
  • 网络High temperature period;Megathermal;thermophilic phase;Hypsithermal;hyperthermal stage
  1. 在空间上,在起始阶段堆体内的下层温度高于上层温度,进入高温期后上层温度高于下层,且呈现梯度效应。

    The distribution of pile temperature presents gradient effect , that is , the temperature in the under layer is higher than that in the upper layer in the initial phase , while it is opposite after entering the thermophilic phase .

  2. 研究发现,添加竹炭和竹炭+竹醋液不仅可促进堆肥反应快速升温,延长堆肥高温期,提高堆肥产品的脱水率和发芽指数,而且可丰富堆肥微生物群落多样性。

    The results indicated that the addition of BC and BC + BV could accelerate temperature rising , prolong thermophilic phase , increase dehydration rate and germination index , and also enrich microbial diversity compared to the control .

  3. 实验证明G1固定剂适于堆肥化初期使用,G2、G3固定剂适于在高温期加入。

    Fixative of G_1was fit for adding at initial stages , G_2 and G_3 were fit for high temperature period .

  4. pH值在高温期分别达9.16和9.37,堆制结束时分别为8.05和8.27。

    PH was 9.16 and 9.37 respectively in the high temperature , and decreased to 8.05 and 8.27 in the end of composting respectively .

  5. 从高温期持续时间来看,A1处理持续的时间较长,堆温较高。

    Viewed from continuance of megathermal period , Al treatment sustains relative long and its fermenting temperature is relative higher .

  6. 结果表明:萌动期、子叶期、1叶期热激和自然高温期,DP可溶性蛋白质总含量分别比对照提高10.24%、13.11%、15.09%和74.36%;

    This study shows : DP contents of water-soluble proteins increased by 10.24 % , 13.11 % , 15.09 % and 74.36 % at germination stage , cotyledon stage , one-leaf stage and natural heat period than contrast ;

  7. DGGE图谱表明,人工接种菌株成为堆肥高温期优势菌株。人工接种增加了堆肥中微生物总量,提高了堆肥微生物种群多样性,并且促进了堆肥菌群演替,从而缩短堆肥腐熟时间。

    The DGGE spectrum also showed that inoculated strains assumed predominance during the high temperature phase , and inoculation increased the total count of microbes , enriched microbial diversity and accelerated succession of microbes during composting , thus shortening duration of the composting process .

  8. DGGE图谱显示,堆肥初期有较多的微生物多样性,随着堆肥温度的升高,一些中温期的微生物被淘汰,高温期微生物多样性减少,同时噬热菌出现,并成为优势菌群。

    It showed that there was more microbial diversities in the initial stage of composting . Some mesothermal microorganisms were eliminated with the rising of the temperature , and the microbial diversities of high temperature stage decreased . The thermophilic bacterias emergence became to the preponderant microorganisms .

  9. 冷季型草坪草和暖季型草坪草,秋季的光合速率与夏季高温期有着显著差异。

    Photosynthesis Rate in autumn between high temperature in summer had significant difference .

  10. 降解主要发生在高温期和二次发酵时期。

    The microbes worked mostly in the high-temperature period and the second fermenting period .

  11. 高性能混凝土在夏季高温期施工控制要点浅析

    Analysis on key points for construction control in summer high-temperature period of high-performance concrete

  12. 夏季高温期应用热缓解剂对黑白花乳牛血液内分泌水平及产乳量的影响

    Effects of Heat-Alleviators on Endocrine Levels of Blood and Milk Yield of Dairy Cattle in Summer Hot Season

  13. 棉花早期热激处理与高温期蕾铃脱落关系的初步研究

    Heat Shock Treatment on Cotton in Its Early Growing Period in Relation to Boll Abscission in High Temperature Season

  14. 甲烷排放集中在堆肥的高温期前一周和后腐熟期的后两周。

    Methane emission concentration on the week before high temperature period and the two weeks after the later maturity period .

  15. 由此试验表明,高温期翻堆的堆肥处理能提高强制通风静态垛堆肥的堆肥效率和质量。

    Therefore , it is suggested that pile-turning at high-temperature stage could improve the efficiency and quality of the compost .

  16. 近55年来,平均气温上升了0.2℃,其中1960年和1990年是两个高温期。

    Nearly 55 years , the average temperature increased by 0.2 ℃, which in 1960 and 1990 are two high-temperature phase .

  17. 不同氮源种类及配比对发酵温度的影响,表现为堆体的温度先急剧升高并在高温期持续一段时间后缓慢下降至室温;

    Viewed from variable physical and chemical rules of different recipes , the stack temperature sharply rises then slightly drops to room temperature ;

  18. 酰胺态氮与氨基糖态氮均在发酵的高温期出现峰值,在发酵的腐熟期呈现较为平稳的走势。

    The amide-N and aminosugar-N appeared one peak in the high-temperature period of DM fermentation , and then became stable gradually in the mature period .

  19. 绿潮一般发生在春夏两季,大多数在夏季高温期结束,有时可延续到秋季。

    Generally , green tide occurs in spring or summer and end in summer when temperature is high , but sometimes extended to the fall .

  20. 本文重点对发动机缸内混合气在焰前反应期、焰后高温期带电粒子的产生机理进行了研究,从理论上对离子电流的成因进行了阐述。

    ABSTRACT : In this paper , the mechanism of charged particles in reaction stage and high-temperature stage in cylinder is researched , and the causes of ion currents are studied form the theory .

  21. 在夏季高温期,微生物生长旺盛,繁殖较快,微生物超标排放问题尤其严重,这一问题已经引起人们越来越多的关注。

    In the summer period , because of the high temperature , the microbe grows strongly and breeds fast , microbial excessive emissions is particularly serious . This problem has attracted more and more attention .

  22. 室外实验中接种比不接种的处理在达到高温期和高温持续时间上一致,在降温期接种比不接种的处理温度高。

    There were identity in the two compost disposals of inoculation and without inoculation at the time of reaching and holding high temperature period , but in the lower temperature the inoculation had higher temperature than the uninoculation .

  23. 接种与不接种复合微生物菌剂的处理同时进入高温期,但是前者高温期持续时间相对较长。

    Disposal of inoculation of complex microbial inoculants and the disposal of without inoculation of complex microbial inoculants are under high-temperature at the same time , but the high-temperature period of the former lasted longer than the later relatively .

  24. 在堆肥的初期和高温期,微生物的数量较少;而随着堆肥温度的下降,微生物大量繁殖,这与传统培养法得出的结果一致。

    In the initial stages and the high temperature stage , the quantity of microbe is less . And when the temperature declined , the quantity of microbe became more and more , this result accord with the results by conventional culture .

  25. 结果表明:以稻草、木屑+稻草作填料,堆体的温度升高快,高温期持续的时间长,有利于污泥堆肥的快速腐熟和灭菌;

    The results showed that using rice straw or rice straw plus sawdust as the bulking agents was beneficial for killing the pathogens and accelerating the speed of composting due to faster temperature increase and a longer duration of the high temperature period . quick ;

  26. 基于拟种群理论,运用方差分析法、主分量分析法及植物生长分析法,研究7月高温期辣椒拟种群不同程度的剪叶对模拟短期虫害的反应。

    Based on the theory of metapopulation , this paper studied the response of different leaf cutting Capsicum frutescens metapopulation to simulated short term insect pestes during high temperature period in July . Variance analysis ( ANOVA ), principal component analysis ( PCA ) and plant growth analysis were applied .

  27. 柑桔园生草栽培高温干旱期的生态生理效应研究

    Studies on the Ecophysiology of Sod Culture in Citrus Or-chard During the High Temperature and Drought Seasons

  28. 因此,生产上应采取适当调整播期以避开花期高温高发期和培育抗高温品种等技术措施,以减轻和避免高温引起的危害。

    So adjusting rice-planting date and high temperature tolerant breeding to mitigate high temperature harm were recommended in this region .

  29. 我国水稻在高温敏感期(幼穗分化期、抽穗开花期、灌浆期)遭受夏季高温热害的可能性越来越高。

    The possibility of occurrence of high temperature at the heat-sensitive stages ( panicle initiation , heading and grain filling stage ) for rice is increasing .

  30. 并在此基础上通过质量作用定律推导出了升温期、高温持续期、降温期的堆肥反应动力学模型。

    Dynamic model of compost reaction of three phases ( heating , thermophilic and cooling phases ) was deduced by mass action law based on the above mentioned .