
ɡāo kōnɡ qì qiú
  • High altitude balloon;aerostat
  1. 在香港上市的光启科学(KuangChiScience)已经完成了旅行者号(Traveller)高空气球的无人驾驶试验。

    Hong Kong-listed KuangChi Science has already conducted unmanned tests for a high-altitude balloon called the Traveller .

  2. 高空气球搭载诱导水稻育性降低突变体RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis of Lower Fertility Rice Mutant after Seeds Flown through High Altitude Balloon

  3. 谷歌还发布了ProjectLoon,这是一项构建一个全球高空气球网络的大胆计划,使偏远地区的人们也可以上网。

    Google also unveiled Project Loon , an audacious effort to build a global network of high-altitude balloons that bring Internet access to people in remote areas .

  4. 方法利用高空气球搭载谷子的干种子,在高空飘游8h后回收种植,对其植物学特性及品质进行分析研究。

    Method Air dried seeds of millet were carried by high altitude balloon ( HAB ) for8 h.Botany characteristics of these seeds were analyzed and studied after recovery .

  5. 以Loon项目[通过高空气球在全球范围内提供网络连接]为例,这三个要素非常明显。

    Take Loon [ the Google X project to deliver Internet connectivity worldwide through high-altitude balloons ] , for example . This was super obvious .

  6. 谷歌本周重组的目的之一,是想向投资者证明,花在实验性初创项目上的钱没有他们所担心的多,比如向偏远地区提供互联网接入服务的ProjectLoon高空气球计划。

    One of the purposes of this week 's reshuffle is to prove to investors that not as much as they fear is being spent on experimental start-up projects , such as Project Loon 's high-altitude balloons providing internet access to remote areas .

  7. 尽管如此,寻求投资新企业的人为何要购买Alphabet的股票,这家集团会把谷歌的现金盈余投入到其风险项目、成长基金、高空气球计划、无人驾驶汽车和生命科学等?

    Why , though , should investors seeking exposure to new companies buy shares in Alphabet , which then channels Google 's surplus cash into its own venture and growth funds , Project Loon , self-driving cars and life sciences ?

  8. 佩奇在8月公布了他的分拆计划,将谷歌纳入控股公司Alphabet旗下,后者将把对“登月”计划的投资延伸到新的风险项目上,比如发射高空气球向贫穷国家及偏远地区提供互联网接入服务。

    Mr Page unveiled his unbundling in August by placing Google under Alphabet , a holding company that will take " moonshot " bets on new ventures such as high-altitude balloons to spread internet access to poor countries and remote areas .

  9. 试验结果表明:经高空气球搭载的谷子,种子发芽势比对照提高21.1%,株高比对照降低6.8cm。

    The experimental results showed that germinating viability increased by 21.1 % , plant height reduced 6.8 cm compared with control .

  10. 高空气球吊篮姿态控制系统的一种实现

    A sort of Realization on the Attitude Control System of Nacelle

  11. 高空气球地面站天线的控制系统

    Control Systems for Antennas on High Altitude Balloon Ground Station

  12. 用高空气球实现的微重力环境模拟实验系统

    Experimental system of microgravity environment simulation using high altitude balloons

  13. 风力作用下高空气球弹性系留绳的张力分折

    Tension Analysis of Elastic Rope Linked with Balloon in Air under Wind Force

  14. 高空气球搭载水稻种子后代变异的研究

    Mutagenic effects of high altitude balloon flight on rice ( oryza sativa ) seeds

  15. 大气臭氧与气溶胶垂直分布的高空气球探测

    Balloon Observation of Atmospheric Ozone and Aerosols

  16. 高空气球吊篮的全数字反捻控制系统

    Full Digital Decoupling Control System of Nacelle

  17. 介绍用PC/104实现高空气球吊篮反捻机构的全数字控制系统。

    A full digital control system with PC / 104 in nacelle decoupling mechanism is introduced .

  18. 这种高空气球装载着通信和天气监测设备,但也打算将游客送上24千米的高空。

    It is equipped with communications and weather-monitoring components , but is also intended to take tourists to 24km above the earth .

  19. 基于对高空气球热力学环境的分析,建立了热力学与动力学耦合的高空气球动力学模型;

    Based on the analysis of the high-altitude balloon thermodynamic environment , a coupling dynamic model was established to describe its thermodynamics and kinetics .

  20. 谷歌还表现出了用高空气球为互联网连接带来变革的愿望。这种高空气球可以让地处偏远的人接入互联网。

    The company has also shown interest in transforming the Internet connectivity business with high-altitude balloons that people can use to get online from remote locations .

  21. 一只在南极洲升空的高空气球解答了宇宙学的一个最大问题:我们的宇宙是“平的”。

    A high-flying balloon which soared over Antarctica may have answered one of cosmology 's greatest questions by revealing that the universe may be " flat " .

  22. 此外,谷歌公司正在开展一个名为“ProjectLoon”的项目,希望高空热气球为偏远地区提供网络。

    Also , Google is working on a project titled , " Project Loon , " this is aimed at providing high-altitude broadband balloons to remote parts of the world .

  23. 本文介绍HAPI-1的构成和主要性能,以及1984年5月利用该望远镜在我国高空科学气球上对蟹状星云脉冲星的观测结果。

    All sub-systems of the telescope are described . The Crab pulsar was observed by HAPI-1 in a balloon flight on May 23 1984 in the energy range 20 to 200 keV and the observation result is presented .

  24. 利用高空科学气球收集宇宙尘粒

    Collection of cosmic dust with high altitude - balloon in the stratosphere

  25. 高空科学气球的应用

    The application of high-altitude scientific ballons the balloons

  26. 高空科学气球的应力分析与球形设计

    Progress in Science Qn the Stress Analysis and the Shape Design of the Scientific Balloon at High Altitude

  27. 同时指出了目前高空探测气球应解决的若干问题。

    Meanwhile , some problems on upper air sounding balloon that should be solved at present are pointed out .

  28. 无人驾驶汽车、提供互联网接入的高空轻气球以及监测血糖水平的隐形眼镜,都曾是他领导的研发项目。

    Driverless cars , high-altitude balloons providing internet access and contact lenses that monitor blood sugar levels were all products that flowered under his leadership .

  29. 然后他把它附在一个高空乳胶气球降落伞并命名为HABE5.气球上升到普通商用飞机三倍的高度,并在爆裂之前降落在离他家30英里的地面上。

    He then attached it to a high-altitude latex balloon with a parachute and named his invention HABE 5 . The balloon climbed to three times the height of a commercial plane before it burst and landed 30 miles from his home .

  30. 空气自气球中逸出.我国GCOS高空站1600g气球长度与爆破直径的确定

    Certainty of 1 600 g balloon length and burst diameter for GCOS high-altitude station in China