
hǎi cǎo
  • seaweed;sea grass;sea-weed;wrack;sea-plant
海草 [hǎi cǎo]
  • [seaweed;wrack] 海产植物(如藻类)

海草[hǎi cǎo]
  1. 威廉姆斯说,你还可以融入一些意想不到的元素,比如她在上东区的Mecox店里找到的那款海草鹿。

    You could also incorporate an unexpected element , Ms. Williams said , like the sea grass deer she found at Mecox , on the Upper East Side .

  2. 海岸警卫队今天下午早些时候发现了“海草”号。

    The coastguard found the sea grass eariier this afternoon .

  3. 将木头和海草碎屑分解成更简单的有机化合物的微生物无法轻易消化塑胶。

    The microorganisms that decompose ripped-up bits of wood and seaweed down into simpler organic compounds can 't easily digest plastic .

  4. 同时在单链聚集体的熔体结晶时也观察到密集海草型(CompactSeaweedCS)晶体形态,说明了晶体生长受扩散控制。

    Meanwhile , the Compact Seaweed ( CS ) crystal was observed to coexist with sheaflike spherulites in the melt-crystallized single-chain samples , indicating a strong diffusion-controlled characteristic of crystal growth .

  5. 与此同时,一个名为“面向未来的红树林”(MMF)的计划将在10月31日举行的一场海啸捐助者会议上公布。这个计划将投入6200万美元重新种植红树林、沙丘和海草床。

    Meanwhile a US $ 62 million initiative to replant mangroves , sand dunes and sea-grass beds , called Mangroves for the Future ( MMF ), will be unveiled at a tsunami donors meeting on31 October .

  6. 强烈的克隆性影响着海草的遗传变异。

    Strong clonality has essential influences on genetic variation of seagrasses .

  7. 我得去为“海草”号买个零件。

    I just gotta pick up a part for the seagrass .

  8. 你曾见过海星,海马或海草吗?

    Have you ever seen starfish , sea horses or seaweed ?

  9. 浅海水底生长的各种海草或海藻。

    Any of various seaweeds that grow underwater in shallow beds .

  10. 腐烂的海草发出的臭味在海滩边非常浓重。

    The stink of rotting seaweed was strong along the seashore .

  11. 潮退了,剩下的都是海草和瓦砾。

    The tide ebbed away , leaving behind seaweed and debris .

  12. 这里的海草太密了,我们不能游泳。

    The seaweed is too thick here for us to swim .

  13. 海草床衰退的原因包括自然灾害和人类活动的影响。

    Natural disasters and human activities have resulted in the decline .

  14. 海底丛丛的海草随着湖水摇曳生姿。

    Groves of seaweeds sway beautifully along with the flowing water .

  15. 其他出口品包括宠物鱼、鱼翅和海草。

    Other exports include pet fish , shark fins , and seaweed .

  16. 稳定同位素分析应用于海草生态学研究的进展

    Advances in the Application of Stable Isotope Analysis to Seagrass Ecology Research

  17. 广西合浦海草场生态系统及其可持续利用

    The ecosystem and sustaining use of Guangxi Hepu seagrass meadow

  18. 马尾藻类海草家族的任何一种褐色海藻。

    Any of the Brown algae that make up the genus Sargassum .

  19. 海草附生藻类生物量的主要影响因子

    Effect factors on the abundance of epiphytic algae on seagrasses

  20. 可能是螺旋桨被海草缠住。

    The prop probably got hung up on some seaweed .

  21. 海草的气味使他回想起童年时代

    The smell of seaweed take him back to his childhood

  22. 例如鱼,鲸鱼,海豚和海草之类的。

    Such as , fishes , whales , dolphins and water grass .

  23. 我无法忍受脚下海草那黏乎乎的感觉。

    I can 't stand the slimy feel of seaweed underneath my feet .

  24. 你还在犹豫早饭该不该吃海草吗?

    Still hesitating about having some seaweed for breakfast ?

  25. 叶绿素荧光技术在海草生态学研究中的应用

    Application of chlorophyll fluorescence techniques in sea-grass ecology research

  26. 它包括一些小岛和一大片丛生漂浮的海草。

    It houses a few small islands and masses of clumped floating seaweed .

  27. (日本)米饭(和生鱼)卷在海草里面。

    ( Japanese ) rice ( with raw fish ) wrapped in seaweed .

  28. 贝壳和海草点缀着沙滩。

    The sand was ornamented with shells and seaweed .

  29. 干海草,被称为海苔,是日本人的流行食品。

    Dried seaweed , called nori , is a popular food in Japan .

  30. 近年来,中国海草生态系统受到严重破坏。

    In recent years , seagrass ecosystem in China has been degraded seriously .