
  • 网络ICJ;International Court of Justice;the Hague Tribunal;The Hague
  1. 日本内阁官房长官藤村修(OsamuFujimura)告诉记者,除了将领土争议提交海牙国际法庭外,包括日本贸易和经济官员在内的一些内阁大臣将推迟与韩国官员的会议。

    In addition to taking the case to the ICJ , Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura told reporters that some Japanese cabinet ministers ─ including the trade and economy ministers ─ would put off meetings with their South Korean counterparts .

  2. 海牙国际法庭1962年曾经裁决这座庙宇在柬埔寨境内,但是对庙宇周边的土地并没有做出裁决。

    The ICJ ruled in1962 that the temple itself is in Cambodia , but made no decision on the surrounding land .

  3. 但首尔说,不会考虑东京让海牙国际法庭(InternationalCourtofJustice)对此事进行仲裁的提议。

    But Seoul said it wouldn 't consider Tokyo 's proposal to have the International Court of Justice look into the dispute .

  4. 周二,东京正式要求韩国同意日韩两国将岛屿之争共同提交至海牙国际法庭(InternationalCourtofJustice),首尔拒绝了这个要求。

    On Tuesday , Tokyo formally asked South Korea to jointly submit a request to the International Court of Justice to look into the issue . Seoul has rejected the request .

  5. 名模纳奥米·坎贝尔(NaomiCampbell)被传唤到海牙国际法庭,回答关于13年前在南非的一个夜晚的问题。

    Supermodel Appears at Charles Taylor War Crimes Trial Naomi Campbell was called to The Hague to answer questions about an evening in South Africa 13 years ago .

  6. 他也将在海牙国际法庭受审,但是他的审判暂缓。前塞尔维亚总统米洛舍维奇(SlobodanMilosevic)也接受了审判,但是在审判期间去世。

    He also faced charges in The Hague , but his trial was ed. Former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic also went before the tribunal , but he died during his trial .

  7. 他由于参与塞拉利昂内战的问题目前政在海牙国际法庭面临战争罪的指控。

    He is now in The Hague facing war crimes charges for his involvement in Sierra Leone 's civil war .

  8. 澳大利亚于去年向海牙国际法庭起诉日本,要求其停止在南极海域的“科学捕鲸”。

    Last year , Australia filed a complaint against Japan at the world court in The Hague to stop Southern Oceanscientific whaling .

  9. 如果被活捉,卡扎菲必须在利比亚或海牙国际法庭受到审判。

    If caught alive , Colonel Qaddafi must be tried , either in Libya or at the International Criminal Court in the Hague .

  10. 如果争议双方没有就是否进行仲裁达成一致,海牙国际法庭就不能进行仲裁,所以即使日本提起诉讼,也不太可能进入下一步法律程序。

    ICJ arbitration can 't go ahead without agreement from both parties , so even if Japan files suit on its own , further proceedings are unlikely .

  11. 一位当地历史学家以一则免责声明开始自己在海牙国际法庭的证词:“我来这里不是为了让我的国家和人民难堪。”

    One local historian started his testimony to The Hague tribunal with a disclaimer : " I am not here to make my country and people look bad . "

  12. 自从联合国海牙国际法庭作出判决要求日本终止在南极海以科学调查的名义的捕鲸活动,今年6月20号开始的捕鲸季是第一个。

    This year 's hunting season , which began on June 20 , is the first since an international court ordered Japan to end its controversial research whaling expedition in the Antarctic , after failing to find evidence the program had legitimate scientific value

  13. 伦敦的杰夫•戈尔登(JeffGolden)等衍生品律师提议创建一个国际法庭来处理存在争议的复杂的证券交易,实际上相当于衍生品领域的海牙国际刑事法庭。

    And some derivatives lawyers in London , such as Jeff Golden , have suggested creating an international court to handle contentious complex securities deals – in effect , an equivalent for the derivatives world of the International Criminal Court in The Hague .

  14. 一名塞尔维亚法官判决,前波黑塞族军事总司令姆拉迪奇(RatkoMladic)的身体状况良好,可以转移到海牙国际刑事法庭。

    A Serbian judge has ruled that the former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic is fit enough to be transferred to the war crimes tribunal at The Hague .

  15. 海牙国际刑事法庭检控官表示,他们获得了波斯尼亚塞尔维亚将军拉特科·姆拉迪奇(RatkoMladic)的战争日记。他是通缉犯中仍在潜逃的两人中的一个。

    Prosecutors at the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague say they have received the wartime diaries of the Bosnian Serb General Ratko Mladic , one of only two indicted men still on the run .

  16. 他是海牙国际刑事法庭要逮捕的主要谋划者的最后一个。

    He is the last of the primary architects to arrest now in The Hague .

  17. 1962年,设在海牙的国际法庭裁定这座寺庙归柬埔寨所有。

    In1962 , the Hague-based International Court of Justice , or ICJ , ruled that the temple belonged to Cambodia .

  18. 设在海牙的国际法庭是联合国的主要法律机构。

    Located at The Hague , the International Court of Justice is the primary judicial organ of the United Nations .

  19. 互联网社交媒体称,他们不想姆拉迪奇被送往海牙国际刑事法庭。

    Social media sites on the Internet suggest that they do not want him to be sent to The Hague tribunal .

  20. 日本渔业署抗议反对者把日本捕鲸的案子送交海牙的国际法庭裁决。

    Japan 's fisheries agency has challenged its critics to take their cases to the International Court of Justice in The Hague .

  21. 两名被指称的刚果国民军首领在海牙国际刑事法庭审判开始的时候就否认了战争罪行。

    Two alleged Congolese militia leaders have denied war crimes at the start of their trial at the International Criminal Court in The Hague .

  22. 布拉格女士还说,她向安理会方面进行了争取,表示人道局势应该与有关海牙国际刑事法庭的任何讨论和辩论区别对待。

    She also said she insisted to the council that the humanitarian situation should be separated from any discussion or debate about the ICC decision .

  23. 海牙国际刑事法庭向卡扎菲发布通缉令,指控其危害人类罪名。卡扎菲已经有几个月没有出现在公众视线中。

    Gadhafi , wanted by the International Criminal Court in The Hague , Netherlands , for alleged crimes against humanity has not been seen in public in months .

  24. 路线图还呼吁海牙国际仲裁法庭裁定,阿卜耶伊边界委员会2005年的裁决是否超越了这个委员会的权限。

    The road map also calls for The Hague 's Permanent Court for Arbitration to decide whether or not the Abyei boundary commission exceeded its mandate in its2005 ruling .

  25. 姆拉迪奇在贝尔格莱德特别法庭出庭,负责调查的法官将决定是否将他引渡到海牙国际刑事法庭。

    Ratko Mladic has appeared at a special court in Belgrade where an investigative judge will decide whether to extradite him to the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague .

  26. 但是,如果这么快就再次引用先例,整个世界共同安全体系可能被渐渐破坏,特别是2003高度可疑地入侵伊拉克后,而且会导致涉入国容易因战争罪被海牙国际犯罪法庭起诉。

    But the whole universal system of collective security could be undermined if it were invoked so soon again , particularly after the highly questionable invasion of Iraq in 2003-and would leave those involved liable to prosecution for war crimes before the International Criminal Court in the Hague .

  27. 关于卡扎菲一旦被捕后的处置问题,贾利勒说,国家过渡委员会希望他在利比亚受审,而不是送交海牙的国际刑事法庭。

    And speaking of what he hoped would be Gadhafi 's eventualcapture , Jalil said the council wants him tried in Libya , not sent to the International Criminal Court in Holland .

  28. 海牙被确定为国际法庭的永久性所在地。

    The Hague was made the permanent seat of the International Court of Justice .