
  • 网络Popular Mechanic
  1. 你真想到《大众机械师》上班吗?

    Do you really want a job with popular mechanics ?

  2. 他们受到了《大众机械师》杂志1975年11月刊的启发,

    They were energized by the arrival of the January 1975 issue of Popular Mechanics ,

  3. ·《大众机械》(PopularMechanics)杂志文章:《安迪•瑟金斯与动作捕捉技术的革命》。

    Andy Serkis and the evolution of motion capture technology .

  4. 大众机械师-我也有,以应付乘客座椅传感器,但它说些的时候,我把沉重的包有或我有一个违抗乘客坐在那里。

    Popular Mechanics-I also have to deal with the passenger seat sensor , but it says something when I put a heavy package there or I have a defiant passenger sitting there .

  5. 关于此事,《消息报》引用《大众机械》俄国版的主编亚历山大·格里克的话称:目前在俄罗斯,法律依然禁止个人购买和使用这样的机器作为交通工具。

    In this regard , Izvestia quoted Alexander Grek , chief editor of the Russian edition of the magazinePopular Mechanics , as saying that individuals are still legally barred from buying and using such vehicles as a means of transportation in Russia .

  6. 例如,《大众机械》的编辑丽贝卡-戴说,她的许多男性朋友害怕承认自己无知,经常把她当做购物伙伴,而且让她去问问题。

    For example , Rebecca day , a technology editor for popular mechanics , says that many of her male friends are so afraid to admit ignorance that they enlist her as a shopping buddy who tags along and asks questions for them .

  7. 大众汽车公司的机械式G型增压器

    Volkswagen 's G Type Mechanical Supercharger