
  • 网络sea freight
  1. 港口布局规划决策中的海运运价测定方法的研究

    Study on the Calculation of Sea Freight Rate

  2. 因此,研究大豆海运运价的影响因素有利于揭示进口大豆运价的变化情况,进而研究大豆的价格变化情况。

    Therefore , the study of influence factor of soybean ocean freight is conducive to reveal the changes in tariff imports of soybeans and the price changes of soybean .

  3. 同时,本文利用模型对未来一段时间的煤炭海运需求及运价进行了预测。

    Besides , the predictions on the transportation volume and freight index were also carried out with proposed models .

  4. 国际干散货航运市场的运力供给主要受国际航运市场干散货海运量、运价等的影响,并受造船市场、拆船市场等的影响。

    The supply and demand of International dry bulk cargo shipping market is affected by international dry bulk cargo shipping amount , freight rate , shipbuilding market , etc.

  5. 因此,研究我国国内煤炭海运市场供需、运价趋势对于从事煤炭海运运输的经营者及投资者把握市场动态、制定投资决策起到至关重要的作用。

    Therefore , studying the relationship between supply and demand and the price trend is crucial for owners and investors of coal shipping market to grasp the dynamic of coal shipping market and make the right decisions .