规定各有不同,在我国刑法总则中只明确规定了正当防卫、紧急避险两种法定的排除社会危害性的行为,而对于执行上级命令没有明文规定。

    The general provisions of the Criminal Code specifies that only self-defense and emergency hedge are thought as two kinds of legal social harmful behavior , but for the execution of superior orders is not expressly stipulated in writing .

  23. 因此,实时有效的监测和测向民航的电磁环境、维护空中频率资源、及时发现和排除干扰危害就成为民航系统高度重视的问题,也是本论文选题的依据。

    Therefore , ensuring the safe use of civil aviation special radio frequency , real-time effective monitoring of the electromagnetic environment , using technology to maintain air frequency resources , timely discover and eliminate interference hazard has attached great importance to the issue for civil aviation system these years .

  24. 环境法侵害排除和排除危害制度&从美、日、德相关诉讼制度的视角

    On Environmental Injunction Systems with the Perspective of Relevant Environmental Litigations Systems in the US , Japan and Germany