
gāo céng dà qì
  • upper atmosphere
高层大气[gāo céng dà qì]
  1. 火山爆发在高层大气中留下了一层薄薄的尘土。

    The eruption has left a thin veil of dust in the upper atmosphere

  2. 决定F层每天开始电离时间的机制,是高层大气随季节不同而膨胀或收缩。

    The mechanism causing the annual variation of the first ionisation for the F layer is the expansion and / or the contraction of the upper atmosphere depending upon the seasons .

  3. 这种方法通过对高层大气喷洒闪光的硫化物模仿火山爆发的降温效果。

    Mimics the cooling effects of a volcanic eruption by spraying shiny sulphur compounds into the high atmosphere .

  4. 该文分析了高层大气与太阳活动有关的11周年变化、27天变化以及周日变化,讨论了考虑太阳活动的MET模式大气密度计算途径,并且介绍了卫星大气阻力加速度模型。

    After analyzing the 11-yr , 27 days and diurnal variation of upper atmosphere caused by solar activity , a calculation method for MET model atmosphere density is presented in which solar activity is taken into account .

  5. 中高层大气瞬态发光事件(TLEs)及可能的影响

    Transient Luminous Events ( TLEs ) at High Altitudes above Thunderstorms and Their Possible Effects

  6. 地球的高层大气中到处都在迅速地发生电离作用。

    Wide-spred ionization occurs readily in the earth 's upper atmosphere .

  7. 高层大气臭氧对于太阳紫外辐射27天波动的响应

    Response of mesospheric ozone to the 27-day solar ultraviolet variations

  8. 我国中高层大气观测研究的新进展

    New advances of middle and upper atmosphere research in China

  9. 中高层大气风场和温度场星载探测技术研究进展

    Development for Detecting Upper Atmospheric Wind and Temperature From Satellite

  10. 太阳低活动导致地球高层大气冷却。

    NASA Shows Quiet Sun Means Cooling of Earth 's Upper Atmosphere .

  11. 中高层大气重力波的研究&辨明近地空间环境扰动的关键过程

    Gravity waves in the middle and upper atmosphere s

  12. 关于未来高层大气全球综合监测网的专家会议

    Expert Meeting on the Future Composite Global Upper-air Network

  13. 在高层大气中粒子浓度随高度的增加而有规律地下降。

    Particle concentrations in the upper atmosphere drop regularly as the altitude rises .

  14. 高层大气原子氧的半年周变

    A week a semi-annual variation of the atomic oxygen in the upper atmosphere

  15. 中高层大气中三维重力波非线性传播的数值研究

    The Simulation Investigation of Nonlinear Propagation of Gravity Waves in Three-dimension Compressible Atmosphere

  16. 高层大气及其预报研究对航天飞行的重要性

    The importance of study on upper atmosphere and its forecast in space flight

  17. 从我国第六颗卫星轨道倾角分析测定高层大气旋转速度

    Upper-atmosphere rotation rate from analysis of the orbital inclination of China 6 satellite

  18. 气球卫星1990&81B和1990-81C的轨道变化和高层大气密度的测定

    The orbital variations of balloon satellites 1990-81B and 1990-81C and determination of air density

  19. 高层大气卫星阻尼观测

    Upper atmosphere observation by air drag of satellite

  20. 高层大气流星余迹测量

    Upper atmosphere observation by trails of the meteors

  21. 高层大气的电中性和离子化学

    Neutral and ion chemistry of the upper atmosphere

  22. 高层大气模型对空间站轨道漂移和寿命的影响分析

    Analysis of influence of upper atmospheric model on orbital drift and lifetime of space station

  23. 高层大气中氧绿线强度与氧原子密度的关系

    The relation between oxygen green line intensity and oxygen atom density in the upper atmosphere

  24. 事实证明,它们是流星在高层大气瓦解后的碎片。

    It turned out they were fragments of a meteor coming apart in the upper atmosphere .

  25. 中国在二十世纪六十年代初期开始利用探空火箭、探空气球开展了高层大气探测。

    China started to explore the upper atmosphere using rockets and balloons in the early 1960s .

  26. 16.当太阳风激发了高层大气中的原子,就会产生极光。

    16.Auroras light up the night sky when solar wind particles excite atoms in the upper atmosphere .

  27. 第一级运载火箭是用来发射火箭的,进入高层大气后即抛掉。

    The first-stage vehicle is used to launch the rocket and is then jettisoned in the upper atmosphere .

  28. 太阳高层大气物质交换的热机效应&色球-日冕过渡区模型

    The Heat-Engine Effect of the Material Exchange in Solar Super Atmosphere & The Model of the Chromosphere-Corona Transition Region

  29. 模型成功重现了在太阳辐射变化时,科学家已经在高层大气观测到的状况。

    The model successfully reproduced what scientists have observed happening in the upper atmosphere during changes in solar radiation .

  30. 南极冰盖表层雪内NO3~-离子与极光区中高层大气的物理过程

    The Nitrate NO_3  ̄ & Ions in Antarctic Surface Snow and The Processes of Auroral Middle - and Upper-atmospheric Physics