
  • 网络old town;downtown;Altstadt;Ciutat Vella
  1. 社交活动可以包括沙滩上的烧烤和老城区的步行游览。

    Social activities might include barbecues on the beach and walking tours of the Old Town .

  2. 我们昨天到了老城区,明天去玉龙雪山。

    We arrived yesterday and visited the Old Town . Tomorrow we 're going to Yulong Snow Mountain .

  3. 这个城市工人居住的老城区正在进行改造,以供较高阶层人士居住。

    Old working-class areas of the city are being gentrified .

  4. 老城区的街道狭促曲折,好似迷宫一般。

    The streets of the Old City are narrow and labyrinthine .

  5. 老城区底层人群面临的基本问题是住房紧张和就业不足。

    The basic problems of the inner-city underclass are inadequate housing and lack of jobs

  6. 游览完老城区之后,会由导游带队参观大教堂。

    After exploring the old part of town there is a guided tour of the cathedral

  7. 这里天气很糟糕,尤其是在冬天。与波士顿不同,也没有什么有趣的老城区可以弥补这一缺点。

    The weather is terrible , particularly in winter , and there 's no interesting old city to make up for it , as there is in Boston .

  8. 安娜:嗨,西蒙!你已经到丽江了!很高兴接到你的电话!你觉得那里的老城区怎么样?

    Anna : Hi Simon ! You are already in Lijiang ! Great to hear you ! So how do you like the Old Town there ?

  9. 他们步行穿过老城区中心弯弯曲曲的街道。

    They walked through the tortuous streets of the old city .

  10. 河的右岸,是中世纪老城区(staremesto)的中心。

    On the right bank is the medieval heart of the city known as stare Mesto , the old town .

  11. 北京CBD的马路上车水马龙,周围摩天大楼密布,完全没有老城区那种奇特精巧、低调含蓄的美感。

    With its vast car-clogged roads and titanic buildings , Beijing 's CBD has none of the quaint , low-key charm of the city 's older neighbourhoods .

  12. 闲置工业空间改造中LOFT文化的体现与深化基于文脉角度谈老城区步行街环境改造中文化品位的缔造

    Studies on the Loft Culture in Reconstruction and Recycle of Old Industry Building From the Contextual Point of View to Talk about Walk Transformation of Cultural Taste Making

  13. 如果你想在老城区小法兰西入住一家华丽高档酒店,请到金盾温泉酒店(HôtelLeBouclierd’Or&Spa;1,rueduBouclier,33-3-88-13-73-55;lebouclierdor.com)。

    For stately , aristocratic ambience in the historical Petite France neighborhood , H ô tel Le Bouclier d'Or & Spa ( 1 , rue du Bouclier , 33-3-88-13-73-55 ; lebouclierdor . com ) is a two-year-old addition .

  14. 为昆明老城区RBD规划提供依据,从而提出老城区更新的意见和建议。

    This text provides a basis for the old city plan RBD of Kunming , in order to made comments and suggestions for the old city renewal .

  15. 方法:采用流行病学调查使用的抑郁自评量表(CES-D)和专门设计的产科因素调查表,对广州市5个老城区32个街道的2000名产后3月内的产妇进行调查。

    Methods : 2 000 women from 32 streets in 5 old city regions were investigated by CES-D and self-made inventory in three months after delivery .

  16. 金鑫的一个酒吧牛啤堂(NBeerPub)坐落在北京老城区里的一块休闲之处,现在有很多中国年轻人光顾这里,饮用DeliriumTremens、LindemansFramboise和BrewdogPunkIPA之类的进口啤酒。

    Now , one of Mr. Jin 's bars , NBeerPub , tucked away in a laid-back part of Beijing 's old town , buzzes with young Chinese customers ordering imports like Delirium Tremens , Lindemans Framboise and Brewdog Punk IPA .

  17. 忆读济南老城区的特征民居院落

    Recall the Particular Residential Courtyards in the Old Area of Jinan

  18. 他们开过保障房区到老城区。

    They drove through the housing projects to the historic district .

  19. 老城区道路旧沥青路面补强改造的应用研究

    Application and Study of Old Asphalt Pavement Reconstruction in Old Town

  20. 宿迁老城区文物保护与利用规划

    Cultural relic protection in old district of Suqian and its application

  21. 《南京市老城区影像图册》编制实践

    The Compilation of Image Atlas of the Old Urban of Nanjing

  22. 合肥老城区填土工程地质特征

    Engineering geological features of fills in the old region of Hefei City

  23. 上海中心老城区蝇类种群密度变化分析

    Survey and Analysis on Variety of the Flies Population Density in Shanghai

  24. 上海青浦老城区保护规划策略

    Planning Policy for the Protection of Qingpu Old City Zone in Shanghai

  25. 青岛市老城区街道空间体系类型化研究

    Typology Research on Street Space System of Qingdao 's Old City Area

  26. 空间解析与衍生:旧城更新中的符号学方法&以成都新都老城区城市设计为例

    Space Analysis and Derivative : Semiotics Method in the Old City Renewal

  27. 天津老城区及其传统建筑的保护开发与利用

    The conservation and development of Tianjin traditional downtown and buildings

  28. 山区老城区排水管网改造的设计与实施

    Design and Implementation of Sewer Net Reconstruction in Mountainous Old Urban Area

  29. 诸暨市老城区合流制排水系统的改造

    Improvement Engineering on Combined Sewerage System in Old Urban Area of Zhuji

  30. 圣诞装饰灯染红了整个奥地利维也纳的老城区。

    Christmas decorations glow in the old town of Vienna , Austria .