
  • 网络First island chain
  1. 日本是一个群岛国家,位于亚欧大陆外缘地区,第一岛链的最北部。

    Japan is a island country , located in the Eurasia outer area and the first island chain of the northern .

  2. 中国海军已经发出信号称,它有意常态化地在分隔南海、东海和黄海与太平洋的所谓第一岛链以外执行任务。

    The Chinese navy has already signalled its intention to operate regularly beyond the so-called first island chain , which separates the South China , East China and Yellow seas from the Pacific Ocean .

  3. 去年夏天,在中国军舰编队首次通过日俄之间的宗谷海峡(SoyaStrait)之后,官方媒体称,中国实现了突破第一岛链封锁的长期梦想。

    Last summer , when its warships sailed through the Soya Strait between Japan and Russia for the first time , state media said China had fulfilled its long-held dream of breaking through the ' first island chain blockade ' .