
  • 网络The Nature Conservancy;tnc
  1. 因此,美国的大自然保护协会发起了一场激烈的野猪清除战役,甚至还用上了直升飞机和神枪手。

    So the Nature Conservancy launched a   fierce   war against the pigs , complete with helicopters and sharp shooters .

  2. 美国大自然保护协会还向众多入侵物种发起了宣战,从羊群到植物再到具有攻击性的阿根廷蚁。

    The Nature Conservancy has    declared   war on a multitude of invasive species here , from sheep to plants to the   aggressive   Argentine ant .

  3. 但他说,“绝大多数重要的非政府环保组织”支持政府的计划,其中包括世界自然基金会(WorldWildlifeFund)和大自然保护协会(NatureConservancy)。

    He did say the government 's plan was supported by " the overwhelming majority of key environmental nongovernment organizations , " including the World Wildlife Fund and the Nature Conservancy .

  4. 美国环保组织大自然保护协会(NatureConservancy)在周一表示,只要对仅占中国国土面积6%的集水区的污染加以预防或改善,就能提高73%的国民的饮水质量。

    The Nature Conservancy , a US-based environment group , estimated on Monday that preventing or ameliorating pollution in water catchments that together make up only 6 per cent of China 's land area would improve drinking water quality for 73 per cent of its people .

  5. “人们并不关心生物多样性。”美国大自然保护协会的CraigLeisher在英国伦敦动物学会举办的“连接生物多样性保护和减贫:什么、为什么以及如何”的会议上说。

    The meeting , 'Linking biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction : what , why and how ? 'which was held at the UK 's Zoological Society of London .

  6. 由于9个捐助国和美国非政府组织大自然保护协会的捐助,该基金目前拥有1.6亿美元。

    The fund is currently worth US $ 160 million thanks to contributions from nine developed countries and the Nature Conservancy , a US nongovernmental organisation .