
  • 网络ocean energy;Mariner Energy;Marine Energy;Mariner Energy US-ME
  1. 海洋能源是一种永不枯竭且无任何污染的可再生性能源。

    Ocean energy is a kind of renewable energy which is inexhaustible and no pollution .

  2. 半潜式平台是一种适用性广泛、自身性能良好的海洋能源勘探开发平台。

    Semi-submersible platform is a kind of exploiting ocean energy equipment which is widely used and good performance .

  3. 上周,亚特兰蒂斯资源有限公司成功地将世界上最大的潮汐涡轮机AK1000部署在位于苏格兰奥克尼的欧洲海洋能源中心的35米深的水中。

    Last week , the Atlantis Resources Corporation successfully deployed the world 's largest tidal turbine , the AK1000 , in35 meters of water at the European Marine Energy Centre in Orkney , Scotland .

  4. 另外,海洋能源科技公司的邓利维也强调,该行业将会创造好几十亿美元的收益。

    Still OPT 's Dunleavy insists that will make it a multi-billion dollar industry .

  5. 费里·佩莱格里诺穿上工人装,参观了海洋能源技术公司需要的下一批浮标的制造过程。

    And Phil Pellegrino is getting a tour as workers fabricate the next generation of OPT buoys .

  6. 这项计划是全世界利用海洋能源中规模最大的。

    This plan to harness the power of the sea is the largest of its kind in the world .

  7. 海洋能源是地球上最大的能源储备,是不需要燃料的理想能源,是不污染环境的清洁能源,是可再生能源。

    Ocean energy is the richest energy on the earth . It is a kind of clean and reproducible energy .

  8. 许多海军基地座落在海上,而在那里,海洋能源到处都是。

    A lot of navy and Marine Corps bases are located on the water and ocean energy is there all the time .

  9. 我们在海洋能源技术和电网方面的行动,也将提供很多研究合作的机会。

    We are in the marine energy technologies and grid action , a lot of research will also provide opportunities for cooperation .

  10. 基于此,对海洋能源的研究日渐增多,海洋能是一种无污染的清洁能源,不仅种类繁多,而且储量丰富。

    Ocean energy is a clean energy with great species and abundant reserves . Currently , lots countries are studying the conversion of ocean energy .

  11. 海上潮汐电站、波浪电站、温差电站等海洋能源开发利用工程;

    Projects of maritime tidal power stations , wave power stations , stations based on temperature difference , and other marine energy exploitation and utilization projects ;

  12. 不过随着反对风力补贴的的呼声渐长,海洋能源的支持者们减少了他们的工作,也证明了这样的慷慨解囊是有效的。

    But with resistance to wind subsidies growing , backers of marine energy now have their work cut out to prove that such largesse is justified .

  13. 为了有效地利用海洋能源,为某些水下系统提供便捷的电力供应,设计了一种小型的轴流式水轮机。

    In order to make full use of the sea energy , and to provide convenient power to some underwater system , a minitype water turbine is designed .

  14. 但是他们理想的发电系统,利用海不安的愤怒-这就是为什么欧洲海洋能源中心已设立在奥克尼群岛店。

    But they 're ideal for power-generation systems that harness the restless fury of the sea & which is why the European Marine Energy Centre has set up shop in the Orkney Islands .

  15. 在这些援助中,海洋能源科学公司获得了夏威夷的长海岸线的实验使用权。实验将在4000公里的海岸线上进行,时间定在严冬中,地点在俄勒冈州海岸。

    But for all the support , OPT has received a long Hawaii 's picturesque shoreline , the ture test may lie4,000 kilometers away , in the harsh winter environs of the Oregon Coast .

  16. 但随着人口增加等原因,可利用空余陆地面积急剧减少,人类已把目光转向海洋能源的开发利用。

    However , with the population and other reasons , we can make use of the land area of sharp decline in spare . People have eyes to development and utilization of ocean energy .

  17. “一大管空气可以经过过滤器随后净身而出。”波尔森在周二于阿姆斯特丹举行的海洋能源会议的间隙告诉法新社记者。此次会议为期两天。

    A large column of air will pass through the filter and come out clear , Boersen told AFP on Tuesday , speaking on the sidelines of a major two-day offshore energy conference in Amsterdam .

  18. 波浪能是海洋能源中蕴藏最为丰富的能源之一,也是海洋能利用研究中近期研究最多的海洋能源,其开发利用技术已趋于成熟,正在进入或接近于商业化发展阶段。

    Wave energy is an abundant renewable resource , work on wave energy can be considered the most in the field of oceanic energy utilization , and there had advanced significantly in recent years . Now wave energy utilization technologies are starting to be at or near commercial exploitation .

  19. 新兴的海洋可再生能源如海洋热能转换系统(OTEC)、地热能等及国际海底能源资源的开发等面临着诸多法律问题。

    The development of emerging marine renewable energy sources such as ocean thermal energy conversion systems ( OTEC ), geothermal energy and the international seabed energy resources has been faced with many legal issues .

  20. 建议重视对海洋新能源的开发。

    The paper proposed to think much of the ocean energy .

  21. 我国海洋可再生能源开发利用发展思路研究

    Development Strategy on Development and Utilization of Marine Renewable Energy in China

  22. 联邦内政部莫林·伯恩赫德负责海洋可再生能源项目。

    Maureen Bornholdt oversees offshore renewable energy projects for the federal Interior Department .

  23. 在21世纪,海洋是能源探索和开发的重要场所。

    In the 21st century , the sea is important site of energy exploration and development .

  24. 冲浪者和海洋科技能源的工程师都在寻找能量巨大的海浪。

    Both a surfer and an OTP engineer are looking for a wave with a lot of energy to them .

  25. 然而临港产业作为资源密集型产业,在促进经济增长的同时,又对海岸线、临港土地、淡水、海洋、能源等资源形成了极大的依赖性。

    However , as a kind of resource-intensive industries , port-vicinity industry has formed enormous dependence on the land , marine , coastline and energy in promoting economic growth .

  26. 潮流能发电设备的开发、关键技术的研究以及工程实施方法的研究,在未来海洋潮流能源开发利用中相当重要。

    Devices development of tidal current power plant , research of key technologies and methods of project implement are very important in energy development and utilization of tidal current power in future .

  27. 我国地域辽阔,海岸线长,以海上风、浪能为代表的海洋可再生能源是清洁能源的重要组成部分,蕴藏量十分巨大。

    Represented by wind and wave energy , marine renewable energy is an essential part of clean energy . As a vast country with long coast , China has a huge potential energy resource .

  28. 钻井船作为海洋石油能源开发的主要工具,由于其主要由钢铁材料制成,在海洋环境中腐蚀现象严重,主要承受海水和海洋大气的腐蚀。

    As the main tool to the exploration of the energy under the sea , due to it is made of steel , the drill boat suffers seriously corrosion in the atmosphere of sea environment .

  29. 阿纳达科公司承诺将继续其在中国的海洋油气能源的业务发展。

    Anadarko is committed to continuing responsible development of China 's offshore energy resources .

  30. 目前很多人对利用海洋中的能源兴趣颇多,利用海洋潮汐,

    There is currently a lot of interest in harnessing the power of the oceans , of the ocean tides , that is ,