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dàn zhuānɡ
  • light makeup
淡妆 [dàn zhuāng]
  • [light make-up] 淡雅的妆饰

  • 淡妆雅服

  1. 日本男性用淡妆让自己看上去清新自然,韩国男性则大胆通过男用眼线液或粉底霜打造精致优雅的面庞。

    While Japanese men used to put on light makeup to keep their natural look , South Korean gentlemen were not afraid of wearing eyeliner or foundation to create delicate and elegant face .

  2. 晨光,透过古色古香的雕花窗棂,给庭院里精致的盆景慢慢地化上一抹金黄的淡妆。

    Dawn , through antique carved window lattice , gradually puts a golden and light makeup for the exquisite miniature gardening in the yard .

  3. 一点淡妆反而增添了她五官的古典韵味。

    Her sparing use of make-up only seemed to enhance her classically beautiful features

  4. Makeunder(素面朝天)指某人一改往日形象,只化淡妆或不化妆、也不做发型的样子。

    Makeunder refers to a change of appearance in which a person is given a simpler look , especially one with little or no makeup and a basic hairstyle .

  5. 那样好。我喜欢看淡妆。

    That 's good . I like to see simple make-up .

  6. 范冰冰在淡妆的时候最美丽。

    FBB is at her most beautiful with minimal makeup .

  7. 赠送:伴娘淡妆或妈妈简妆。

    Gift : bridesmaid or mother , Jane makeup makeup .

  8. 化妆对男人不会意味着更多东西,淡妆就行了。

    Makeup doesn 't do a lot for guys .

  9. 我在眼部上了淡妆。

    I put on Al little eye make-up .

  10. 只要画点淡妆就容易使自己拥有快乐的一天!

    It 's easy to have a nice day only by putting on light make-up .

  11. 化淡妆,每只手上的戒指不要超过一个。

    Keep your make up simple and use no more than one ring on each hand .

  12. 有效证件复印件、简历、形象照、化淡妆、穿高跟鞋。

    Copies of valid documents , resumes , photo image , chemical makeup , high heels .

  13. (只要化点淡妆,就容易让自己拥有愉快的一天。)

    EX : It ′ s easy to have a good day only by putting on light make-up .

  14. 想要让你的打扮更时尚,考克斯认为自然才是关键,你可以试着画点淡妆。

    To look chic , the key is to keep your appearance natural with minimalistic makeup , said Cox .

  15. 最好的穿着是封闭的鞋子(不是凉鞋),宽松的上衣,长筒袜,保守的发型、珠宝、以及淡妆。

    Closed-toe shoes ( no sandals ) , blouses , hose and conservative hair , jewelry and makeup are expected .

  16. 2012年的另一项研究则表明淡妆不仅让女性更好看,还让她们看起来更讨人喜欢和能干。

    Another 2012 study found that subtle makeup made women seem not only attractive , but more likable and competent .

  17. 心中珍爱自然,对自然的改造,就会淡妆农抹总相宜。

    Treasure naturally in the heart , transformation in nature , can lightly made up to wipe suitable while being agricultural .

  18. 我知道你喜欢淡妆,但是你不认为把绿色和粉红色放在一起是否太鲜艳了点?

    I know you like colourful but don 't you think that green and pink together is going a bit ouerboard ?

  19. 这很难说。对大多数人来说,化妆应该搞得恰到好处。所以我的妆一般都是简单的淡妆。

    B : That all depends . For most people , making-up should be moderate . So mine is usually soft and simple .

  20. 她穿着简单的两件套羊毛衫,黑色长裙和平底鞋,只化淡妆,没有涂指甲油。

    She was wearing a simple twin set with a full black skirt and flats . She had on very little makeup and no nail polish .

  21. 怀孕的公爵夫人画了个淡妆,把头发梳了起来盘成一个花苞,带着简约的金色耳环和手镯。

    The pregnant duchess kept her makeup to a minimum , wearing her hair tied back in a bun and adding simple gold earrings and gold bangles .

  22. 他们并不是真指“素颜”——即脸本来的样子,他们是指淡妆素颜(假素颜)。

    They don 't actually mean " natural " - ie the face as it really is . They mean tabloid natural . The illusion of natural .

  23. 要么是纯粹的漆黑,要么是其它的深色调,即使不是化浓妆的场合,一些她也敢于拿来和清爽的淡妆来配哦。

    Whether they were jet black or some other inky hue , she even sported them during her lighter ( makeup ) days , not just on edgy ones .

  24. 我会选一套漂亮的衣服突出我的特点,梳理好发型,化一些淡妆,保持笑容灿烂,再洒上一些香水。

    This means a cute outfit that emphasizes my best features , combed and fixed hair , a little makeup , a clean bright smile , and a spritz of light perfume .

  25. 雷迪嘎嘎一直以夸张的化妆闻名,但这一次她却选择展露她的自然美。画了个淡妆,雷迪嘎嘎看上去脸色红润,唇色嫣红。

    Whereas Gaga is often known to pile on the make-up , she opted for a lighter touch this time , enhancing her natural beauty with a healthy glow and rose-tinted lips .

  26. 至于“飞扬”的眉毛,九哥说他只是爱美,觉得这样的眉毛与他长长的头发比较搭配,有时他还会画点淡妆,但只限于描描眼线。

    As for the " flying " eyebrows , nine elder brother says he just love , like the eyebrows and his long hair match , sometimes he will draw point of makeup , but only painted eyeliner .

  27. 护发和护肤品牌必须调整产品,使之更适合亚洲人的肤质与发质&他们与西方消费者存在生物学上的差异。而化妆品品牌则必须适应内地淡妆或不化妆的文化习俗。

    Hair and skincare brands must adapt their products to Asian skin and hair , which differs biologically from that of western customers , and cosmetics brands must adjust to the mainland cultural practice of wearing little or no make-up .

  28. 据《纽约时报》消息,《实验心理学季刊》曾在2014年刊登过一项研究,研究发现男性和女性参与者都认为淡妆状态下的女性颜值最高。

    According to The New York Times , a 2014 study published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology found that both male and female participants thought " regular " women looked best when they applied a moderate amount of makeup .