
  1. 使用面向服务的体系结架构(SOA)的其中一大动力在于提升企业的敏捷度,并将不可避免的改变所带来的影响减到最小。

    One of the main drivers for using of the Service Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) is to increase enterprise agility and minimize the impact of inevitable changes .

  2. 随着更多手机和平板设备开始装备能支持高清分辨率游戏的处理器和图形芯片,开发者将有更大动力入驻GooglePlay。

    As the broader handset and tablet space start having CPUs and GPUs that can provide great high definition gaming , there is a big incentive for developers to be on Google Play .

  3. 绿色营销战略与四大动力系统构建

    The green marketing strategy and construction of four big dynamic systems

  4. 人的行为受两大动力体系的驱动。

    Man 's behavior is driven by two systems of motive power .

  5. 科学技术和管理是推动人类社会进步的两大动力。

    Science & technology and management are impetuses to promote human 's progress .

  6. 需求牵引和技术推动是武器装备发展的2大动力。

    The development of weapons and equipment is driven by requirements and technology .

  7. 你工作的两大动力是什么?

    Describe two things that motivate you at work ?

  8. 消费、投资和出口是推动经济发展的三大动力。

    Consumption , investment and exports are the three major driving forces for economic development .

  9. 因此,在当前环境下,相对于进一步的定量宽松,财政措施会给经济提供更大动力。

    Fiscal measures would therefore gain more traction than further QE in the current environment .

  10. 一种大动力锤;通过凸轮提升在重力作用下释放。

    A massive power hammer ; raised by a cam until released to fall under gravity .

  11. 目前提升估值的第三大动力是对最佳商标的渴求。

    A third powerful driver of the current write-ups is the thirst for the best logos .

  12. 为实现新时期中国群众体育发展战略,本文从大动力观的视角揭示了这种动力系统和结构。

    The structure and system was discovered from " macroscopical drive " view in present paper .

  13. 失业救济回复正常水平又将让美国经济的另一大动力&灵活的就业市场得到解放。

    Getting back to normal frees up another of our greatest strengths , our flexible labor markets .

  14. 当代大学生学习积极性具有六大动力因素,且具明显的时代特征;

    Learning activeness of the university students today has six motive factors with obvious features of the times .

  15. 此地区内经济增长的第三大动力是自由人民的无限潜力。

    The third great force for economic growth in this region is the limitless potential of free people .

  16. 房屋和公寓租金上涨将成为推动通胀的一大动力。

    Increased rates for rental homes and apartments will serve as a big drive of a rise in inflation .

  17. 茶叶是中国最为主要的出口货物之一,也是各东印度公司贸易的大宗货物,故而随着饮茶在欧洲的流行也是荷兰东印度公司积极开展蔗糖贸易的一大动力之一。

    Tea is one of the most major export goods for China and the bulk goods for East India Company .

  18. 集群经济已经成为当今世界经济发展的一大动力和趋势,表现出了明显的优势。

    Cluster economy is the main force and trend for the development of world , and manifests its obvious advantages .

  19. 尤其在近年来云计算概念的提出为虚拟化技术的发展提供了更大动力支撑。

    In particular , the concept of cloud computing in recent years provides greater support for the development of virtualization technologies .

  20. 消费是推动生产发展的三大动力之一,消费状况如何,直接影响到一个国家的经济发展方式和速度。

    Consumption is one of three motive powers which promote production , and influence the way and rate of economic development .

  21. 刺激美国市场太阳能电池板需求的一大动力是30%的联邦投资税收抵免。

    One driver for panel demand there has been a federal investment tax credit for 30 per cent of the spend .

  22. 从个体来讲,挣钱、供子女上学是最直接的推动因素,教育与消费是两大动力。

    For the individual , to earn money , and to send children to school were the most direct driving factors .

  23. 社会资本已经同物质资本、人力资本并称为推动当代社会发展的三大动力要素。

    Social capital , material capital and human resource capital are known as three motive force factors to propel contemporary social development .

  24. 在服务组织模块化的内部,价值协同与风险规避是促成服务模块化的两大动力要素。

    In the internal of service modularity organization , the value synergy and risk aversion are two elements contributed to service module .

  25. 在此基础上,作者提出形成现代企业竞争情报系统的四大动力机制。

    Based on the general description of eCIS , the author puts forward the four driving force mechanism of Competitive Intelligence System .

  26. 这些改革也要求地方预算对已登记流动人口承担责任,可能导致各个城市产生限制流动人口进入的更大动力。

    The reform also mandates local budgets assume responsibility for registered migrants , potentially providing a further incentive for cities to limit migration .

  27. 社会发展理论认为,政府机制、市场机制及社会机制这三大动力引擎共同推动着社会不断发展。

    Social development theory is that the Government , market mechanisms and social mechanisms for the three major engine work together to promote social development .

  28. 边际变动的成本与效益将更为清晰:比如澳大利亚的小型矿商将有更大动力构建产能。

    Costs and benefits of marginal changes will be clearer : small Australian miners , for example , will have more incentive to build capacity .

  29. 晶圆级封装、三维芯片堆叠和绝缘体上硅技术是推动晶圆键合技术发展的三大动力。

    WLP ( Wafer Level Package ), 3-D Chip Stacking and SOI ( Silicon-on-insulator ) are the three impetuses for the development of wafer bonding technology .

  30. 货物贸易和服务贸易的发展成为经济增长的两大动力,尤其是服务贸易的发展势头更为迅猛。

    The development of goods and service trade have become two major driving force of economic growth , particularly the service trade with more rapid development momentum .