
  • 网络jianxi;Jianxi District
  1. 结果本次调查显示我市涧西区学校集体用餐卫生状况不容乐观。

    Results This investigation showed that the hygiene condition in Jianxi District were unoptimistic .

  2. 洛阳市涧西区1995-2004年恶性肿瘤发病趋势分析

    Analysis of Incidence Trend of Cancer in Jianxi District of Luoyang from 1995 to 2004

  3. 洛阳市涧西区小学生紧张性行为流行病学及相关因素研究

    Study on epidemiology of nervous behaviors for primary school pupils in Jianxi District , Luoyang City

  4. 洛阳市涧西区1991~2002年0~6岁法定传染病发病趋势分析

    Trend Analyses of Legal Infectious Disease from Age 0 to 6 from 1991 ~ 2002 in Jianxi District

  5. 得出涧西区最优,西工区次之,老城区第三,洛龙区第四,瀍河区最差。

    The result showed that : Jianxi is best , the second is Xigong , the third is Laocheng , the fourth is Luolong , and Chanhe is worst .
