
  • 网络channel level
  1. 实施多元化战略,加大投资促进力度,形成多渠道多层次利用外资的新格局。

    Carrying out the strategy of diversity , promoting the investment and forming a new situation of multi-channel and multilevel utilization of foreign funds .

  2. 完善多渠道、多层次科技传播投入体系;

    Improve multi-channel and multi-level investing system of STC ;

  3. 建立创新型城市离不开多元化、多渠道、多层次的科技投融资体系。

    To build an innovative city depends heavily on a diversified , multi-channel and multi-level technological investment and lending system .

  4. 加大多渠道、多层次筹措资金的力度,对综合利用水电项目进行合理投资分摊;

    Secondly , reinforce the multi-source and multi-level financing , and make it sure that investment on projects comprehensively utilized is allocated reasonably ;

  5. 相互依存的世界政治经济体系促使各社会之间的多渠道、多层次联系,催生了国际合作建立新的国际机制(国际综合性投资法典)意愿,维护共同的国际秩序。

    Interdependence urges the multi-channel and multi-level contacts around the international society , strengthen the will of international cooperation of establishing new international regime to maintain the common order .

  6. 建立了以政府为龙头、企业为主体、银行为后盾的多渠道、多层次的科技投入体系。

    A many-channeled and multi-level financing system for science and technology projects should be set up with the Government as the driving force , the enterprises as the mainstay , and the banks as the backup .

  7. 针对太湖流域已初步建立的多元化、多渠道、多层次投融资体系及存在的问题,太湖流域水利应加大国家投资主体的投资力度、充分调动社会投资主体的积极性、积极利用外国资本。

    Aiming at the diversification , multi-channel , multilayer investing and financing system and existing problem of Taihu basin , we should increase country invest power , sufficiency mobilize enthusiasm of social invest main body , and actively using foreign capital .

  8. 市场定位既决定了分销网络的终端形式及逆向设计原则,决定了分销网络终端的密度,也决定了分销网络终端渠道的管理层次与幅度及区域市场的选择方式。

    Market Positioning not only determines the terminal form of distribution network , the density of network and the principle of converse design , but also decides the management hierarchy and latitude of the network as well as the select mode of regional market .

  9. 目前我国民族传统体育产业,市场框架基本成型,领域在不断拓展,管理急待改善,社会投资发展较快,投资群体相对稳定,多渠道,多层次和多形式,社会集资体系己经形成。

    At present , market frame has formed , field is widening , social investment develops rapidly , all kinds of investment groups stable relatively and social collecting capital system has set up in industrialization of the nation traditional P · E in China .

  10. 国家外国专家局根据开辟高层次渠道、加强高层次培训的要求,加强了对境外培训机构的管理。

    The SAFEA has reinforced its management of overseas training institutions , following the guideline of opening up high-level channels for training senior professionals .

  11. 产品替代度是研究分销渠道中生产商层次竞争的关键因素,以前大量的研究都是假设两个生产商之间产品的替代度具有双向性。

    Product substitutability is the key factor to study the competition between manufacturers in distribution channels , and which is supposed to have characteristic of " double direction " in most previous studies .

  12. 对东南汽车公司在渠道成员选择、渠道层次划分,渠道冲突解决,价格体系的制订、今后服务体系的建立等几个方面进行分析,分析其存在的问题;

    To analyze several problems as follows : The choosing of sales channels members , the dividing of sales channels stages , the resolution of sales channels conflicts , the establishing of prices system , the construction of service system in the future .

  13. 当前我国农村职业教育供给中存在供给渠道不顺畅、供给内容不平衡和保障体系不完善等问题。创新我国农村职业教育供给模式,应完善供给渠道,形成多层次、协调发展的供给体系;

    There are some problems in the educational supply of rural vocational education in China nowadays , such as the supply channel is restricted , the supply content is imbalanced and the guarantee system isn 't perfecting .