
  1. •根据消费者情报研究机构ConsumerIntelligenceResearchParters(CIRP)的报道,美国市场5S和5C的销售比大约为2比1。

    • according to consumer intelligence research parters , the 5S is outselling the 5C by roughly 2 to 1 in the U.S.

  2. 根据消费者情报调研合伙(ConsumerIntelligenceResearchPartners)6月份进行的一次调查,过去一年里购买了iPhone4S的消费者中,只有38%之前使用的是苹果竞争对手的产品。

    According to a June survey conducted by consumer intelligence research partners , just 38 % of those who bought an iPhone 4S in the last year were previously running devices from competing vendors .

  3. 消费者情报研究机构ConsumerResearchIntelligencePartners早些时候进行的一项调查发现,更换智能手机品牌的用户中,苹果赢得三星用户的比例(33%)是三星赢得苹果用户比例(11%)的三倍。

    An earlier consumer retention study by Consumer Research Intelligence Partners found that among people who switched smartphone brands , Apple was able to take three times as many Samsung customers ( 33 % ) as Samsung was able to steal from Apple ( 11 % )

  4. 这份数据来自消费者情报研究合作伙伴(CIPR)的分析师史蒂文·米卢诺维奇。

    The figures come from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners ( CIPR ) analyst Steven Milunovich .

  5. 第四部分论述了在消费信用合同签订过程中对消费者权益的特殊保护问题。文章指出,在消费信用合同签订过程中,因对消费者个人信用情报的利用而可能产生损害消费者利益的现象。

    Part Four centers upon the particular protection on consumers ' rights out of the consumer credit contract in the process of making agreement .