
  • 网络Cleaning equipment;KARCHER
  1. 周三,联合国儿童基金会向下谢贝利的Baidoa镇空运了5吨补给物资,包括食品,药物和水清洁设备。

    On Wednesday , the UN children 's agency airlifted five tons of supplies to the town of Baidoa in Lower Shabelle . The supplies included food , medicine and water cleaning equipment .

  2. 针对氢氟烃排放的新项目数量正在减少,因为可供安装清洁设备的工厂已所剩无几。

    The number of new projects targeting HFC emissions is falling as developers run out of factories in which to install the cleaning equipment .

  3. COMAC以生产高质量的清洁设备著称,包括强力且安全的自动洗地机,扫地机,商业及工业吸尘器和电源及电瓶驱动的单擦机。

    Comac produces excellent quality equipment , powerful and safe scrubber dryers , sweepers , commercial and industrial vacuum cleaners and main cable and battery operated single disc machines .

  4. 农民应该清洁设备,蓄水盆和农具。

    Farmers should also keep equipment , containers and tools clean .

  5. 磷酸:仅限于作为清洁设备之用。

    Phosphoric acid : for use only to clean equipment .

  6. 执行内部的输入过滤(有时候称为输入清洁设备)。

    By performing in-house input filtering ( sometimes called input sanitation ) .

  7. 洗涤设备、油污清洁设备、润滑油、清洁剂等。

    Washing machinery , oil stain cleaning machinery , lubricating oils , and cleaning agents , etc.

  8. 制药和医疗设备生产设施都要求用清洁设备进行化学和生物清洗,以保证生产的设备质量。

    Both Pharmaceutical and Medical Device production facilities require chemically and biologically clean equipment for QA analysis .

  9. 省钱省事:集中回收设备工作时所产生的垃圾,无需专人清洁设备区域。

    Money Saving : Help to collect the waste from sewing machine automatically , no need additional cleaning by operator .

  10. 它们涉及两个方面:清洁设备,并引导流程通过启动阶段直至稳定状态。

    Recovery there entails both cleaning the equipment and leading the process through a start-up phase until it reaches steady state .

  11. 在俱乐部的一名清洁工来收回清洁设备的时候发现了他。

    He was rescued when the cleaner at the club , which is little used in winter , turned up to collect her cleaning equipment .

  12. 环保:水处理工程及设备、水污染控制、大气污染控制、废物处理、清洁设备、固体废弃物污染控制、生态环境保护等。

    Environmental Protection : sewage disposal engineering and equipment , water pollution controlling , air pollution controlling , proposal of waste materials , ecological environment protection , etc.

  13. 鸡舍的清洁设备和运输工具通常都会有垫料和粪便的积垢。介绍了高频电子式水处理设备除垢原理及在电厂的应用实践。

    Poultry house cleaning equipment and vehicles usually have accumulations of litter and feces . An introduction to the installation 's principle of dreg removal is being presented , together with practical applications in power plants .

  14. 清洁厨房设备、烹调工具和工作区。

    Clean kitchen equipment , cooking utensils and work area .

  15. 督促和管理清洁机器设备的维护保养;

    Coordinate maintenance of cleaning services equipment .

  16. 润滑油使用寿命长,具有极佳的过滤性,使系统更清洁,设备使用寿命更长。

    Long oil life , excellent filterability giving a cleaner system and longer equipment life .

  17. 调查人员表示,甜瓜很可能被污水及老旧又难以清洁的设备污染。

    Investigators said the melons were likely contaminated by dirty water and old , hard-to-clean equipment .

  18. 她的婚姻理想是,即要找到一个丈夫,同时也要找到一个整齐,清洁,设备齐全的家。

    Her ideal of marriage had been to gain a husband and an orderly , well-furnished home at the same time .

  19. 尽管如此,这种擦拭巾在清洁电子设备上的污垢、灰尘和印迹方面非常有用,而且同时能够消毒。

    Nevertheless , the wipes work great at cleaning grime , muck and marks off your device and they also disinfect .

  20. 建筑卫生陶瓷是主要用于卫生间和厨房的卫生清洁用设备,舒适、完美的卫生间和厨房是现代建筑物不可缺少的部分。

    Architecture and sanitary ceramics are sanitation purgation facilities mostly used in toilet and kitchen , comfortable , perfect toilet and kitchen is indispensability parts of modern construction .

  21. 这种解决方案可以帮助补偿缺乏关于清洁和设备维护的适当培训(例如,通过提供更耐久、更不容易出错的测试工具)。

    Such solutions can help make up for lack of proper training on cleanliness and maintenance of equipment ( by offering more durable , foolproof test kits , for example ) .

  22. 如果没有特定的技术或质量要求,自来水可以用于合成和早期清洁生产设备。

    Potable water may be used in chemical synthesis and in the early stages of cleaning pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment unless there are specific technical or quality requirements for higher grades of water .

  23. 石墨烯自从2004年被发现以来,由于结构、机械、电学及化学特性在场效应晶体管、传感器、清洁能源设备和复合纳米材料等方面有着重要的应用。

    As a result of special structure , mechanical , electronics and chemical properties , graphene have been importantly used in the fields of field effect transistors , sensors , clean energy devices and graphene-polymer nanocomposites since their discovery in 2004 .

  24. 近年来,随着不可再生能源的大量消耗以及生态环境的日益恶化,对于洁净、可再生能源的迫切需要迫使人们致力于研究和发展能源存储设备以及清洁能源设备。

    In recent years , with the large consumption of non-renewable energy and the worsening ecological environment , the clean and renewable energies are urgent need , which force people to dedicate to the research and development of new energy devices .

  25. 一种名为PhoneSoap的新产品的发明者表示,这种设备可以在手机充电时,使用C波紫外线来对其进行清洁,此设备将于2013年1月开始投入市场。

    Creators of a new product called PhoneSoap say it uses UV-C light to clean the phone while charging it , and that the device will begin shipping to consumers in January 2013 .

  26. 清洁饲料加工设备是生产清洁饲料的重要基础之一。

    Clean feed processing equipment is an important basis for clean feed production .

  27. 清洁饲料加工设备技术研究

    Studies on Technology for Clean Feed Processing Equipment

  28. 我们去了儿童游乐场、清洁所有的设备。

    We went to the children 's playground and cleaned all the equipment there .

  29. 清洁型油炸设备多烧嘴燃烧加热系统的研制

    Design for Combustion and Heating System Composed a Series Burners Used on Clean Oil Frying Equipments

  30. 清洁后,设备和工作表面的卫生状况基本上是靠目测进行检查。

    After cleaning , the sanitary condition of equipment and work surfaces is evaluated essentially by visual examination .