
  • 网络The penetration Theory;Percolation theory;trickle down theory
  1. 以溶质渗透理论为基础,建立了泡沫层的传质模型,根据泡沫层的传质模型和规整填料的FBR传质模型,获得了预测复合塔板传质效率的模型。

    The mass transfer model of the foam was established on the basis of the penetration theory , and the mass transfer model of the compound tray was obtained according to the mass transfer model of the foam and FRB model in packing .

  2. 以Higbie的渗透理论和Kolmogoroff的湍流理论为基础,提出了计算液体表面微元在气液相界面暴露时间的方法,并建立了预测液相体积传质系数的模型方程。

    Based on Higbie 's penetration theory and Kolmogoroff 's theory of homogenous and isotropic turbulence , the method for calculating the exposure time of liquid particle at the gas-liquid interphase was proposed , and the model for predicting the liquid volumetric mass transfer coefficient was set up .

  3. 同时,利用相位渗透理论,数值计算了垂直腔半导体光放大器(VCSOA)中的有效腔长。

    The efficient cavity length of vertical cavity semiconductor optical amplifier ( VCSOA ) is calculated with the theory of phase penetrating .

  4. 分析比较了风压单独作用下新规范和原规范的风压修正,结果表明地面粗糙度等级的修订对10m以下建筑的空气渗透理论风压的影响较大。

    Analyses and compares the wind pressure correction of buildings with wind working alone in the new code and former code . The result indicates that the modification of terrain roughness class has an obvious impact on theoretic wind pressure below 10 m.

  5. 无压浸渍法液相渗透理论的探讨

    Discussion on Non-Pressure Liquid Infiltration Theory for Diamond Bit Making

  6. 他在这方面所作的工作为渗透理论的建立奠定了基础。

    His work in this area formed a basis for theories of osmosis .

  7. 地面粗糙度等级的修订对空气渗透理论风压的影响

    Impact of modifying terrain roughness class on theoretic wind pressure of air filtration

  8. 渗透理论在森林火灾模拟系统中的仿真研究

    Application of percolation theory in forest fire simulation

  9. 金融渗透理论与企业理财

    The Financial Permeation Theory and Corporate Finance

  10. 观察一定渗透理论吗?

    Does the Observation Load Theory Really ?

  11. 非线性渗透理论适用于中雷诺数区,非线性层流区域;

    The nonlinear infiltration theory is applied in nonlinear laminar flow area when Re is middle .

  12. 文章应用金融渗透理论重新审视了企业价值的创造过程。

    In this paper financial permeation theory is applied to examine closely the creation process of firm value .

  13. 单相模型包括分泌理论、电渗理论、渗透理论和渗透持续梯度理论。

    The monophasic models include secretion theory , electro osmotic theory , osmotic theory and osmotic standing gradient theories .

  14. 通过对膨胀渗透理论与双电位理论研究,认为二者是统一的。

    Studies on the inflation permeability theory and double electric layer theory show that the two theories are identical .

  15. 渗透理论部分包括透水地基、达西定律和渗流计算;

    In the part of seepage theory , it includes pervious foundation and Darcy 's law and seepage calculation .

  16. 根据渗透理论和相似理论,解算水位骤降时模型条件下的动水压力合力矢量,采用施加集中力的方法模拟动水压力;

    According to seepage force theory and similarity laws , the resultant hydrodynamic force was obtained by concentrated loading .

  17. 根据蒸汽渗透理论对两种不同构造形式的腹板开孔轻钢龙骨复合墙体进行了传湿分析。

    Based on the theory of moisture permeation , moisture transfer of the slotted light steel-framed composite wall is analyzed .

  18. 以无压浸渍法烧结金刚石钻头等制品的液相渗透理论,在粉末冶金中有其特殊性。

    The non-pressure liquid phase infiltration theory for diamond bit making has its special characteristic in the field of powder metallurgy .

  19. 这是一次哥白尼式的认识方法上的转变,从而开启了科学哲学历史学派研究的进路,汉森的名字也与观察渗透理论这一名词相联系了起来。

    This is a Copernican change of recognizing method and opens a way for the school of history about science philosophy .

  20. 观察渗透理论这个经典命题是存在问题的,它否认了观察的客观性的存在。

    " The theory-loaded theory ", the classical proposition exists some questions , because it has denied the objectivity of observation .

  21. 本文在总结了化学渗透理论和近年来与线粒体有关的生物化学研究新结果的基础上,对线粒体的工作及其调节机制进行了分析,提出了线粒体工作状态受化学热力学机制控制的新观点。

    The chemiosmosis theory . A novel hypothesis of thermodynamic regulation of mitochondria function is proposed based on the reported results .

  22. 本文的理论框架以三个心理学理论为基础,即印象管理理论、社交渗透理论以及不确定性减少理论。

    The theoretical framework is based on three psychological theories , namely , impression management , social penetration theory and uncertainty reduction theory .

  23. 在相同的降膜装置中进行了乙醇稀溶液的解吸实验,液相传质系数的实验测量值是渗透理论预测值的1~2倍。

    The experimental liquid mass transfer coefficients are as much as 1 ~ 2 times higher than that predicted by the penetration theory .

  24. 依据溶质渗透理论,得出了汽、液相传质单元数与传质系数、汽液接触时间、相界面积、物系性质及塔板结构的关联式。

    Based on the penetration theory , a new semiempirical relationship for the prediction of the number of mass transfer units is given .

  25. 本文根据储层油水相渗透理论,利用测井资料,建立了储层油水相渗透率地质、数学模型。

    In this paper , the author established a geo-mathematical model using log information according to the concept of oil / water phase permeability .

  26. 通过分析渗透理论的思想,提出了基于二维渗透网格的森林火灾蔓延模型和相应的仿真算法,用来模拟森林树木的分布情况以及林火蔓延过程。

    A forest fire spread model and its simulation algorithm based on2D percolation lattice were proposed , which could be used to simulate the forest fire evolution .

  27. 本论文从综述、渗透理论和垂直铺塑防渗技术、结语等四部分进行了分析、论述。

    In this paper , the technique is analyzed and discussed from four parts including summary and seepage theory and anti-seepage technique by laying plastic vertically and conclusion .

  28. 本文依据润湿、粘着和渗透理论,分析了防水鞋面革水基涂饰的技术关键,论证了防水革涂饰中使用表面活性剂和溶剂的重要性。

    In this paper , the key technology of finishing waterproof shoe upper leather with water-based systems was analysed according to the theory of wetting , adhesion and penetration .

  29. 汉森结合科学史的考察,对科学发现的模式进行了研究,他对观察和理论关系的解答是:观察渗透理论。

    Combining the examination of the history of science , Hansen made a research about the model of science discovery , and his answer about the relationship between observation and theory is : Theory-Laden .

  30. 就等级理论与尺度效应、渗透理论和源汇系统理论、格局过程关系理论以及景观安全格局理论在土壤侵蚀学中的应用进行了探讨,证实了景观生态学原理在土壤侵蚀学中应用的可行性。

    The application of some of them in soil erosion science is discussed , including hierarchy theory and scale effect , percolation theory and source and pool system theory , pattern process system and landscape security patterns theory .