
  1. 并以海尔公司为例,对海尔的渠道价值链进行了深入的分析,并提出了设计的原则和方案。

    Taking the example of Haier Company , we have analyzed its channel value chain and proposed the design and the plan .

  2. 接着基于价值链理论对安利(中国)的商业模式进行了分析,主要从供应商价值链、企业价值链、渠道价值链和顾客价值链方面着手分析的。

    Then , it is the analysis of the business model of Amway ( China ) on account of value chain theory .

  3. 家电企业渠道价值链整合的各个要素对于企业市场能力、赢利能力和和顾客综合满意程度的影响有所不同。

    The household electrical appliances enterprise channel factors have different effect on the market ability , the profit ability and the average satisfaction of the customers .

  4. 渠道价值链整合要素和营销竞争力要素在不同性质、不同发展阶段和不同规模的企业上具有显著性差异。

    The aspects of the integration of the channel value chain and the marketing competence factors have significant differences in different property , different development phase and different scale enterprise .

  5. 在以涉农企业为例的情况下,渠道价值链的突出特征在于逆向渠道终端的农户特性。

    In the condition of making example of agriculture-related enterprises , a prominent feature of channel value chain is " farmers ' characteristics " at the end of a reverse channel .

  6. 构建了价值链整合模式,将企业价值链与供应商价值链、渠道价值链和顾客价值链整合起来,在整合系统中提出了增加顾客价值和降低顾客成本的策略。

    The thesis also give some strategies of increasing customer value and lowering customer cost in the integrated system which integrates the enterprises ' value , suppliers ' value chain , channel value chain and customer value chain .

  7. 本文就是将战略性新兴产业的商业模式根据价值链理论进行划分,并且将价值链延伸为产业链,提出了供应商价值链、企业基本价值链、分销渠道价值链以及客户价值链四个环节。

    This essay divided business model of strategic emerging industry based on value chain theory , and it also extend the value chain to industry chain , proposing four parts including supplier value chain , basic value chain , distribution channels and customer value chain .

  8. 第二,以德安公司为例,对环保企业盈利模式提出了渠道模式+价值链模式+产品模式的转型构想。

    Second , the paper has taken De ' an as a practical example to raise revolutionary idea of " Channel Model + Value Chain + Product Model " as the profit-model .

  9. 接着,论证了选择差异化营销的必然性,具体提出了实现差异化营销的四个主要途径,即市场定位、服务、渠道差异化和价值链管理。

    Specifically , four major methodologies to implement the diversity marketing strategy are proposed , namely , market orientation , services , channel diversity and value chain management .