
  • 网络clearing heat and expelling damp;clear heat and dispel dampness
  1. 结果显示,清热祛湿方能明显改善大鼠肝组织病理变化和超微结构,降低模型大鼠血清ALT、AST水平以及肝组织Hyp、MDA的含量并提高肝组织SOD活性。

    Results : This Decoction could significantly ameliorate the liver tissue pathology and ultrastructure , decrease serum ALT and AST , HYP and MDA in liver tissue , and increase SOD activity .

  2. 清热祛湿汤治疗风湿郁热型痛风的临床研究

    Clinical study on gout due to wind-dampness-heat with heat-clearing-and dampness-expelling Decoction

  3. 目的建立清热祛湿颗粒剂有效成分蒙花苷的含量测定方法。

    Determination of Meletin in Expelling Phlegm to Arrest Coughing Granules by HPLC ;

  4. 清热祛湿方治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝胆湿热证的临床研究

    Clinical Research on Hepatochlic Hygropyrexia of Chronic B Hepatitis Treated by Expelling Heat-Dehygrosis Recipe

  5. 清热祛湿解毒中药内服结合超声波导入面膜治疗寻常痤疮的临床研究

    Clinical Observation on Oral Use of Herbal Medicine Combined with Ultrasonic Wave and Herbal Medicine Mask for Acne Simplex

  6. 提示,清热祛湿方可以有效抑制复合因素诱导的大鼠肝纤维化形成,其作用机制与抑制脂质过氧化、保护肝细胞,抑制肝纤维化的启动有关。

    It is indicated that this Decoction can inhibit liver fibrosis possibly by suppressing lipid peroxide and protecting liver cell .

  7. 清热祛湿、化瘀补肾法对活动期强直性脊柱炎作用机理的研究清热解毒化瘀法治疗寻常性痤疮的理论与实验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Study of Remove Heat and Clear Toxin and Active Blood Circulation Method for the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris

  8. 清热祛湿解毒法治疗小儿手足口病32例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on the Method of Clearing Heat and Moist and Disintoxication for the Treatment of 32 Cases of Infantile Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

  9. [结论]采用清热祛湿解毒中药内服结合超声波导入中药面膜治疗寻常痤疮疗效显著。

    [ Conclusion ] Oral use of heat-clearing , damp-removing and toxicity-clearing herbal medicine combined with ultrasonic wave and herbal medicine mask is effective in treating acne simplex .

  10. 清热类、祛湿类和活血类药用植物较多,分别占41.98%、16.35%、11.00%。

    Diaphoretic , dispel rheumatic and blood active medicinal accounted for 41 . 98 % , 16 . 35 % and 11 . 00 % respectively .