
  • 网络Marine technology;Ocean Technology
  1. 在国家863计划的支持下,海洋技术研究所成功研制了一套CTD仪器校准设备。

    Institute of Ocean Technology ( IOT ) has developed a set of innovative facility for calibrating CTD instruments under the support of China 863 & plan program .

  2. 本文概述了国际ARGO计划的科学目标和可能得到的成果,分析了参加ARGO计划对我国海洋技术发展的牵动作用,阐述了ARGO计划对我们的启示。

    After over viewing the scientific goal and possible achievements of international ARGO plan , the article analyses the active affect of taking part in the plan for developing ocean technology in China , and the revelations from the plan .

  3. 海洋技术中的GIS应用

    GIS application in ocean integrating

  4. 准要求。同时,该设备是海洋技术研究所开发自有的高精度CTD剖面仪的有力工具。

    This facility can meet the requirement of calibrating WOCE CTD instrument , as well as it is a important tool for IOT developing their own high accuracy CTD profiler .

  5. 浅谈数学变换在海洋技术中的应用

    Brief Introduction to Mathematical Transformation in Marine Technology

  6. 光纤传感器和水声学及其换能器在海洋技术上的应用

    Application of the Optical Fiber Sensor and Underwater Acoustic Transducer on the Marine Technology

  7. 通过质量认证与国际标准接轨&海洋技术研究所的质量认证

    Approach to the International Standard by Quality Certification

  8. 提升国家海洋技术总体实力推进我国海洋强国建设

    Advancement of the Ocean Strong Power by Mean of Promotion of Overall Ocean Technology

  9. 北欧海洋技术联合委员会

    Joint Committee on Nordic Marine Technology

  10. 促进军民结合在我国海洋技术领域的应用具有非常重要的意义。

    Promoting the application of " civil-military integration " in Chinese ocean technology has profound significance .

  11. 加速海洋技术产业化探讨

    Accelerating Industrialization of Marine Technology

  12. 为了有效利用这些信息,设计并实现了基于.NET三层架构的海洋技术信息共享与服务系统。

    To take full use of the information , ocean technology information sharing system based on ASP .

  13. 随着海洋技术的快速发展,人们对海洋噪声的探索也越来越深入。

    With the rapid development of marine technology , ocean noise , people more and more in-depth exploration .

  14. 普通工科院校海洋技术专业《遗传学》教学实践与思考中国科学院南海海洋研究所

    Teaching Practice and Thinking of Genetics in General Engineering College South China Sea Institute of Oceanology , Academia Sinica

  15. 深海探测与作业技术是海洋技术研究的重要领域之一。

    Deep sea exploration and operation technology is one of the key research fields for ocean research and development .

  16. 本文讨论了成立国家海洋技术中心对我国海洋技术发展的影响。

    The advancement of establishing National Ocean Technology Center on ocean technological development in China is discussed in this paper .

  17. 但以总体技术能力和水平来衡量,我国的海洋技术与发达的海洋国家相比较,大约还落后10~15年。

    Nevertheless , China is still 10 to 15 years behind the advanced coastal s-tates in terms of overall technological capability and sophistication .

  18. 宁德海洋技术开发有限公司是一家集水产养殖、育苗、加工、出口于一体的省级水产产业化重点龙头企业。

    Ningde Marine Technology Development Co. , Ltd. ( Ningde ) is a provincial leading aquatic industrialized enterprise engaged in aquaculture , processing and exportation .

  19. 随着科学技术的发展和863计划的实施,我国在海洋技术领域有着日新月异的发展和变化。

    With the development of science and technology and implementation of 863 Project , there are strikingly incessant changes and rapid advancement in Chinese ocean technology .

  20. 在你们考察了这些最重要的发展之后,你们就能看出海洋技术发展的速度的确正在加速。

    After you take a look over the MOST important of these developments , you will see the pace at which marine technology advances is indeed quickening .

  21. 在海洋技术高度发展起来之前,人类不可能对海洋非生物资源的潜在价值有许多的了解。

    Before marine technology was highly developed , it wasn 't possible for man to know much about the potential of the non-living resources of the sea .

  22. 风暴潮的研究是现代海洋技术发展中备受关注的一个课题,因为它威胁着沿岸城市的经济与人们的生命安全。

    Storm surge is an important topic on the development of modern Marine technology , because it threats human life and property safety in the coastal cities .

  23. 随着海洋技术的发展,各种用途的海洋平台越来越多地出现在环境恶劣的深海中。

    With the development of ocean technology , more and more extremely large and long flexible offshore platforms used for various purposes are built in hostile ocean environments .

  24. 光纤检波器是光纤传感技术在海洋技术上的重要应用,它是目前最理想的水声信号探测装置,在军事反潜战中扮演着重要角色。

    The fiber-optic hydrophone based on the optical fiber sensing technology is the most ideal underwater acoustic signal detector at present and plays an important role in military wars .

  25. 随着海洋技术的不断发展,卫星遥感作为一种新兴的探测方式,在海战场环境建设中的作用也不断增加。

    With the development of oceanic technique , satellite remote sensing is becoming the rising detection means , and its influence is increasing in the construction of maritime warfare .

  26. 从我国海洋技术的产业化现状出发,通过与国内外先进事例的对比,分析了我国海洋技术产业化存在的问题和差距。

    In this paper , authors describes the industrialization status of marine technology in China , and analyzes the problems in marine technology in China by comparing with developed country .

  27. 随着海洋技术的发展和海洋工作的不断深入,海洋数据快速增加,同时数据源也愈加丰富,数据类型变得异常复杂。

    With the developing of marine technique and marine work , marine data increase rapidly and data sources become more and more , at the same time , data type become more complex .

  28. 海洋技术领域的研究成为了为探讨海洋环境保护、海洋工程建设、海洋资源开发、航海安全保证、海洋灾害预防提供可靠资料与科学理论的必要依据。

    Research in the field of marine technology could provide reliable and necessary scientific theories about marine environmental protection , marine construction , marine resources development , to ensure navigational safety , marine disaster prevention .

  29. 基于倾角法的多层海流测量技术是国家高技术研究发展(863)计划海洋技术领域海洋环境立体监测技术专题的一个探索课题。

    The measurement technique of the multilayer ocean current is an exploring subject of the marine technology field , three-dimensional marine environment monitoring techniques in the national high-tech research and development ( 863 ) program .

  30. 海底管道作为海上油气运输的大动脉,正日益发挥着越来越重要的作用,为此大力发展海洋技术,发展管道技术是当前任务的重中之重。

    As the main artery of offshore oil and gas transportation , pipelines perform an increasingly significant role . Thus , the development of marine and pipeline technology is the primary task of the current work .