
  • 网络consumer group
  1. 消费者群体中单身族的崛起并不是没有代价的。

    The rise of singletons as a consumer group is not without its own costs .

  2. 经过一段时间的试运营,该系统能够稳定、安全、高效地运行,并且形成了年轻人为主要的固定消费者群体。

    After a period of trial operation , the system is stable , safe and efficient . And a fixed young people consumer group is formed .

  3. 他说奢侈品需求与消费者群体若是继续攀升,来年就可能会有更多万众瞩目、认购踊跃的大型IPO。

    He says if demand for luxury items and the number of consumers continue to rise , there could be a number of high profile , interesting and sometimes large IPOs in the coming year .

  4. 亚洲的新消费者群体:谁在消费?

    Asia 's New Consumers : Who 's Buying Now ?

  5. 黄山市体育彩票消费者群体的调查分析

    An Investigation and Analysis of Consuming Group of Sports Lottery in Huangshan City

  6. 研究当代消费者群体心理行为是广告学教学的第一要素

    The First Element of Advertisement Teaching & To Study the Customer Target Group Psychological

  7. 我们正在建立一个消费者群体。

    We are building a customer base .

  8. 因此,如何在消费者群体中建立信任机制,成为电商企业关注的重点。

    Therefore , electricity enterprise focus on how to establish trust in the consumer groups .

  9. 人工光合作用还将吸引另一个消费者群体:过着“脱网”生活的人。

    Artificial photosynthesis will also appeal to another class of consumer : those living off-grid .

  10. 根本原因在于消费者群体与经营者群体在市场交换中关于商品(或服务)的信息不对称。

    The prime reason lies in the asymmetrical information between the consumers and the proprietors .

  11. 在各种消费者群体中,农民的消费者权益尤为重要,却又经常被忽视,无法得到应有的保护。

    Among the various kinds of consumers , farmers ' consuming rights are utmost significant .

  12. 我国对消费者群体性纠纷的司法政策的依据是保持社会秩序稳定的政策。

    In China , no chaos in society is the policy about mass claims concerning consumers .

  13. 而且,世界上没有别的消费者群体可能挺身而出,填补空白。

    And no other consumer in the world is likely to step up and fill the void .

  14. 在研究对象的选取上,本文选择了具有代表性的大学生消费者群体。

    The selection of the study , we selected a representative group of consumers of college students .

  15. 计算机正引导着消费者群体摆脱由流水线大批生产出来的各种产品千篇一律的状况。

    It is already leading the consumer society away from the mass-produced homogeneity of the assembly line .

  16. 产品损害赔偿基金的目的在于实现经营者群体和消费者群体双赢的结果。

    Product damage compensation fund is in the purpose of fund managers and consumer groups getting win-win results .

  17. 日本的待售鲸肉越积越多,因为鲸肉在年轻消费者群体中的受欢迎程度正不断下降。

    Japan has a growing stockpile of unsold whale meat , which is dwindling in popularity among younger consumers .

  18. 更严重的是,消费者群体和电脑行业的批评人士指出,安装这款软件无异于为黑客打开大门。

    More seriously , critics among consumers and the computer industry say it helps open the door to hackers .

  19. 随着年轻的消费者群体的年龄增长,很可能他们将继续选择紧身裤和运动服,而非牛仔裤。

    As young consumers grow up , it 's likely they 'll continue to wear leggings and activewear instead of jeans .

  20. 作为经济活动发展的必然结果,消费者群体从一产生就不可避免地带上了弱势群体这顶帽子。

    As a necessary result of development of economic activities , consumer groups are featured with the disadvantaged features since its existence .

  21. 其研究的主要内容是针对具有网络外部性的两个消费者群体的中介平台以及两边消费者的各种经济行为。

    It mainly focuses on the economic behaviors of two-sided consumers and platform which faces two groups of customers with network externalities between them .

  22. 同时,巨大的发展潜力、日渐成熟的消费者群体为医药行业带来了难得的发展机遇。

    Consumers quality is keeping on advancing and their consuming behavior more and more matured which provide a precious opportunity for the significant development of pharmaceutical industry .

  23. 但是,企业高管们认为,低价策略能够削弱盗版生意,并借帮助培养出习惯使用正版软件的消费者群体。

    But executives say it puts a dent in the pirates'business , and helps cultivate a larger group of consumers who are accustomed to using legitimate software .

  24. 也就是说,笔者建议提供两种诉讼模式以供消贤者加以选择,充分保障消费者群体的合法权益。

    That is to say , the author provided two kinds of litigation mode for consumers to choose , to fully ensure the rights of the consumers .

  25. 对比并分析了各类影响因素在大学生群体与其他消费者群体的网络购物信任中的不同作用。

    The paper compares and analyzes the different effects of various influencing factors on the trust in online shopping in college student group and other consumer groups .

  26. 虽然通过高水平的技术、灵活的系统和互相协助,消费者群体和企业群体可以互补,但两个群体之间也存在竞争的关系。

    Although customers group and companies group can complement each other through high-level technology , flexible system and assistance , the competition relationship between two groups exists .

  27. 将消费金融的理念深入到我国不同层次的消费者群体中,进而拉动我国城乡居民消费增长。

    We should take the concept of consumer finance into the different levels of consumer groups , which can boost our country urban and rural residents in turn .

  28. 通过将最贫困的人口纳入生产者和消费者群体,印度乳品部门过去二十年来的发展已经使其成为最大的牛奶生产国。

    India 's dairy sector has grown over the past two decades to make it the largest milk-producing country , by including the poorest as producers and consumers .

  29. 如今,这个估计人数达2.2亿的农民工群体本身正在成为一个有实力的消费者群体。这一根本转变势必推动中国的下一场重大经济演变。

    Now , in a reversal set to drive China 's next big economic evolution , an estimated 220m migrant workers are becoming potent consumers in their own right .

  30. 本文还对我国目前的代表人诉讼进行了分析,我国代表人诉讼制度在解决消费者群体性纠纷方面尚存在功能定位不完整、诉讼不经济、规则过于模糊和严格的缺点。

    Through the analysis on it , we can see the functional orientation of Chinese representative action to solve the mass dispute is not complete and cheap , and its rules are unclear .