
  • 网络Consumer Research;Journal of Consumer Research;Consumer studies
  1. 最新一期《消费者研究杂志》发表的一份研究显示,一种被市场推广人员称为“左位数效应”的现象很大程度上影响人们购物时的决定。

    A new study , published in the latest issue of the Journal of Consumer Research , shows that an occurrence known by marketers as the ? " left-digit effect " drastically influences the choices that people make while buying various items .

  2. 该量表2009年发布于《消费者研究进展》(AdvancesinConsumerResearch)期刊。

    The scale was published in a 2009 issue of the journal Advances in Consumer Research .

  3. 根据《消费者研究学刊》(TheJournalofConsumerResearch)最近的一篇文章,这种提示能够操控我们对时间的感知,简单、有效。

    Such cues , which manipulate our perception of time , are simple yet effective , according to a recent article in the Journal of Consumer Research .

  4. 专注于亚洲的消费者研究公司FivebyFifty的趋势研究负责人福尔(NicoleFall)说,不满情绪现在扩散得更快、更猛。

    ' Complaints now spread quicker and harder , ' said Nicole Fall , head of trends at Asia-focused consumer research firm Five by Fifty .

  5. 这项研究最初发表于《消费者研究》杂志(JournalofConsumerResearch)。研究显示,如果是凭感觉消费而不是经过一番调查比对的话,消费者实际上更容易被整数价格所吸引。

    Originally published in the Journal of Consumer Research , the study showed that consumers were actually drawn to rounded numbers on prices when a purchase was " feeling " based rather than one based on research .

  6. 美国一所大学的研究员克里斯特·罗素曾在《消费者研究》(ConsumerResearch)杂志就重读旧书这一问题发表了一篇文章,文章指出,重读旧书不仅能加深对书的理解,也能增进读者的自我认识。

    As researcher Cristel Russell of the American University explained of re-readers in an article published in the Journal of Consumer Research , returning to a book " brings new or renewed appreciation of both the object of consumption and their self . "

  7. 德国纽伦堡消费者研究学会(SocietyforConsumerResearch)的经济学家沃尔夫冈•特瓦尔达瓦(WolfgangTwardawa)说,在欧洲各地,决策权正从政府手中转移到零售商手中。

    ' Across Europe , decision-making responsibility is shifting from the state to the retailers , 'says Wolfgang Twardawa , an economist with the Society for Consumer Research in Nuremberg , Germany .

  8. 尼尔森全球消费者研究副总裁詹姆斯罗素(JamesRusso)表示:我们不再是2008年第四季度的自由落体状态。

    We 're no longer in this freefall that we were in the fourth quarter of 2008 , said James Russo , vice-president of global consumer insights at Nielsen .

  9. 研究发表在《消费者研究》杂志上。

    The study was published in the Journal of Consumer Research .

  10. 上海青少年女性消费者研究及服装品牌企划

    Study on Young-adult Female Consumer in Shanghai and Apparel Brand Merchandising

  11. 《消费者研究》杂志上的一项研究发表了一些见解。

    A study in the Journal of Consumer Research offers some insights .

  12. 这项研究发表在《消费者研究》杂志上。

    The study is in the Journal of Consumer Research .

  13. 西方消费者研究概述

    A Review of the Recent Research on Consumer Behavior in West Countries

  14. 这项研究发表在《消费者研究》期刊上。

    The study is the Journal of Consumer Research ( PDF . )

  15. 这次研究将会刊登到《消费者研究》上。

    The study will be published in the Journal of Consumer Research .

  16. 让的号召,这一段时间的'消费者研究。

    Let 's call this period of time'consumer research .

  17. 足够有趣的是,消费者研究表明相反实际上更真实。

    Interestingly enough , consumer research indicates that the reverse is actually true .

  18. 基于利益细分的网上消费者研究

    Research on Consumers Online Based on Benefit Segments

  19. 《消费者研究杂志》刊登了这项研究结果。

    The study was published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research .

  20. 这项研究将于2012年发表在《消费者研究》期刊上。

    The study will be published in December 2012 in the Journal of consumer research .

  21. 男:杰西卡,你知道道德消费者研究协会吗?

    M : Jessica , do you know something about the Ethical Consumer Research Association ?

  22. 问题1道德消费者研究协会提供的信息是关于什么的?

    Question 1 . What is the information provided by the Ethical Consumer Research Association about ?

  23. 中国牙膏市场的消费者研究

    Consumer research of Chinese toothpaste market

  24. 例如,消费者研究探讨了病人对干涉的行为反应并且提供了顺应性的重要的洞察力;

    As examples , consumer research explores patients'behavioural responses to interventions and provides important insights into compliance ;

  25. 这个发表于《消费者研究》杂志上的结果与其他另外三项独立研究一致。

    The result , published in The Journal of Consumer Research , was consistent in three separate studies .

  26. 其次对国内外有关服务营销、医疗服务营销和医疗消费者研究等文献理论进行了较为全面的归纳总结;

    Secondly summarizes the domestic and abroad documentary theories about service marketing , medical service marketing and medical customers .

  27. 个性化广告将利用从观众偏好、住址、以及其它消费者研究中收集的信息来定制。

    The personalised advertisements would use information gathered from viewer preferences , where they live and other customer research .

  28. 文章的第四部分采用了比较的研究方法,将存在主义现象学方法与常用的消费者研究方法&焦点团体座谈会与深度访谈进行了比较。

    The forth charter makes a compare between existential-phenomenology method and focus groups & in-depth interview method in theory and operation level .

  29. 由此可见,西安玉器除了反映在经营上有欠缺外,玉器的市场研究,质量评价,消费者研究,工艺特色研究都存在严重的不足。

    So there is much thing to do for jade quality-assessment , consumer-study and characteristic construction of design and carving in Xi'an .

  30. 相反,积极的刺激因素,比如网站功能的改善,能够显著地降低所有的消费者研究对象的盗版倾向。

    Conversely , positive incentives , such as improved functionality , can significantly reduce the tendency to pirate among all the consumer segments studied .