
dì sān zhě
  • a third party;tertium quid;the third person;mistress;the third person (or party);tertius gandens;paramour
第三者 [dì sān zhě]
  • (1) [the third person (or party);tertius gandens]∶两个当事人之外的人

  • 在一桩秘密中不能有第三者

  • (2) [paramour]∶没有丈夫或妻子的合法权利而占居此位置的人

第三者[dì sān zhě]
  1. 这类壮举发生的时候,难得有第三者在场目睹过

    It'seldom happened that a third party ever witnessed any of these prodigies .

  2. 不足额保险下,当保险标的由于第三者责任造成保险损失后,保险人在履行赔偿义务的前提下,取得对第三者的代位追偿权。

    Under wantage insurance , when the loss is caused by a third party , the insurer gains the indemnity-recovering right of subrogation therefrom , provided that the insurer executed its duty of indemnity .

  3. 新闻界很快把她描述成“第三者”的角色。

    The press were quick to cast her in the role of ' the other woman ' .

  4. 他们婚姻的破裂仅仅因为有第三者插足。

    Their marriage has broken just because of the other man .

  5. 她做第三者已经有11个月了。

    She was a third person in a relationship for about 11 months .

  6. 我确信他有了第三者.

    I 'm sure he 's got another woman .

  7. 这时候要有个第三者出来斡旋。

    At a time like that there has to be a third party to intercede .

  8. 从表面上看,许多婚姻似乎是因为有了“第三者”才破裂的。

    On the surface , many marriages seem to break up because of a " third party " .

  9. 非单身人士不会给一个单身的人以承诺,除非你想当第三者。

    A married person or someone in a serious relationship will not totally commit to someone single . Except the thought of being a side-chick or side-guy is appealing to you .

  10. 然而,从大多数事例看,一个家的破裂,是早在什么“第三者”出现之前就开始了的。

    In the vast majority of cases , however , when a home is broken , the breaking has begun long before any " third party " has appeared on the scene .

  11. 供应商保持了强制第三者版(CTP)保险政策在每个国家的澳大利亚。

    The Supplier maintains a Compulsory Third Party ( CTP ) Insurance Policy in each State of Australia .

  12. 董事责任保险(D&O),是董事和高级职员责任保险(Directors'andOfficers'LiabilityInsurance)的简称,是指以公司董事和高级职员向公司或第三者承担的民事赔偿责任为标的的一种保险。

    D & O is the abbreviation for directors ' and officers ' liability insurance . The insurance object is the civil compensate liability by the company 's directors and the senior officers for the company or a third party .

  13. 利用SSL协议实现,能够对所有通过SSL信道传送的内容进行SSL加密并附带消息认证码,可防止第三者窃听或篡改;

    It can encrypt everything that passes through the SSL channels and append the message authentication code ( MAC ), while prevent the eavesdropping and tampering by the third party ;

  14. B.民法中的公平原则与保险法中的损失补偿原则是奠定保险代位求偿权制度的两大基石;保险人依法可向负有民事赔偿责任的第三者请求赔偿。

    The insurer can claim damages from the third party of civil liability . B. The fair principle in civil law and the damage compensation principle in insurance law lay good foundations for the system of the right .

  15. 贬低第三者信誉论辩只出现于美国听证会。(4)美国发言者更多使用反驳(Rebuttal),而中国听证会对反驳的运用较少。

    Degrading a third person only appears in American hearings . ( 4 ) More Rebuttals are used by American speakers than Chinese speakers .

  16. 纠纷解决替代方式(ADR)在美国经济民事活动领域中早已开始实践,它起因于通过中立的第三者协助争议当事人双方解决他们之间纠纷的过程。

    ADR refers to processes in which a neutral third party assists those in a dispute to resolve issues between them , which has been put into practice long in the area of economic and civil activity in America .

  17. 再谈对第三者的法律规范

    One More Study of the Legal Norm to The Third Party

  18. 透过互联网传送的资料,可能会被第三者截取。

    Information sent through the Internet is vulnerable to third-party interception .

  19. 你不用觉得自己是第三者。

    You do not have to feel like a third wheel .

  20. 受审核方:被审核的组织核能方面第三者责任公约

    Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy

  21. 严格说来你才是第三者而不是我

    technically , you 're the other woman , not me .

  22. 直接或者间接地同为第三者所拥有或者控制;

    Direct or indirect ownership or control by a third party ;

  23. 我已经厌倦做第三者的感觉了。

    I 'm just tired of feeling like the other woman .

  24. 试论机动车第三者责任强制保险的防灾防损功能

    On Loss Prevention and Control of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance

  25. 机动车交通事故损害赔偿与第三者责任强制保险探讨

    Analysis of Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Damages Third Party Liability Compulsory Insurance

  26. 同两个对立面相似但又不同的第三者。

    Some third thing similar to two opposites but distinct from both .

  27. 谁是始终走在你旁边的第三者?

    Who is the third who walks always beside you ?

  28. 加入第三者,创作你们自己的对话。

    Add a third speaker and create your own lines .

  29. 同时他也否认有第三者的介入。

    He has also denied the involvement of other women .

  30. 论第三者之精神损害赔偿责任

    The Third Party 's Liability Of The Mental Injury Compensation