
  • 网络Qingyuan;qingyuan city
  1. 目的探讨清远市无SARS病例地区人群SARS冠状病毒(SARS-CoV)抗体水平。

    Objective To analyze the levels of serum SARS coronavirus antibody of the populations in Qingyuan city without SARS case .

  2. 最后,通过对清远市源潭镇某一区域一段时间内实际无功数据的分析,并与传统的GM(1,1)预测模型相比较,对区域无功数据模型的预测精度进行了检验。

    Finally , though the analysis of the actual reactive power over a period time in an area of Qingyuan city , and the comparison with the traditional GM ( 1,1 ) model , carry on the inspection to the prediction precision .

  3. 清远市高危人群HIV感染状况及艾滋病相关知识知晓情况调查

    Survey of HIV Infection and HIV / AIDS Related Knowledge among High Risk Population in Qingyuan

  4. 方法在清远市清城区和连州市采用同伴推动抽样法(RDS)招募社区IDU为干预对象;

    Methods IDU were recruited using RDS method in Qingcheng District and Lianzhou City .

  5. 方法对2000~2004年清远市麻疹监测资料进行统计分析,并采集部分疑似病例早期血清标本进行麻疹IgM抗体检测。

    Methods To analysis the data of measles surveillance system in Qingyuan from 2000 to 2004 , and the serum samples of some suspected measles cases in acute period were assayed for IgM antibodies of measles .

  6. 清远市国家重点保护植物资源及其开发利用

    Major protected plants of China and their utilization in Qingyuan City

  7. 2005-2006年清远市食品中铅镉含量调查

    Investigation on Lead and Cadmium in Food in Qingyuan During 2005-2006

  8. 清远市人民医院改革与发展的主要经验

    Reform and Development of the people 's Hospital of Qingyuan City

  9. 清远市2006&2007年抽检食品不合格原因分析

    Reason Analysis of Unqualified Sampling Food in Qingyuan City during 2006-2007

  10. 清远市2000~2004年麻疹流行病学特征分析

    Epidemiological features of measles in Qingyuan from 2000 to 2004

  11. 清远市碘缺乏病防治与监测

    Surveillance and Prevention of Iodine Deficiency Disease in Qingyuan City

  12. 测土配方合理施肥对于清远市蔬菜生产具有重要的意义。

    How reasonable fertilization for vegetable production in Qingyuan has certain significance .

  13. 清远市市区蟑螂消长趋势及种群构成调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of cockroach growth and decay trend in Qingyuan city

  14. 清远市给排水管网管理信息系统的开发建设

    Establishment of Urban Water and Wastewater Pipeline Network Information System

  15. 清远市石灰岩地区农村居民高血压流行病学研究

    Epidemiological Study of Hypertension in Rural Residents in Qinyuan Lime Stone Region

  16. 清远市2000~2003年钩端螺旋体病监测分析

    Surveillance and Problem Analysis of Leptospirosis in Qingyuan from 2000 to 2003

  17. 清远市1999~2007年新生儿破伤风流行病学分析

    Epidemical analysis on neonatal tetanus in Qingyuan City from 1999 to 2007

  18. 清远市2003~2004年HIV/AIDS监测

    The Monitor of HIV / AIDS in 2003 ~ 2004 in Qingyuan

  19. 清远市白庙渔村旅游区总体规划设想

    Imagination on the master tourist planning of Baimiao fishing village in Qingyuan City

  20. 清远市1996-2000年疟疾防治效果研究

    The study on the prevention of malaria in Qingyuan city from 1996 to 2000

  21. 清远市2006&2007年托幼机构消毒质量监测结果

    Monitoring Results of Disinfection Quality in Nurseries and Kindergartens in Qingyuan City during 2006-2007

  22. 本文对清远市1988~2001年细菌性痢疾的流行特征进行了分析。

    The Epidemiological characteristics of dysentery in Qingyuan from 1988 to 2001 were analyzed dynamically .

  23. 谈城市景观与人文景观&清远市城市景观设计浅析

    On City Landscape and Humanities Landscape & Brief Analyzing the Landscape Design of Qingyuan City

  24. 清远市2006-2007年法定传染病报告信息质量分析

    Qualitative Analysis on the Reported Information of Infectious Diseases in Qingyuan from 2006 to 2007

  25. 清远市公共场所空调冷却塔水军团菌污染状况

    Legionella Contamination in Cooling Tower Water of Central Air-conditioning in Public Places in Qingyuan City

  26. 清远市民族地区旅游资源的开发和利用&以连南排瑶聚居地旅游扶贫开发为例

    On the Exploitation and Utilization of the Travel Resources of the Ethnic Region in Qingyuan City

  27. 清远市市区公共场所从业人员结核病防治知识知晓情况调查

    Survey on Awareness About the Tuberculosis Prevention and Cure Knowledge Among Public Places Personnel in Qingyuan City

  28. 1995~2004年清远市人民医院确诊大肠癌623例资料分析

    An Analysis of 623 Cases with Large Intestine Cancer from 1995 to 2004 in Qingyuan People 's Hospital

  29. 清远市人民医院病理科1995~2004年恶性肿瘤病例分析

    An Analysis of Malignancies Pathologically Proved from 1995 to 2004 in Department of Pathology , Qingyuan People 's Hospital

  30. 清远市1997~2000年大肠埃希氏菌临床分离株的耐药性监测与分析

    Analysis and detection of antibiotic resistance trend of clinical isolated Escherichia coil form 1997 ~ 2000 in Qingyuan district