
pái qì liànɡ
  • air displacement
  1. 环形管用于空压机排气量的微机检测

    The Application of Looping Pipe in Detecting Compressor Air Displacement with Microcomputer

  2. 本论文针对排烟风机性能的稳定性,主要研究地铁隧道通风排烟风机排气量的检测方法。

    According to smoke exhaust fan performance stability , this thesis mainly research on air displacement measurement method of ventilated exhaust fan in subway tunnel .

  3. 应用EPI热式质量流量计系统测试半封闭式螺杆制冷压缩机的排气量的研究

    Study for Test Compressor 's Let Gas Volume by The Insertion Style Flowmeter of EPI

  4. 对应于不同的柴油机排气量,低温等离子体气体喷射量存在一个最佳值,可使得NO转化为NO2的效率最高;

    Corresponding with different displacements of simulated diesel engine , the optimal quantity of non-thermal plasma gas injection exists , which will lead to the maximum conversion rate of NO.

  5. 通过进一步研究空压机装置系统的能量传递和损失原理,得到了整台压缩机装置的总效率ηz的表达式,该方程为空压机装置系统节能降耗和提高排气量指明了方向。

    Further studying the energy transfer and loss theory of the compressor device system derives the total efficiency η _z equation of the compressor device . The equation provides us the direction of saving compressor energy consumption and enhancing the discharge flow .

  6. 用于调节柴油机再循环排气量的EGR阀门是柴油机EGR系统的关键部件,所以控制EGR阀的步进电动机的控制驱动问题是柴油机EGR自动控制系统的重要环节。

    The EGR valve is a key part , which can regulate the EGR rate . The driving problem of the stepping motor used for actuation of the EGR valve is very crucial in diesel engine EGR control system .

  7. 那个时代典型的肌肉车都会有大排气量的八缸引擎,大概都有4000cc到5000cc,甚至更多。

    The muscle cars of that era typically all had large displacement V8 engines starting from four to five liters ( 4000cc to5000cc ) and upwards .

  8. 压缩机排气量快速充罐试验方法

    Method of FLow Measurement for Displacement Compressor by Filling a Receiver

  9. 降低汽车的排气量是为了全人类的福祉。

    The reduction of car exhaust is good for all mankind .

  10. 提高对石油经济的标准,要求汽车减少排气量。

    Raise fuel economy standards , require lower emissions from automobiles .

  11. 关于空压机排气量公式的进一步推导

    Further inference about the formula of gas fiow of air compressors

  12. 容积系数对活塞式压缩机排气量的影响

    Influence of volumetric coefficient on the ventilation of the piston compressor

  13. 空气压缩机排气量下降的原因分析与处理

    Causes Analysis of Decreasing of Exhaust Volume of Air Compressors

  14. 加氢精制循环氢压缩机排气量变化分析

    Variations analysis on discharge quantity of hydrofining circulating hydrogen compressor

  15. 蜗杆压缩机理论排气量的计算

    Computation of the Theoretic Air - Exhausting Quantity of Worm Air - Compressor

  16. 发动机下排气量大、机油耗高和断环问题的分析及改进

    Analysis of Big Exhaust and Oil Consume and Piston Ring Break of Engine

  17. 活塞式压缩机排气量的现场测量

    Measurement in site on the capacity of gas discharge for piston type compressor

  18. 用途:常用于要求抽气时间短和排气量大的场合。

    AppIications : Mostly used where short pumping time and large throughput are required .

  19. 活塞式压缩机顶开吸气阀调节排气量的分析

    Analysis on Air - regulation for Reciprocating Compressor with Pressing - off Inlet Valve

  20. 煤矿用空气压缩机排气量测量方法比较

    Compare of methods testing the displacement of air compressors using in the coal mines

  21. 离心式空气压缩机排气量减少的故障分析与处理

    Faults Analysis of Reduction of Air Discharge Capacity ofa Centrifugal Air Compressor and Solutions

  22. 采用测温系统测量微型风冷空压机缸壁温度场的分布,在不同散热片高度条件下对缸壁温度及排气量、功率进行了测量。分析不同散热片高度对缸壁温度场、压缩机性能的影响。

    The authors measured the temperature field in the cylinder wall of an air -

  23. 要经常采取对其排气量的测定结果进行分析而实现。

    This paper analyzes the results of determination according to the displacement of air compressor .

  24. 建立叶片偏心式旋叶式压缩机基元容积及排气量计算数学模型。

    Established the mathematic model of the basic capability and the calculate formula of eject volume .

  25. 活塞式压缩机排气量的全量程无级调节

    Stepless Capacity Regulation in Reciprocating Compressor

  26. 用皮托管测量I-100/8和4L-20/8压气机排气量

    Measurement of Air Flow of Compressors I-100 / 8 and 4L-20 / 8 by Pitot Tube

  27. 一般情况下,可选择容量为排气量20%的储气罐。

    Under normal circumstances , the option for the displacement capacity of20 % of the gas tank .

  28. 活塞式压缩机运转效率的降低主要表现在排气量的下降。

    The main representation of the fall of running efficiency of air compressors is the air discharge scarcity .

  29. 空气压缩机的排气量、高压腔的容积是影响系统压力补偿响应特性的关键因素。

    The flow rate of the compressor and the volume of high pressure chamber are the key factors affecting the characteristics .

  30. 与传统的单、双缸滚动转子压缩机相比,在相同体积下,这种结构具有更大的排气量,拓宽了滚动转子压缩机的使用范围。

    Compared with the traditional rolling piston compressor , the proposed one has higher effective volume and will be widely applied .