
  • 网络Autopilot;autopilot system;ATO;Auto Drive System;piloted driving
  1. 国产化城轨交通列车自动驾驶系统车载设备研究与设计

    Research and Design of Onboard Devices of Localized ATO System in Urban Rail Transit

  2. 将模糊预测控制理论运用于列车自动驾驶系统,给出了具体的控制算法和模糊评判函数;

    After fuzzy prediction control theory was applied to ATO , specific control algorithm and fuzzy judgment function were given ;

  3. 基于模糊PID软切换的列车自动驾驶系统控制算法及仿真研究

    Control Algorithm and Its Simulation for Automatic Train Operation System Based on Fuzzy-PID Soft-Switch

  4. 奥迪是继谷歌公司(Google)之后的第二家公司,也是首家获准在内华达州公路上测试其自动驾驶系统的汽车公司。

    Audi is the second company , and first automaker after Google ( GOOG ) , to receive permission to test its systems on Nevada roads .

  5. 而其他大公司,包括通用汽车(GeneralMotors)和福特汽车(FordMotor)也都在开发自己的自动驾驶系统,不过它们在本次展会上都没有发布任何声明或召开发布会。

    Other major automakers , including General Motors Co. ( GM ) and Ford Motor Co. ( f ) , are working on autonomous systems but sidestepped making any announcements or holding briefings at the show .

  6. 路透社(Reuters)在8月报道,北京的一名驾驶员在使用自动驾驶系统期间发生车祸后,特斯拉在其中文网站中去掉了“自动驾驶”这个词。那起事故未造成人员伤亡。

    In August , Reuters reported that Tesla removed a Chinese term for " self-driving " from its China website after a driver in Beijing had a nonfatal crash while Autopilot was engaged .

  7. 去年苹果从特斯拉和大众(Volkswagen)挖走了参与研发自动驾驶系统的多位工程师,似乎表明苹果可能制造的汽车将具有一定程度的自动驾驶能力。

    Last year Apple poached engineers who had worked on self-driving systems at Tesla and Volkswagen , suggesting that any vehicle it produced would have a degree of autonomous capability .

  8. 高效率和高密度的城市轨道交通对列控系统提出了更高的要求,列车自动驾驶系统(ATO)能够代替经验丰富的司机完成自动驾驶列车的任务。

    In order to satisfy the high efficiency and high density request of urban railway traffic system , automatic train operation ( ATO ) can replace the experienced driver to complete the driving task .

  9. 基于智能模糊控制的汽车自动驾驶系统

    The System of Automatic Drive Based on Intelligent Fuzzy Control

  10. 总的来说,特斯拉自动驾驶系统是非常可靠的。

    Ultimately , Tesla 's system is very nicely composed .

  11. 基于模糊预测控制的列车自动驾驶系统研究

    Study on Automatic Train Operation Based on Fuzzy Prediction Control

  12. 基于智能控制算法的列车自动驾驶系统的优化研究

    Research on Optimization of Automatic Train Operation System Based on Intelligent Control Algorithm

  13. 后来,那名驾驶员抱怨称特斯拉夸大了自动驾驶系统的能力。

    That driver later complained that the carmaker had oversold Autopilot 's capability .

  14. 列车自动驾驶系统控制算法综述

    A survey of control algorithm for automatic train operation

  15. 该系统可以为进一步研究列车自动驾驶系统提供了有效的实验手段和方法。

    It is an effective method for further studying of automatic train operation system .

  16. 还有一次,他称赞自动驾驶系统避免了一起事故。

    In another he praised the system for saving his car from an accident .

  17. 特斯拉表示,自动驾驶系统不是为了彻底取代驾驶员。

    Tesla has said Autopilot is not meant to take over completely for a human driver .

  18. 智能型自动驾驶系统的多源信息融合算法

    Multi-information Fusion Algorithms Automatic Highway Operation

  19. 在智能交通系统中,自动驾驶系统或许是最难于实现的技术之一。

    In the intelligent transportation systems , maybe the automatic navigation system is the most difficult problem .

  20. 拖拉机自动驾驶系统的研究

    On Tractor Autonomous Driving System

  21. 汽车自动驾驶系统

    Automatic Driving System for Automobiles

  22. 迄今为止,佛罗里达州那起事故是唯一一起得到证实的,涉及打开了自动驾驶系统的特斯拉汽车的致命案例。

    So far , that Florida accident is the only confirmed death involving a Tesla with Autopilot turned on .

  23. 尽管最近几年这方面技术取得了惊人的进步,但要模仿人类打造具有感觉能力的自动驾驶系统是极其困难的。

    For all the astonishing advances made in recent years , it is phenomenally difficult to replicate humans as sensory beings .

  24. 调查团队正在检查该车的自动驾驶系统,以及它在车祸中起到的作用。

    The team is looking at the car 's automated driving system and whether it played a role in the crash .

  25. 不过,这种自动驾驶系统预计会处理车辆在长途公路上的行驶,而长途行驶目前正是导致驾驶员疲劳的主要原因。

    However , the autonomous system is expected to handle the long-haul highway driving that is currently the main cause of driver fatigue .

  26. 在遇到需要手动驾驶的情况,如棘手的合并路段和进入收费站时,自动驾驶系统会用舒缓的声音通知车主。

    The soothing voice of Google Chauffeur alerts its human driver of upcoming situations that require hands-on control , like a tricky merge or a tollbooth .

  27. 对列车自动驾驶系统进行了仿真研究,设计了相应的仿真软件,对列车运行各阶段进行了仿真,仿真计算结果与优秀司机操纵列车的实际结果非常接近。

    At last a simulation software was designed to simulate all phases of train running , and its result approached to the practice of excellent train driver .

  28. 一旦机组成员离开驾驶舱进入机舱,飞机的自动驾驶系统将接管飞机让驾驶舱变得更为安静和更为高效。

    Once the crews got out to the aircraft , the aircraft 's automation took over and made for a much quieter , much more efficient cockpit .

  29. 列车自动驾驶系统是列车自动运行控制系统的一个重要的子系统,其负责控制列车自动运行以代替司机的驾驶。

    The ATO is an important subsystem of Automatic Train Control System . It is responsible for the automatic running of train in order to replace the driver .

  30. 周三当天,特斯拉在一份通过电子邮件发出的声明中表示,尚无法断定邯郸那起事故发生时,自动驾驶系统是否处于激活状态。

    In an emailed statement , Tesla said on Wednesday that it had not been able to determine whether Autopilot was active at the time of the Handan accident .