
  • 网络Harbour Bridge;Sydney Harbour Bridge;harbor bridge;Auckland Harbour Bridge
  1. 这是凯特·布兰切特第二次爬上悉尼海港大桥(SydneyHarbourBridge)。

    It was Cate Blanchett 's second time climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge .

  2. 清洁悉尼海港大桥(SydneyHarbourBridge)曾是一个又危险、又脏、又累的活。

    Cleaning the Sydney Harbour Bridge used to be a dangerous , dirty and laborious job .

  3. 实际上,帕克目前正申请在悉尼海港大桥(SydneyHarbourBridge)附近建设一所六星级酒店和奢华的赌场。

    Indeed , Mr Packer is seeking permissions to build a six star hotel and luxury casino close to the Sydney Harbour Bridge .

  4. 昨天我坐船游览了著名的海港大桥。

    Yesterday I took a boat trip under the famous bridge .

  5. 特强沙尘暴中,驾车驶过尘埃笼罩下的悉尼海港大桥。

    Passing beneath the Sydney Harbour Bridge during a heavy dust storm .

  6. 他们终于在天黑之前到达海港大桥。

    They arrived at the Haigang Bridge before it was dark at last .

  7. 1932年的今天,悉尼海港大桥开通。

    1932-The Sydney Harbour Bridge opens .

  8. 从格拉斯哥来的夫妇,成为第一对正式在悉尼海港大桥上结婚的人。

    A couple from Glasgow becomes the first to get married officially on Sydney Harbour Bridge .

  9. 工人们本要搭乘这部升降机维修海港大桥。

    The lift is being used by workers to perform maintenance on a bridge at the port 's terminal .

  10. 景点包括标志性的悉尼歌剧院、海港大桥和邦迪海滩,该海滩是冲浪爱好者的圣地。

    Attractions include the iconic Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge as well as Bondi Beach , a mecca for serious surfers .

  11. 这是悉尼十年内第八次获此殊荣,其地标性建筑悉尼歌剧院、海港大桥以及美得让人吃惊的海滩闻名遐迩。

    It is the eighth time in10 years that Sydney , known for its iconic opera house , harbor bridge and stunning beaches , has topped the list .

  12. 从一艘渡轮或一架飞机上看,歌剧院胸围的空中轮廓线、碧蓝碧蓝的水和悉尼的海港大桥,是那么漂亮。

    Seen from the air or a ferry , the skyline of the Sydney Opera Hose , te blue water of the harbour and the Sydney Harbour Bridge , so beautiful .

  13. 上周日,数千人在悉尼海港大桥席地而坐,共进早餐。为举办此次大规模的集体野餐活动,悉尼的这一标志性建筑临时限行,并首次铺上了草坪。

    Thousands sat down to breakfast on the Sydney Harbour Bridge on Sunday after the iconic structure was closed to traffic and carpeted with grass for the first time for a giant picnic .

  14. 继悉尼歌剧院和海港大桥之后,澳大利亚即将增添一个新的标志性建筑。当地委员会审批通过了一个耗资3.3亿英镑、占地15公顷的中国主题公园,其中包括一个仿紫禁城门建造的1比1大小的大门。

    Australia 's iconic Opera House and Harbour Bridge are set to be joined by a new landmark after a council approved a £ 330 million , 15-hectare Chinese-themed park including a full-sized replica of the gates to Beijing 's Forbidden City .

  15. 目前,庆祝活动在悉尼继续著,成千上万的朝圣者们徒步走过悉尼海港大桥,前去参加烛光之夜的庆祝活动。星期天,教皇本笃十六世将主持一个规模庞大的露天弥撒。

    World Youth Day festivities have continued in Australia 's biggest city , with tens of thousands of pilgrims marching across the Sydney harbor bridge on their way to an all-night vigil at a race course before a giant , open-air papal mass on Sunday .

  16. 今年,谷歌为庆祝悉尼海港大桥开通80周年设计了涂鸦,还用涂鸦纪念摄影师埃德沃德•迈布里奇诞辰182周年,该摄影师证实了马在腾空瞬间四只脚是同时离地的。

    Doodles this year have celebrated the 80th anniversary of the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge , and the 182nd birthday of Eadweard J. Muybridge , the photographer who proved that all four of a galloping horse 's legs are off the ground simultaneously .

  17. 景点包括标志性的悉尼歌剧院、海港大桥和邦迪海滩,该海滩是冲浪爱好者的圣地。文化爱好者在这里有足够的事情可以做,可以去博物馆或从众多剧院中挑选一家去看演出。

    Attractions include the iconic Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge as well as Bondi Beach , a mecca for serious surfers . Cultural lovers will find plenty to do here , whether they want to museum hop or catch a performance at one of the city 's many theaters .