
  • 网络Hybrid Intelligent System
  1. 认知系统-大学的资源集成和混合智能系统爱荷华州,维持。

    Cognitive Systems-Resources on Integrated and Hybrid Intelligent Systems , maintained at Iowa State University .

  2. 最后,本文将混合智能系统引入到商务智能的应用中。

    And all get the satisfied answers . Lastly , the article introduces the Hybrid Intelligent Systems into Business Intelligence .

  3. ANFIS设计方法是一种将模糊逻辑系统(FLS)和人工神经网络系统(ANN)相结合,利用两者各自的优点所形成的混合智能系统。

    The ANFIS design method is a blend intelligent system which combines the Fuzzy Logic System ( FLS ) and the Annual Neural Network ( ANN ) and uses their 's strongpoints .

  4. 新的混合智能系统R-FC-DENN

    New hybrid intelligent system : R-FC-DENN

  5. 稠油开采方式决策混合智能系统

    Realization and application of the mixed intelligence system in screening of viscous crude oil production schemes

  6. 浅析混合智能系统

    The Analyse of Hybrid Intelligence System

  7. 该混合智能系统的开发,也为其广泛用于石油勘探开发的其它领域开辟了一条新路。

    The development of the system also opens a new perspective toward a more extensive utilization of the mixed intelligence system in other areas of oil exploration and development .

  8. 本文从智能计算的角度出发,将智能体技术和知识发现技术引入进化计算,形成一个混合智能系统。

    From intelligent computing point of view this thesis introduces the intelligent agent and knowledge discovery technique into the evolution computing and forms a hybrid intelligent system ( HIS ) .

  9. 针对这一问题,目前研究的焦点很大一部分集中在将多种智能技术综合集成上,也形成了人工智能领域的一个新的研究方向&混合智能系统。

    At present , the most research of Artificial Intelligence has been focused on integrating different intelligent techniques , and these have formed a new field : Hybrid Intelligent Systems .

  10. 本文在对各种智能技术进行介绍的基础上,对几种常用的智能技术做了一定的对比,进而对混合智能系统的一些发展现状作了讨论。

    In this paper , we will give a framework of every intelligence technology and compare these intelligence technology then describe the state of the development of the hybrid intelligence system .

  11. 筑路机械电液混合智能冷却系统的研制

    The Investigation of Electro-hydraulic Intelligent Cooling System on Construction Engineering

  12. 轧钢加热炉混合智能控制系统

    Hybrid intelligent control system for slab reheating furnaces

  13. 讨论了轧钢加热炉生产过程的计算机控制问题,设计了一个基于知识和在线参数辨识的混合智能控制系统。

    In this paper , the computer control problem for slab reheating furnace is discussed and a hybrid intelligent control system is established .

  14. 其诊断结果表明,应用本文所设计的混合智能诊断系统,各故障样本训练均能快速有效的收敛于设定的误差值,而且网络具有一定的泛化能力。

    In this paper , the diagnosis results show that all the fault sample can be convergent to the setting error value using the hybrid intelligent diagnosis system proposed , and the network has the generalization ability .

  15. 介绍了采用S7-200PLC实现的高浓度啤酒稀释混合配比智能控制系统,对系统的结构、组成、设计思想进行了分析,并给出了由S7-200PLC实现的模糊PID控制器的程序设计。

    This paper introduces that intelligent control system for dilution and mixture ratio of concentrated beer based on S7-200 PLC . The configuration of the system and design idea are described , and program of fuzzy PID controller based on S7-200 PLC is given .

  16. 本文基于电子计算机在实现实时决策系统中遇到的难题,提出了一种光电混合的智能决策系统&急诊决策系统(ETDS)。

    This paper , based on analysis of the existing electronic computer limitations in realizing real time intelligent decision systems , proposes a hybrid optical intelligent decision system emergency treatment decision system ( ETDS ) .

  17. 基于催化传感器可燃混合气体智能分析系统

    Mixed inflammable gas e analyzing system with catalytic sensor

  18. 大型收获机电液混合驱动智能冷却系统

    Study on Intelligent Cooling System of Electric Hydraulic Admixture Drive for Big Reaping Machine

  19. 用本文编写的特征提取程序对信号进行处理,提取了多组特征向量,并用这些特征参数验证了粗集-神经网络混合智能故障诊断系统的可靠性。

    Finally , the energy eigenvectors that extracted by feature extraction procedure we programmed were used to validated the rough and neural network intelligent fault diagnosis system .

  20. 基于混合式多智能体系统的协作多机器人系统研究

    Research on cooperative multi-robot system based on hybrid multi-agent system

  21. 燃气轮机混合智能故障诊断专家系统

    Hybrid Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Expert System for Gas Turbine

  22. 近年来,基础隔震技术的应用越来越广泛,同时一些新的隔震体系如混合隔震和智能隔震系统也受到了研究人员的关注。

    In recent years , seismic isolation technology has been used widespread , and more researchers have focused on some new isolation systems such as hybrid and smart isolation systems .