
  • 网络Consumer behavior research;Consumer Behavior
  1. 对市场元认知和市场社会智力的研究正在成为消费者行为研究的新趋势之一。

    The research on marketplace metacognition and social intelligence is being one of the new trends on consumer behavior research .

  2. 在消费者行为研究领域,顾客口碑宣传对其他顾客的态度和行为具有巨大的影响作用。

    In consumer behavior research field , the customer word-of-mouth ( WOM ) has great effect on the attitude and behavior of other customers .

  3. 健康体适能俱乐部消费者行为研究

    The Study of Consumer Behavior of Fitness & Health Club

  4. 中国汽车市场及消费者行为研究

    Study on the Consumer 's Behavior in Auto-market of China

  5. 从人类学中借用的民族志法是消费者行为研究的前沿方法。

    Anthropology law is the consumer behavior latest method .

  6. 长期以来,传统的消费者行为研究学一直把消费者购买行为描绘成理性的、以目标为导向的消费行为。

    Consumer buying behavior has traditionally been portrayed as rational and goal oriented .

  7. 计算机建模在消费者行为研究中的应用探索性研究

    An Exploratory Study on the Application of the Computer Modeling in Consumer Behavior

  8. 基于信息搜寻理论的体育消费者行为研究

    Research of Consumer Behavior of Sport Based on the Theory of Information Searching

  9. 南京市商品住宅市场消费者行为研究

    Research on Nanjing Commodity Housing Market Consumer Behavior

  10. 冲动性购买行为在消费者行为研究领域中占有重要地位。

    Impulse buying behavior in the field of consumer behavior plays an important role .

  11. 成都市普通住宅商品房目标消费者行为研究

    A Study on the Target Consumers Behavior of Ordinary Residential Housing Market in Chengdu

  12. 事业关联营销的消费者行为研究

    Study on Consumer Behavior in Cause-Related Marketing

  13. 略谈消费者行为研究指标体系

    Research on the Guidline of Consumer Behaviors

  14. 中国消费者行为研究综述

    A Summarization on Chinese Consumer Behavior Study

  15. 论消费者行为研究范式的转向

    Review Consumer Behavior Study Model Change

  16. 顾客抱怨是消费者行为研究中的一个重要课题。

    Consumer complaint behavior ( CCB ) is an important topic in the research of consumer behaviors .

  17. 消费者行为研究证实有显著品牌忠诚的颐客会对外来的竞争性营销说服信息进行抵制。

    Studies on consumer behavior show that customers with obvious brand loyalty will resist other competitive marketing persuasion information .

  18. 自从被引入消费者行为研究领域以来,联合分析已经发展成为市场研究领域最有效的工具之一。

    Since it was introduced in the market research domain , it has been one of the most effective tools .

  19. 目前,保险消费者行为研究,主要基于保险需求理论对影响保险消费者行为的因素进行分析,但围绕目前国内车险产品,对车险个体消费者的投保行为的影响因素分析较少,实证研究较少。

    Nowadays most of researches are on insurance demands , while the study of individual consumer and positive analysis are less .

  20. 西方消费者行为研究路线基本上有两个,一是实证主义路线,二是阐释主义路线。

    There are two basic routes in western consumer behavior study , one is positivism route , and another is explanation route .

  21. 消费者行为研究是对个人或群体认知、选择、购买、使用产品或服务来满足自身需要这一过程的研究。

    Study of consumer behavior is the investigation concerning individual or colony 's cognizing , choosing , purchasing , using product or service .

  22. 消费者行为研究建立在广泛的理论基础上,它需要从许多学科中吸取概念和理论。

    Consumer behavior study is set up on the basis of extensive theory ; it need draw concept and theory from many subjects .

  23. 综合运用主成分分析、对应分析、最优尺度分析方法,会使消费者行为研究更有深度。

    The research of Consumer 's behavior will be deepened if correspondence analysis , optimal scaling technique and factor analysis are adopted together .

  24. 第一部分为导言部分,主要阐述了国内外对旅游消费者行为研究的状况,以及本文的研究内容、思路、方法和意义。

    It mainly elaborates the study of domestic and abroad on tourist behavior , and the researching content , thinking , method and significance .

  25. 网络消费的兴起,使得网络消费者行为研究逐渐成为学术研究和营销管理的热门课题。

    The rising of online consumption makes the study on online consumer behavior gradually become the hot topic in academic research and marketing management .

  26. 作为消费者行为研究的主要内容,家庭消费行为随着经济的发展,与市场的结合变得越来越紧密。

    As the main part of consumer behavior study , family consumption behavior is getting closer with the market with the development of the economy .

  27. 目前,随着人们对精神产品消费需求的增加,精神产品的消费者行为研究成为前沿课题之一。

    Currently , with the demand for spiritual products increasing drastically , studies concerning the consumer behavior of spiritual products have become one of the latest research trends .

  28. 另一方面,此培训还将包括消费者行为研究和市场营销学,技术人员可以运用这些技能帮助项目工程师、市场顾问和销售人员。

    Another route of specialization involves training in consumer behavior and marketing , so that the technician can assist field engineers , marketing consultants , and sales staff .

  29. 消费者行为研究是市场营销活动的基础,对目标市场中的消费者行为的深刻理解也已成为构建竞争优势的前提条件。

    Consumer behavior research is becoming the basis of marketing event . The insight into consumer behavior of target market has been the precondition of building competition advantage .

  30. 自20世纪80年代以来,由于市场变化的需要,消费者行为研究已成为营销学和企业管理者们共同关注的焦点领域。

    Since the nineteen eighties , due to changes in the market , the consumer behavior research has become the focus of attention in both the marketing and enterprise managers .