
qīng mài
  • Chiang Mai;Chiengmai
清迈 [qīng mài]
  • [Chiengmai] 泰国第二大城市。位于泰国西北部,为泰国北部宗教、经济、文化、教育、交通中心,人口10万

清迈[qīng mài]
  1. 然后他带了一支强大的卫队逃到了清迈。

    Then with a strong guard he made his escape to Chiengmai .

  2. 你拍电影和电视剧虽然很忙,但是人们还在传你偷偷带了个长发女子一起去了清迈?

    With this busy schedule in both lakorn and movie filming , people said Tik sneaked out , that far , with a long hair girl to Chiengmai .

  3. Salt自2013年起就开始断断续续地在清迈工作。

    Salt 's been working on and off in Chiang Mai since 2013 .

  4. 许多人投奔到移民援助项目(MAP),这是在泰国清迈建立的一个广播电台,从缅甸边境到那里只有几小时的路程。

    Many turn to programs produced by the Migrant Assistance Program ( MAP ) , based at a radio station in Chiang Mai , Thailand , just a few hours from the Burmese border .

  5. 它还会刺激发展中国家加强地区协议来代替IMF,比如亚洲的《清迈倡议》(ChiangMai)。

    It would also spur developing countries to strengthen regional alternatives to the fund , such as the Chiang Mai initiative in Asia .

  6. 另一项重要成就当属强化清迈倡议(ChiangMaiInitiative)。这项协议的成员国共享一项1200亿美元的多边货币互换协议。

    Another important success was to strengthen the Chiang Mai initiative , whose member nations now share in a $ 120bn multilateral currency swap agreement .

  7. 《36小时玩转清迈》传统上,千里迢迢前往泰国北部之星的游客们,寻找的是M.E.A.T.:市场(markets)、大象(elephants)、匠人(artisans)和寺庙(temples)。

    Traditionally , tourists have trekked to the star of Thailand 's north in search of M.E.A.T. : markets , elephants , artisans and temples .

  8. 协助泰国清迈按摩学校(TMC)提升泰式传统按摩于国际学术界的接受度。

    Assist Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai ( TMC ) to promote international acceptance of Thai Massage as an academic field .

  9. 因此亚洲开始重新启用《清迈协议》(chiangmaiinitiative),根据该协议,日本、中国、韩国和10个东南亚国家商定,一旦出现影响稳定的全球资本外流,这些国家将互相帮助。

    Hence moves to dust off the Chiang Mai Initiative , under which Japan , China , South Korea and 10 South-East Asian countries agreed to help each other out in the event of destabilising global capital outflows .

  10. 水灯节(LoiKratong)是泰国全国性的节日,尤以清迈和大城府的欢庆最为有名。

    Loy Krathong ( or Loi Kratong ) is a festival celebrated throughout Thailand , with the festivities in Chiang Mai and Ayutthaya being particularly well known .

  11. Pattarasuda在清迈的一次比赛中遇到了Pattapol,并受邀进入其羽毛球学校,曾资助过拉差诺的Kamala帮她交了学费。

    She was invited to join the school after meeting Mr. Pattapol at a tournament in Chiang Mai , with her school fees paid by Ms. Kamala , who also sponsored Ms. Ratchanok .

  12. 清迈市高僧PhraThepWisuthikhun说,清迈地区已有七所寺院因“不当行为”而遭到投诉。

    Chiang Mai chief monk Phra Thep Wisuthikhun said he had received complaints about " inappropriate behavior " at seven temples in the province .

  13. 为了用CERES玉米模型模拟优质蛋白玉米品种叶片增长,在泰国清迈大学进行品种×播种期的双因素试验。

    In order to simulate growth of leaves for Quality Protein Maize ( QPM ) cultivars by using Crop-Environment Resource Synthesis ( CERES ) maize model , a variety × planting date experiment was conducted in Chiang Mai University , Thailand .

  14. 一些人试图驱车8个小时甚至更长时间去搭乘前往马来西亚度假地浮罗交怡(Langkawi)的轮渡,或是坐一晚上的火车去有国际机场的泰国北部城市清迈。

    Some are trying to get out by driving eight hours or more to catch a ferry to the Malaysian resort of Langkawi , or via overnight trains to Chiang Mai in the north , which has an international airport .

  15. 清迈的居民就非常让人难忘。

    The people themselves are an unforgettable part of Chiang Mai .

  16. 达拉村曾经是清迈的一个旅游景点。

    Darla village once was a tourist attraction in Chiang Mai .

  17. 还有一个国家博物馆清迈。

    There is also a National museum in Chiangmai .

  18. 我们坐晚上的火车去清迈。

    We took night train to Chiang Mai .

  19. 到了给泰国清迈动物园最新居民检查身体的时候了。

    Check out time for the newest resident of Thailand 's Chiang Mei Zoo .

  20. 清迈我来了!

    Hello , Chiangmai , here I come !

  21. 也许你可以选择泰国第二大城市清迈。

    Maybe you can choose Chiang Mai , the second largest city in Thailand .

  22. 为什么是清迈而不是第一大城市曼谷呢?

    Why is Chiang Mai , not Bangkok , the largest city of the country ?

  23. 最有趣的发现是在清迈的人们非常的瘦!

    The most interesting discovery is that the people in Chiang Mai are very slim !

  24. 比如说清迈电影城,在亚洲谁会是清迈电影城的竞争者?

    Like Chiangmaiwood , who is going to be the competitor of Chiangmaiwood in Asia ?

  25. 清迈伊拉纳精品酒店为您带来不止于住所的更多独特体验。

    Eurana Boutique Hotel gives a unique Experience which offers more than just an accommodation .

  26. 比如,从曼谷到清迈火车需要12小时而大巴则只要10小时。

    For example , Bangkok to Chang Mai is12 hours by train but10 hours by bus .

  27. 如果你热爱大自然,可以考虑到清迈一游。

    If you are more of a nature lover , consider heading north to Chiang Mai .

  28. 时至今日,无论是在圣地亚哥、爱丁堡,还是清迈,全球很多国家和地区都可以见到中国大熊猫的身影。

    Today , Chinese-born pandas reside in locales as far-flung as San Diego , Edinburgh and Chiang Mai .

  29. 一位来自清迈的年轻人被骗,非法贩卖到日本工作的非法劳工。

    One young man from ChiangMai was tricked and illegally trafficked to Japan to work as illegal workers .

  30. 然而,清迈机制旨在提供短期流动性,而非长期救援。

    However , the Chiang Mai scheme is designed to provide short-term liquidity rather than a long-term bailout .