- 网络mixed ore

Research and application of VIBRO-FEEDING technology for viscous mixed ore
Study on mineral processing technology of mixed ore from north and South belt at Wushan Copper Mine
The experimental results showed that by using Na_2SO_3 the flotation of Pb-activated sphalerite can be completely depressed and Pb-Zn mineral mixture well separated .
The mixtion of phosphate and dolomite indicates that to obtain same separation efficiency at pH 6 , only 1 / 200 concentration of phosphoric acid is required for W-10 used as depressant , It also works well even in neutral and alkaline mediums .
The behaviour of DPS in separation of Cu Mo mixture and mixed Cu Mo concentrate was investigated , and the relations of DPS with chalcopyrite depression and pulp potential were discussed .
The difference of collecting behavior between quaternary ammonium salt TR and 1231 , and the depressing effect of modified starch ST were studied by experiments of pure mineral and manually mixed ores . Then the actual ore flotation results were compared .
The Technological Investigation of Bulk Magnetic Separation of Magnetite-hematite Ore Mixture
Production Practice of Producing Nano-zinc Oxide by Low-zinc Grade Lead-zinc Ore
Study of the combined antimony sulphide and oxide ore concentration
Study on Pressure Leaching of Low-grade Copper-Zinc Bulk Concentrate
Separation of Thorium From Mixed Bastnaesite - Monazite Concentrate
Study on new Flotation-metallurgical process for Cu-Zn complex ore
Study on determination of silver in lead zinc mixed concentrate by fire assaying method
Composite Ore Selective Mining Technique
A new leaching process for a low - grade copper - zinc bulk concentrate was studied .
Study on process of Extracting Antimony from its Oxide Ore or Mixed Sulphide - Oxide Ore in Vacuum
Introduction of a new achievement : process and equipment of caustic decomposition of low-grade scheelite and Scheelite-Wolframite mixed concentrates
Mineral technology characteristics of sulfur - arsenic - Tin Mineral Mixtures and processing test of the sulfur - arsenic separation in Dachang
Datian pyrite mine in Fujian processes Pb / Zn mixed concentrates by using the existing equipments of which some are innovated technologically .
At the same time , the affections of adding Australia iron ore into domestic mix on the output and quality of sinter was studied .
On this basis a separation test is carried out on fine artificial ore samples in a laboratory shaking sluice with simple harmonic motion in order to verify the results of the theoretical analysis .
In the flotation separation of Cu-Pb artificial minerals a Cu concentrate containing 31.44 % Cu and a Pb concentrate containing 83.58 % Pb are obtained with recoveries of 95.0 % and 95.32 % , respectively .
The study on the direct indirect flotation flowsheet for artificially mixed ore and on the depression mechanism of single mineral of hematite having adsorbed to the collector has further proved the feasibility of the direct indirect flotation flowsheet .
A Brief Talk on Technical Implementation of Adding Local Iron Ore in Sintering Production At the same time , the affections of adding Australia iron ore into domestic mix on the output and quality of sinter was studied .
The results showed that slag and iron are effectively separated and qualified Ti slag is obtained with Ti assaying respectively 79 % , 82 % and 74 % from mixed ore , Yunnan Ti ore and Panzhihua Ti ore .
At an unchanged mill throughput , DY 1 # and DY 2 # grinding aids can raise the weight percent of - 200 mesh fraction of the products by 7.8 % for the primary ore and 4.6 % for the mixed ore respectively .
This paper describes the experimental investigation on the pressure leaching of copper-zinc ore , where the analysis is given to impact of oxygen partial pressure , acidity , temperature , reaction time and additives , etc. on the leaching rate of copper and zinc .
The product of coarse Sn-concentrate enter into magnetic separation or magnetic-float process to carry out deep process , it can get qualified tin concentrate , mingle ore and rich mid-ore , or it exchanged course tin concentrate for qualified tin concentrate with other department .
The specified value of VMA and its computation method are ( studied . )
Study on optimization of aggregate gradation design for AC-20 modified asphalt mixture in pavement