
  • 网络Quenching medium;PAG;quenching agent
  1. 淬火介质及微量Ag对Al-Zn-Mg-Cu合金组织性能的影响

    Effect of quenching medium and small addition of Ag on microstructure and properties of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy

  2. 水基淬火介质PAG的使用

    Application of PAG Quenching Medium

  3. 聚二醇类淬火介质CH-202的研究

    The Research of the PAG Polymer Quenchant CH - 202

  4. UCONE型淬火介质在大模块工件上的应用

    Application of UCON E Polymer Quenchant in Big Die Block Workpieces

  5. 硬件设计上,用两通道数据采集分别采集淬火介质温度和环境温度,实现对K型热电偶动态冷端补偿;

    In hardware design , both the quenchant 's cooling characteristic and the ambient temperature are acquired to actualize thermocouple cold junction compensation ( CJC ) .

  6. 影响水溶性淬火介质PAG冷却性能的因素

    Factors of Influencing Cooling Property of PAG Quenching Medium

  7. 根据现有淬火介质冷却速度特性曲线,建立数学模型,计算出换热系数h,从而计算出冷却过程的时间,为完善和发展双介质淬火工艺开拓了新的途径。

    In this paper a mathematical model is proposed for calculating the heat transfer coefficient on the basis of avaiable cooling rate curves and the time of cooling process is worked out .

  8. 介绍用于钢丝生产的3种高分子聚合物淬火介质PVA、PAG和ACR的特性及适用情况。

    Introduce the characteristics of three kinds of high polymer quenching medium PVA , PAG and ACR for steel wire production and their application situation .

  9. UCONA型水溶性淬火介质在粉末冶金件感应淬火中的应用

    Application of UCON A Water-Soluble Quenchant in Induction Quenching of Powder Metallurgy Steel Parts

  10. 40Cr钢紧固螺钉整体淬火介质的应用

    Application on the Process of Over Quenching Medium 40 Cr Steel Binding Screw

  11. B2→DO3有序转变温区变宽且移向高温,从而去马氏体稳定化措施所用的淬火介质也需要作相立调整;

    The temperature interval of B2 → DO_3 transformation will be changed , so the used quench media to avoid the stabilization of martensite also need be adjusted properly ;

  12. WGY型水溶性淬火介质在钢板弹簧热处理中的应用

    Application of WGY Water Soluble Quenchant in Heat Treatment of Plate Springs

  13. 介绍了WGY型水溶性淬火介质的冷却特性曲线及冷却特性。

    This paper deals with the cooling characteristics and properties of WGY water soluble quenchant .

  14. SGY-87-1高分子淬火介质的研制

    Development of the SGY-87-1 macromolecule quenching medium

  15. 通过改变淬火介质及其温度研究了冷速特性对Cu-Zn-Al形状记忆合金马氏体稳定化的影响。

    The effect of the characteristics of cooling rates of quenching media on the stabilization of martensite in Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloys have been studied by the way of changing quenching media and their temperature .

  16. 研究了淬火介质SST103对低铬半钢的硬度分布及淬裂敏感性的影响。

    The effect of SST103 quenching medium on hardness distribution and cracking character of low chromium semi-steel were studied .

  17. 本实用新型的用于AQ251淬火介质的淬火冷却系统,包括通过管路连接的淬火槽和冷却室;

    The utility model relates to a quenching cooling system used for quenching medium AQ251 , which comprises a quenching groove and a cooling chamber which are connected by pipe lines .

  18. 在链轮硬度与有效硬化层深度达到技术要求的情况下,UCONA型水溶性淬火介质使铁基粉末冶金链轮感应淬火冷却时的应力降到最小,从而把淬火开裂比例控制在1%以内。

    On condition that the sprocket ′ s hardness and effective hardening case depth meets the technical requirements , UCON A quenchant can minimize the PM sprocket ′ s induction quenching stress , and hence control the quenching crack rate within 1 % .

  19. 对TYL水溶性淬火介质老化性能进行测定,获得了该介质的抗老化能力强,化学稳定性高,成分变化小,冷却性能稳定,成本较低。

    Through testing the ageing performance of TYL water-soluble quenching medium , we know that the medium has a strong anti-ageing capacity , stable chemical property , small composition change , stable cooling property , and low cost .

  20. 以UNCON(15%)或水为淬火介质时,可以得到大量的马氏体,支承辊硬度和淬硬层深也符合要求,但残余应力较大。

    While the bearing roller is quenched into UNCON ( 15w % ) or water , it can get a lot of martensite . At the same time , the hardness and quenching layer of bearing roller meets the needs , but the residual stress is larger .

  21. 上面列出的各种淬火介质的冷却能力有很大的区别。

    The cooling capabilities of the above-listed quenching media vary greatly .

  22. 热管空冷器在淬火介质控温过程中的应用

    Application of Heat-pipe Air-Condenser on the Temperature Controlling of Quenching Medium

  23. 与液体淬火介质相比,气体在生态和经济性方面有优势。

    Gases offer ecological and economical advantages compared to quenching media .

  24. 淬火介质冷却性能的反问题测试方法

    Inverse problem method for cooling properties measurement of quenching media

  25. 用银探头测定淬火介质的冷却能力

    Determining the Cooling Power of the Quenching Liquid with a Silver Probe

  26. 新型有机聚合物淬火介质及其工业应用

    New quenching medium of organic polymer and its industrial application

  27. 动态淬火介质冷却特性及换热系数的研究

    Research on the Cooling Characteristic and Heat Transfer Coefficient of Dynamic Quenchant

  28. 淬火介质对高强铝合金晶间腐蚀性能的影响

    Effect of Quenching Agent on Intergranular Corrosion Resistance of High-strength Aluminum Alloy

  29. 淬火介质冷却过程中的数值计算

    An Algorithm of the Cooling Transfer Process for Quenching Media

  30. 淬火介质对7055铝合金晶界析出行为的影响

    Effects of Quenching Agent on Grain Boundary Precipitation Behaviors of 7055 Aluminum Alloy