
  • 网络Consumer Confidence;consumer sentiment
  1. 消费者信心的提升对经济的复苏至关重要。

    Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery .

  2. 密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)上周五的报告显示消费者信心疲弱,政府数据也显示7月份收入持平,这些都证明了这一点。

    That was evidenced Friday by a weak reading on consumer confidence from the University of Michigan and government data showing incomes were flat in July .

  3. 2004年,由于商业的恢复和消费者信心的提高,以及国外对以色列出口商品需求的提高促使以色列的GDP以3.9%增长。

    In2004 , rising business and consumer confidence-as well as higher demand for Israeli exports boosted GDP by3.9 % .

  4. 因此,密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)将于今天公布的11月份消费者信心指数,里面有很多东西值得交易员的关注。

    Thus , the University of Michigan consumer sentiment index for November , to be released tomorrow , is rich with promise for traders .

  5. 公司首席执行官大卫·迪隆(DavidDillon)表示,这是消费者信心不断改善的又一积极信号。

    David Dillon , chief executive , described this as another positive sign of an improving consumer mood .

  6. 昨天早些时候,大企业联合会(ConferenceBoard)报告,随着人们担心商业环境恶化,就业市场走软,美国消费者信心重挫至9个月来的最低点。

    Earlier yesterday , the Conference Board reported that US consumers ' confidence tumbled to its lowest level in nine months amid fears over deteriorating business conditions and a weaker jobs market .

  7. ActionEconomics的分析师在一份报告中表示:(汽油)价格居高不下,股市震荡,加之利率上升,似乎都将打压本月的消费者信心指数。

    Lingering high [ petrol ] prices , volatility in the stock market and the jump in interest rates all appeared to weigh on confidence this month , said analysts at Action Economics in a note .

  8. 尽管密歇根大学(universityofmichigan)消费者信心调查略好于预期,稍稍减少了零售数据带来的震惊,但未来前景仍不容乐观。

    Economists had forecast a small increase , and while the shock was balanced by a slighter better than expected University of Michigan survey of consumer sentiment , the outlook remains poor .

  9. 这让消费者信心指数倒退至2009年的水平。当时花旗银行(CitiC)濒临倒闭,美国股市价格仅有现在的一半。

    That puts the consumer sentiment index at a level last seen in2009 , when Citi ( C ) was assumed to be bankrupt and the stock market fetched half its current price .

  10. 尼尔森营销业务副总裁詹姆斯罗素(jamesrusso)表示,随着消费者信心下降,此类行为模式可能会进一步加强。

    James Russo , vice-president of marketing at Nielsen , said these patterns of behaviour were likely to intensify as consumer confidence declined .

  11. 正如民调分析者比尔麦金塔夫(billmcinturff)所观察到的,总统赢得连任时美国消费者信心指数平均为95。

    As pollster bill mcinturff observes , the average US consumer confidence index when a president wins re-election is 95 .

  12. 据NPR新闻的约翰·伊斯蒂报道,信心的增长及美国谘商会消费者信心指数超过了经济学家的预期。

    NPR 's John Ydstie says the gains and the Conference Board 's index of consumer attitudes exceeded economists ' expectations .

  13. 此前,尼尔森(Nielsen)曾为香港设计了一种消费者信心指数,不过,该指数是每季度发布一次,跟不上不断变化的市场。

    Nielsen already has a consumer confidence index for Hong Kong , but it 's quarterly and doesn 't tend to move markets .

  14. 这与其它指数的表现相符,如路透/密歇根大学(Reuters/UniversityofMichigan)消费者信心指数,该指数显示,3月份消费者信心略有改善。

    This is in line with other indices , such as the Reuters / University of Michigan index of consumer sentiment , which showed a slight improvement in March .

  15. ConnieHon:“应该说,在一些新加坡人口中,消费者信心肯定会受到某种程度的动摇。但是我认为这是无法补救的。”

    CONNIE HON : " Consumer confidence is yes , shaken I would say some of the Singapore populace , but that can 't be helped , I think . "

  16. 本文还运用因子分析和Logit模型,分析了在果汁饮料质量安全方面影响消费者信心的主要因素。

    This paper also analyzes the main factors which effect consumers ' confidence with regard to the quality and safety of fruit juice , using the factor analysis and Logit model .

  17. 中国一直在寻求将经济增长方式转变为由内需拉动,但尼尔森(Nielsen)上周公布的一项消费者信心调查显示,中国消费者对可支配支出的意愿正在降温。

    It has been seeking to reorient its economy towards domestic consumption , but a survey of consumer confidence published by Nielsen last week indicated cooling towards discretionary spending .

  18. 业内人士表示,此举再次显示出外国电信公司和消费者信心未受影响,也表明尽管受到美国限制,华为在5G领域依然拥有强大的领先实力。

    Industry insiders said the move again shows unaffected confidence among foreign telecom companies and consumers and also demonstrates Huawei 's leading prowess in 5G despite US restrictions .

  19. 总部位于纽伦堡的市场研究集团gfk表示,德国的消费者信心状况也继续恶化。

    German consumer confidence also continues to deteriorate , according to a survey by the Nuremberg-based GfK research group .

  20. 帝亚吉欧首席执行官伊万梅内塞斯(IvanMenezes)表示:在新兴市场上,汇率波动和有关GDP增长前景的担忧,对商业和消费者信心有不利影响。

    Ivan Menezes , chief executive , said : In the emerging markets currency volatility and caution about the outlook for GDP growth are negatively impacting business and consumer confidence .

  21. 报告称:“费城、richmond和芝加哥的报告显示,许多零售商不愿在假日季节之前建立库存,表明最近消费者信心有所下降”。

    " Philadelphia , Richmond and Chicago indicated that many retailers were reluctant to build inventories ahead of the holiday season , pointing to recent declines in consumer confidence , " the report noted .

  22. 美联储(Fed)的两位经济学家马克•道姆斯(MarkDoms)和诺曼•莫林(NormanMorin)发现,有证据显示,有关经济低迷(信贷紧缩之前)的媒体报道总是容易打击消费者信心,即便经济运转良好。

    Two Federal Reserve economists , Mark Doms and Norman Morin , have found evidence that media reports of economic distress ( pre-credit crunch ) have always tended to knock consumer confidence , even if the economy is doing well .

  23. ipsos认为,经济复苏迹象未能带动消费者信心复苏,反映了许多发达经济体高企的失业率水平。

    Ipsos believes the absence of a recovery in consumer confidence to match signs of economic recovery reflects high levels of unemployment in many developed economies .

  24. 国际市场新闻社(MNI)表示:由于经济形势的恶化,去年大部分时间里消费者信心一直在下滑。

    Consumer confidence has declined throughout much of the last year along with deterioration in the economy , MNI says .

  25. 市场调研公司gfk发表的一项研究报告显示,2月份德国消费者信心指数连续第二个月上升。

    A survey released by GfK , the market research company , found that German consumers were more optimistic in February , the second consecutive month of gains .

  26. ama公司称,对近年市场造成主要打击的是大宗项目,如厨房和浴室,这主要是由于房价的下跌,消费者信心降低和房屋搬迁水平低落。

    AMA says the main things that have taken a battering in recent years are big-ticket items such as kitchens and bathrooms , mainly because of falling house prices , low consumer confidence and a low level of house moves .

  27. 这些趋势已损伤到消费者信心:盖洛普(Gallup)去年进行的一项调查显示,大部分美国人在年收入达到6万美元之前,对于必要支出都感觉肉痛。

    These trends have made a dent into consumer confidence : the majority of Americans did not report feeling good about the amount of money they had to spend until their income reached the $ 60,000-a-year mark , according to a Gallup poll conducted last year .

  28. 消费者信心指数与股票市场收益的实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis between Consumer Confidence Index and Stock Market Returns

  29. 社区电子商务中客户服务成熟度和消费者信心的关联性研究

    Customer Service Maturity and Customer Confidence Relation Research in Community E-Commerce

  30. 其次,从历史上看,失业率走势与消费者信心密切相关。

    Secondly , unemployment historically maps closely on to consumer confidence .